Man pages for oceanis
Cartography for Statistical Analysis

add_legende_Add a legend on a 'leaflet' map
add_sourceAdd a source on a 'leaflet' map
add_titreAdd a title on a 'leaflet' map
add_typo_symbolesAdd symbols on a 'leaflet' map
affiche_paletteReturns a palette colors of the graphic chart of INSEE
calcul_Calculating a class variable
coord_legendeReturns the lon / lat coordinates of a 'leaflet' map's legend
coordonnees_etiquettesData table of labels
distrib_variableHistogram of the distribution of the class variable
donneesExamples of data
export_Export a 'leaflet' map in image format
export_qgis_Export a 'leaflet' map to Qgis project
largeur_flecheWidth of the arrow for 'leaflet' maps
leaflet_Creation 'leaflet' maps
oceanis-packagePackage : oceanis
plot_Creation maps in plot
rapport_rondsRatio between radius and value for 'leaflet' maps
rayon_rondsRadius of the largest circle for 'leaflet' maps
recup_paletteReturns a palette of the graphic chart of INSEE
set_bordure_rondsModify the circles' borders of 'leaflet' map's analysis
set_couleur_Modify the colors of 'leaflet' map's analysis
set_fonds_simplesModify the style of 'leaflet' map's.
set_opacite_elargiModify the opacity of the expanded representation of a...
set_pop_upModify the pop_up of 'leaflet' map's analysis
set_style_oursinsModify the style of 'leaflet' map's urchins
shiny_Creation 'leaflet' maps in a 'shiny' web environment
zonage_a_faconCreating a custom zoning
oceanis documentation built on July 13, 2022, 5:06 p.m.