Man pages for nnlasso
Non-Negative Lasso and Elastic Net Penalized Generalized Linear Models

barsError bars
carThe car data
coef.nnlassoExtract coefficients from a fitted nnlasso object
cv.nnlassok-fold cross validation for penalized generalized linear...
cv.nnlasso.binomialk-fold cross validation for penalized generalized linear...
cv.nnlasso.normalk-fold cross validation for penalized generalized linear...
cv.nnlasso.poissonk-fold cross validation for penalized generalized linear...
foldParticular fold of a data after k fold partition
kfoldk-fold partition of data at random
msefun.binomialDeviances for hold out data in cross validation
msefun.normalPrediction means squared errors for hold out data in cross...
msefun.poissonDeviances for hold out data in cross validation
nnlassoEntire regularization path of non-negative penalized...
nnlasso.binomialEntire regularization path of non-negative penalized...
nnlasso.binomial.lambdaCoefficients of non-negative penalized generalized linear...
nnlasso.normalEntire regularization path of non-negative penalized...
nnlasso.normal.lambdaCoefficients of non-negative penalized generalized linear...
nnlasso.poissonEntire regularization path of non-negative penalized...
nnlasso.poisson.lambdaCoefficients of non-negative penalized generalized linear...
plot.nnlassoPlot of regularization path
predict.nnlassoPrediction of coefficients of a penalized linear regression...
nnlasso documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:19 a.m.