Man pages for occTest
Characterizing and Filtering Species Occurrence Data

centroid_assessmentCentroid assessment using BIEN methods
centroidDetectionCentroid detection function
countryStatusRangeAnalysisRange analysis
ctryToIso3Convert country names to ISO3 codes
defaultSettingsload default settings for occTest
dot-addmainfields2Add main fields
dot-ah2spConvert Alpha Hull object into a shapefile
dot-cc_outl_occTestIdentify geographic outliers based on methods from...
dot-cc_round_occTestFlag records with regular pattern interval
dot-cc_urb_occTestFlag values in urban areas (based on coordinate cleaner but...
dot-cd_ddmm_occTestFlag records with regular pattern interval
dot-checkdatastr2Check data structure
dot-checkfieldsChecking main fields
dot-check.geospatial.dataChecks on the projection of the spatial data
dot-checkPolygonsGEOS2Check polygon geometry
dot-coords2countryExtracts country ISO3 based on locations
dot-find_and_transform_datesIdentify and harmonize data formats
dot-get_osIdentify type of Operative system
dot-getSRTMDownload SRTM elevation raster
dot-nearestcell3SeaLand reassignment
dot-ne_download_occTestDownload quitely from neearth data (modified from original...
dot-status.tracker.and.escapingWorkflow status tracker
duplicatesexcludeAnalysisDuplicated records
envOutliersDetect environmental outliers
filterMissingCheck for missing coordinates
findEnvOutliersFind outlying occurrence data in environmental space
findSpatialOutliersFind outlying occurrence data in geographical space
geoEnvAccuracyCoordinate accuracy
geoOutliersDetect geographic outliers
get_occTest_settingsGet occTest Settings
getPointsOutAlphaHullGenerate Spatial object from Alpha Hull object
humanDetectionHyper Human Influence
institutionLocalityDetect biodiversity institutions
landSeaFilterFilter occurrence by habitat (terrestrial/non-Terrestrial)
landUseSelectSelection of records within a specified land use
lazylogica lazy logic omitting NAs
minimalSettingsLoad minimal settings for occTest
nativeStatusCtryCheck native and alien ranges in countries
occFilterFilter occurrence records from occTest outputs
occSimpFilterRuns tests and validates data
occTestOccurrence tests
plot.occTestDisplay the filtering process
presPercentileIdentify percentile of presences
rm.allRemove all objects
setTableNamesset table names internally
setTestBlocksSet the tests to run
setTestTypesSet the tests to run
showTableNamesPrint naming conventions in occTest
showTestsShow implemented tests and types of tests
splitSpnameSplit joined species name
occTest documentation built on Nov. 18, 2022, 5:07 p.m.