
Defines functions waveNumL prCorr

Documented in prCorr waveNumL

#' Correct for depth attenuation of a water surface elevation 
#' pressure signal. 
#' Bottom-mounted pressure transducers suffer from pressure signal 
#' attenuation when attempting to estimate surface wave heights. This 
#' function corrects water surface elevation time series based on the
#' depth of the water column and height of the sensor above the bottom.
#' @param pt A vector of sea surface elevations (units of meters).
#' @param Fs Sampling frequency (units of Hz). Normally 4 Hz for an OWHL logger.
#' @param zpt Height of the pressure sensor above the seabed (units of meters).
#' @param M Length of time series segments that will be used in the detrending
#' and attenuation correction operations. 512 samples is the default, should be
#' an even number.
#' @param CorrLim [min max] frequency for attenuation correction (Hz, optional, 
#' default [0.05 0.33], which translate to periods of 20 sec to 3 sec).
#' @param plot Logical value TRUE or FALSE. Displays a plot of the original and 
#' corrected time series.
#' @return A vector of the depth-corrected surface elevations (units of meters 
#' usually). Any original trend in the input data (such as tide change) is 
#' present in the output data. The returned surface elevation fluctuations will 
#' typically be more extreme than the raw input surface elevations. 
#' @references Based on original MATLAB function by developed by Travis Mason, 
#' M. Lecouturier & Urs Neumeier http://neumeier.perso.ch/matlab/waves.html 
#' Each segment of pt will be linearly detrended, corrected for attenuation,
#' and the linear trend will be added back to the returned data.
#' @export
#' @importFrom signal hanning
#' @importFrom graphics legend lines par
#' @examples 
#' data(wavedata)
#' corrected = prCorr(wavedata$swPressure.mbar, Fs = 4, zpt = 0.1)
#' # Plot the results
#' corrected = prCorr(wavedata$swPressure.mbar, Fs = 4, zpt = 0.1, plot=TRUE)

prCorr <- function(pt, Fs, zpt, M = 512, CorrLim = c(0.05, 0.33), plot = FALSE ){
	# Normally the maximum attenuation correction should not be higher than 5
	max_attenuation_correction <- 5
	# % higher value to process boat-waves for Jean Ellis
	# % max_attenuation_correction <- 20; 
	# Minimum frequency, below which no correction is applied 
	# (0.05) = 20 s period
	min_frequency <- CorrLim[1]
	# Maximum frequency, above which no correction is applied 
	# (0.33) = 3 s period
	max_frequency <- CorrLim[2]
	# Make a copy of the input depth values
	H_with_NaN <- pt	
	# Get the indices of good data (not NA)
	notNA <- which( !is.na(pt) )
	# Make a reduced copy with only the good rows of pt
	do_detrend <- TRUE # Need to insert code to check for presence of  
	# an argument 'h', h and skip the detrending if it
	# was provided. LPM note: h is not currently an argument
	m <- length(pt)	# m = number of samples (all the NAs are excluded)
	Noverlap <- M/2	# length of overlap of segments. M is an argument to the
	# function and has a default of 512
	N <- ( ceiling(m/M) ) * M # length of array, will be 
							# zero-padded to nearest multiple of M
	f <- c(NA, seq(1, (M/2), by = 1) * Fs/M)  
	# f will be a vector of frequencies, with a NA in the 1st position. 
	x <- seq(1, M, by = 1) # vector of indices from 1 to M
	H <- vector(mode="numeric", length = N) # Make a vector of zeros, length N
	overlap_window <- signal::hanning(M); # R version of MATLAB's hann() function,
								# returns a L-point symmetric Hann window that
								# is used as an array of coefficients to 
								# combine overlapping segments
	# Mirror the overlap values in the 2nd half of overlap_window
	overlap_window[((M/2)+1):length(overlap_window)] <- 1 - overlap_window[1:(M/2)]
	# Step through segments of pt vector, detrend the data if needed
	for (q in seq(1, N-Noverlap, by = Noverlap)){
		o <- min(c(q+M-1, m))
		ptseg <- pt[q:o]
		seg_len <- length(ptseg)
		if (do_detrend){
			detrended <- oceanwaves::detrendHeight(ptseg)
			trend <- detrended[['trend']][] # regression coefficients
			h <- detrended[['h']][] # mean height of segment
			ptseg <- detrended[['pt']][] # detrended pressure time series
			seg_len <- detrended[['seg_len']] # segment length
			# Calculate the wave number for each frequency in f, using the
			# mean sea surface height h for this segment of data
			K <- waveNumL(f,h);  # waveNumL function defined separately
			# Correction factor of spectrum for pressure
			Kpt <- cosh(K*zpt) / cosh(K*h) 
			# Recall that zpt is supplied as an argument to the function, 
			# giving the height of the pressure transducer above the seabed.
			# Set values for frequencies outside the desired range to 
			# 1 so that no attenuation is applied 
			# (i.e. attenuate 0.05-0.33Hz only)
			Kpt[f < min_frequency | f > max_frequency] <- 1 	
			Kpt[Kpt < (1/max_attenuation_correction)] <- 1 / 
			#   % correction factor never higher than max_attenuation_correction
			#   % linear decrease of correction above f>max_frequency
			fb_max <- max(which(f <= max_frequency))
			# matlab fix() function rounds toward zero, R trunc() function 
			# should substitute
			# The min() function will return the smaller of 
			# fb_max+fix(length(K)/10) or length(K)
			mymin <- min(c(fb_max + trunc(length(K)/10), length(K)))
			fKlin <- seq(fb_max, mymin, by = 1) 
			Kpt[fKlin] <- ((seq(length(fKlin), 1, by= -1)) * 
						(Kpt[fb_max]-1) / length(fKlin)) + 1
			Kpt[1] <- 1 # Overwrites that NA that's been hanging out in row 1
			# 2nd half of series is symmetric
			Kpt[seq(M,((M/2)+2),by=-1)] <- Kpt[2:(M/2)] 	
		}  # End of if(do_detrend) statement
		if (seg_len < M){
			ptseg[(seg_len+1):M] <- 0 # pad ptseg with zeros if its length is 
									  # shorter than M
		}# end of if(seg_len < M)
		P <- stats::fft(ptseg) # Calculate spectrum
		Pcor <- P / Kpt # Apply correction factor
		# The R fft(x, inverse=TRUE) function returns unnormalized series, so it
		# is necessary to divide by length(x)
		# The Re() function keeps only the real part of the result
		Hseg <- Re(stats::fft(Pcor, inverse = TRUE) / length(Pcor)) 

