
Defines functions linscale

Documented in linscale

#' Apply minmax linear scaling to a vector.
#' Apply minmax linear scaling to a vector.
#' @param x Input vector.
#' @param minmax minmax must be a list with elements "mn", "mx", "mn.orig" and "mx.orig", where "mn" and "mx" refer to the target min and max, and the remaining two refer to the current vector min and max. By default mn=-1 and mx=1. mn.orig and mx.orig can be missing, unless the scaling is reversed.
#' @param rev Reverse scaling back to original: TRUE or FALSE.
#' @return Outputs a list with elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{x} - Scaled vector.
#' \item \code{minmax} - List with resulting mn, mx, mn.orig and mx.orig. Can be used as input to reverse scaling.
#' }
#' @author Nikolaos Kourentzes, \email{nikolaos@kourentzes.com}
#' @examples
#'   y <- rnorm(20)*100
#'   sc <- linscale(y)
#'   x <- sc$x
#'   print(c(min(y),max(y)))
#'   print(c(min(x),max(x)))
#'   sc.rev <- linscale(x,minmax=sc$minmax,rev=TRUE)
#'   print(c(min(sc.rev$x),max(sc.rev$x)))
#' @export linscale

linscale <- function(x,minmax=NULL,rev=c(FALSE,TRUE)){
# Apply minmax linear scaling to a vector
# Inputs:
#   x       Input vector.
#   minmax  minmax must be a list with elements "mn", "mx", "mn.orig" and "mx.orig",
#           where "mn" and "mx" refer to the target min and max, and the remaining two
#           refer to the current vector min and max. By default mn=-1 and mx=1. mn.orig
#           and mx.orig can be missing, unless the scaling is reversed.
#   rev     Reverse scaling back to original.
# Outputs:
#   x       Scaled vector
#   minmax  List with resulting mn, mx, mn.orig and mx.orig. Can be used as input to
#           reverse scaling.
# Example:
#   y <- rnorm(20)*100
#   sc <- linscale(y)
#   x <- sc$x
#   print(c(min(y),max(y)))
#   print(c(min(x),max(x)))
#   sc.rev <- linscale(x,minmax=sc$minmax,rev=TRUE)
#   print(c(min(sc.rev$x),max(sc.rev$x)))
# Nikolaos Kourentzes, 2016 <nikolaos@kourentzes.com>

    rev <- rev[1]

    # For reversing the scaling both scaled and original mn/mx are required to allow scaling
    # samples with mn/mx different from the one used to infer the scaling.

    if (is.null(minmax)){
        # minmax is not given
        if (rev == TRUE){
            stop("To reverse scaling minmax input is required.")
        minmax <- list(mn=-1,mx=1,mn.orig=NULL,mx.orig=NULL)
        mn <- minmax$mn
        mx <- minmax$mx
        mn.orig <- NULL
        mx.orig <- NULL
    } else {
        # minmax is given
        names.minmax <- names(minmax)
        if (rev == TRUE){
            # reverse scaling
            if (any(names.minmax == "mn.orig") & any(names.minmax == "mx.orig") &
                any(names.minmax == "mn") & any(names.minmax == "mx")){
                mn <- minmax$mn
                mx <- minmax$mx
                mn.orig <- minmax$mn.orig
                mx.orig <- minmax$mx.orig
            } else {
                stop("Provided minmax list is not of correct type. It must contain mn, mx, mn.orig and mx.orig to reverse scaling.")
        } else {
            # apply scaling
            if (any(names.minmax == "mn") & any(names.minmax == "mx")){
                mn <- minmax$mn
                mx <- minmax$mx
                # These will be used to scale mn/mx so that scale of variables remains fixed
                if (("mn.orig" %in% names(minmax))==TRUE){
                  if (!is.null(minmax$mn.orig)){
                    mn.orig <- minmax$mn.orig
                    mx.orig <- minmax$mx.orig
            } else {
                stop("Provided minmax list is not of correct type. It must contain mn and mx to apply scaling.")

    if (rev == FALSE){
        # Apply scaling
        if (("mn.orig" %in% names(minmax))!=TRUE | is.null(minmax$mn.orig)){
            # If these are missing then populate the list
            mx.orig <- max(x)
            mn.orig <- min(x)
        x.sc <- (mx-mn)*(x-mn.orig)/(mx.orig-mn.orig)+mn
    } else {
        # Reverse scaling
        x.orig <- (mx.orig-mn.orig)*(x-mn)/(mx-mn)+mn.orig


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