Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s) References
The function computes coefficients of a penalized generalized linear model subject to non-negativity constraint for normal family using Multiplicative Iterative Algorithm for a sequence of lambda values or alternatively for a single lambda value. Currently lasso and elastic net penalty are supported.
1 2 |
x |
x is matrix of order n x p where n is number of observations and p is number of predictor variables. Rows should represent observations and columns should represent predictor variables. |
y |
y is a vector of response variable of order n x 1. y should follow normal distribution. |
lambda |
The value of lambda for which coefficients are desired. The value of path must be FALSE in this case. |
intercept |
If TRUE, model includes intercept, else the model does not have intercept. |
normalize |
If TRUE, columns of x matrix are normalized with mean 0 and norm 1 prior to fitting the model. The coefficients at end are returned on the original scale. Default is normalize = TRUE. |
tau |
Elastic net parameter, 0 ≤ τ ≤ 1 in elastic net penalty λ\{τ\|β\|_1+(1-τ)\|β\|_2^2\}. Default tau = 1 corresponds to LASSO penalty. |
tol |
Tolerance criteria for convergence of solutions. Default is tol = 1e-6. |
maxiter |
Maximum number of iterations permissible for solving optimization problem for a particular lambda. Default is 10000. Rarely you need to change this to higher value. |
nstep |
Number of steps from maximum value of lambda to minimum value of lambda. Default is nstep = 100. |
min.lambda |
Minimum value of lambda. Default is min.lambda=1e-4. |
eps |
A small value below which a coefficient would be considered as zero. |
path |
Logical. If path=TRUE, entire regularization path will be obtained for a sequence of lambda values which are calculated automatically. To get coefficient estimates for a single lambda value, set path=FALSE with lambda=value. Default is path=TRUE. |
SE |
logical. If SE=TRUE, standard errors are produced for estimated coefficient at a given lambda. Standard errors are not produced if path=TRUE. Default is SE=FALSE. |
An object of class ‘nnlasso’ for which plot, predict and coef method exists. The object has following components:
beta0 |
A vector of order nstep of intercept estimates. Each value denote an estimate for a particular lambda. Corresponding lambda values are available in ‘lambdas’ element of the ‘nnlasso’ object. |
coef |
A matrix of order nstep x p. Each row denotes solution for a particular lambda. Corresponding lambda values are available in ‘lambdas’ element of the ‘nnlasso’ object. Here p is number of predictor variables. |
lambdas |
Sequence of lambda values for which coefficients are obtained |
L1norm |
L1norm of the coefficients |
norm.frac |
Fractions of norm computed as L1 norm at current lambda divided by maximum L1 norm |
lambda.iter |
Number of iterations used for different lambdas |
of.value |
Objective function values |
normx |
Norm of x variables |
se |
The standard errors of coefficient estimates |
Baidya Nath Mandal and Jun Ma
Mandal, B.N. and Ma, J. (2016). L1 regularized multiplicative iterative path algorithm for non-negative generalized linear models.
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