		# Keep only the part that is the same length as the  original segment.
		Hseg <- Hseg[1:seg_len] 
		if (do_detrend){
			# Add linear regression values back on to the detrended data so that
			# they are once again trended.
			Hseg <- Hseg + (trend[1] + trend[2]*x[1:seg_len])
			# Hseg should now contain sea surface height values (meters)
		# Insert the corrected sea surface heights back into the vector H
		# using the coefficients in overlap_window to taper the ends of the
		# the segment Hseg
		H[q:o] <- H[q:o] + Hseg * overlap_window[1:seg_len]
		# Handle the 1st segment in H 
		if (q == 1){
			H[1: min(c(Noverlap,seg_len))] <- Hseg[1: min(c(Noverlap,seg_len))]
		# Deal with the tail end of H
		if ( ( (q+M) >= N) & (seg_len > Noverlap)){
			H[(q+Noverlap):o] <- Hseg[(Noverlap+1):length(Hseg)]
	}   # End of for (q in seq(1,N-Noverlap,by=Noverlap)) loop
	H <- H[1:m] # truncate H back to original length m
	# Place the new corrected heights back into the
	# the positions in the original vector that had
	# good data. 
	H_with_NaN[notNA] <- H; 
	# And rename that to be H
	H <- H_with_NaN 
	if (plot) {
	  # Plot corrected heights
		plot(x = 1:length(H), y = H, type = 'l', 
				  ylab='Surface elevation, m', xlab = 'Time')
	  # Add original heights on top
		lines(x = 1:length(pt), y = pt, 
				col = 'red')
				lwd = 2)
	H # return H with all of the depth-corrected surface heights and the 
	# missing values (NA) re-inserted. Should be the same length as the input
	# vector pt. Units should be the same as the original input values
	# in the vector pt (usually meters).
}  # end of prCorr function

#' A function to calculate wave number.
#' @param f A numeric vector of wave frequencies
#' @param h A numeric vector of water depths (usually in units of meters)
#' @return The wave number. 
#' @references Modified from MATLAB function by Urs Neumeier:  
#' http://neumeier.perso.ch/matlab/waves.html
#' Based on polynomial approximation from Hunt, J. N. 1979. “Direct Solution of 
#' Wave Dispersion Equation,” ASCE Journal of the Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Division.,
#' Vol 105, pp 457-459 suggested by George Voulgaris, University of South Carolina

waveNumL <- function(f, h) {
  w <- 2 * pi * f
  dum1 <- (w^2) * h / 9.81
  dum2 <- dum1 + 
    (1.0 + 0.6522 * dum1 + 0.4622 * dum1^2 + 0.0864 * dum1^4 + 
       0.0675 * dum1^5)^(-1);
  dum3 <- sqrt(9.81 * h * dum2^(-1)) / f
  y <- 2 * pi * dum3^(-1)
  y # return y

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oceanwaves documentation built on June 2, 2021, 9:08 a.m.