Man pages for np
Nonparametric Kernel Smoothing Methods for Mixed Data Types

b.starCompute Optimal Block Length for Stationary and Circular...
data-cps71Canadian High School Graduate Earnings
data-Engel951995 British Family Expenditure Survey
data-italyItalian GDP Panel
data-oecdCross Country Growth Panel
data-wage1Cross-Sectional Data on Wages
gradientsExtract Gradients
np.cmstestKernel Consistent Model Specification Test with Mixed Data...
np.condensityKernel Conditional Density Estimation with Mixed Data Types
np.condensity.bwKernel Conditional Density Bandwidth Selection with Mixed...
np.condistributionKernel Conditional Distribution Estimation with Mixed Data...
np.condistribution.bwKernel Conditional Distribution Bandwidth Selection with...
np.conmodeKernel Modal Regression with Mixed Data Types
np.copulaKernel Copula Estimation with Mixed Data Types
np.deneqtestKernel Consistent Density Equality Test with Mixed Data Types
np.densityKernel Density Estimation with Mixed Data Types
np.density.bwKernel Density Bandwidth Selection with Mixed Data Types
np.deptestKernel Consistent Pairwise Nonlinear Dependence Test for...
np.distributionKernel Distribution Estimation with Mixed Data Types
np.distribution.bwKernel Distribution Bandwidth Selection with Mixed Data Types
np.kernelsumKernel Sums with Mixed Data Types
np-packageNonparametric Kernel Smoothing Methods for Mixed Data Types
np.plotGeneral Purpose Plotting of Nonparametric Objects
np.plregressionPartially Linear Kernel Regression with Mixed Data Types
np.plregression.bwPartially Linear Kernel Regression Bandwidth Selection with...
np.qcmstestKernel Consistent Quantile Regression Model Specification...
np.qregressionKernel Quantile Regression with Mixed Data Types
np.quantileKernel Univariate Quantile Estimation
np.regressionKernel Regression with Mixed Data Types
np.regression.bwKernel Regression Bandwidth Selection with Mixed Data Types
np.regressionivNonparametric Instrumental Regression
np.regressionivderivNonparametric Instrumental Derivatives
np.sdeptestKernel Consistent Serial Dependence Test for Univariate...
npseedSet Random Seed
np.sigtestKernel Regression Significance Test with Mixed Data Types
np.singleindexSemiparametric Single Index Model
np.singleindex.bwSemiparametric Single Index Model Parameter and Bandwidth...
np.smoothcoefSmooth Coefficient Kernel Regression
np.smoothcoef.bwSmooth Coefficient Kernel Regression Bandwidth Selection
np.symtestKernel Consistent Density Asymmetry Test with Mixed Data...
nptgaussTruncated Second-order Gaussian Kernels
npuniden.boundaryKernel Bounded Univariate Density Estimation Via Boundary...
npuniden.reflectKernel Bounded Univariate Density Estimation Via...
npuniden.scKernel Shape Constrained Bounded Univariate Density...
np.unitestKernel Consistent Univariate Density Equality Test with Mixed...
seExtract Standard Errors
uocquantileCompute Quantiles
np documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:41 p.m.