
Defines functions odbcListDataSources

Documented in odbcListDataSources

#' List Configured Data Source Names
#' @description
#' Collect information about the available data source names (DSNs). A DSN must
#' be both installed and configured with the driver manager to be included in
#' this list. Configuring a DSN just sets up a lookup table (e.g. in
#' `odbc.ini`) to allow users to pass only the DSN to [dbConnect()].
#' DSNs that are not configured with the driver manager can still be
#' connected to with [dbConnect()] by providing DSN metadata directly.
#' @return A data frame with two columns:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{name}{Name of the data source. The entries in this column can be
#'     passed to the `dsn` argument of [dbConnect()].}
#'   \item{description}{Data source description.}
#' }
#' @section Configuration:
#' This function interfaces with the driver manager to collect information
#' about the available data source names.
#' For **MacOS and Linux**, the odbc package supports the unixODBC driver
#' manager. unixODBC looks to the `odbc.ini` _configuration file_ for information
#' on DSNs. Find the location(s) of your `odbc.ini` file(s) with `odbcinst -j`.
#' In this example `odbc.ini` file:
#' ```
#' [MySQL]
#' Driver = MySQL Driver
#' Database = test
#' Server =
#' User = root
#' password = root
#' Port = 3306
#' ```
#' ...the data source name is `MySQL`, which will appear in the `name`
#' column of this function's output. To pass the DSN as the `dsn` argument to
#' [dbConnect()], pass it as a string, like `"MySQL"`.
#' `Driver = MySQL Driver` references the driver `name` in [odbcListDrivers()]
#' output.
#' **Windows** is [bundled](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/odbc/admin/odbc-data-source-administrator)
#' with an ODBC driver manager.
#' When a DSN is configured with a driver manager, information on the DSN will
#' be automatically passed on to [dbConnect()] when its `dsn` argument is set.
#' For example, with the `MySQL` data source name configured, and the driver
#' name `MySQL Driver` appearing in [odbcListDrivers()] output, the code:
#' ```
#' con <-
#'   dbConnect(
#'     odbc::odbc(),
#'     Driver = "MySQL Driver",
#'     Database = "test",
#'     Server = "",
#'     User = "root",
#'     password = "root",
#'     Port = 3306
#'   )
#' ```
#' ...can be written:
#' ```
#' con <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), dsn = "MySQL")
#' ```
#' In this case, `dbConnect()` will look up the information defined for `MySQL`
#' in the driver manager (in our example, `odbc.ini`) and automatically
#' pass the needed arguments.
#' @seealso
#' [odbcListDrivers()]
#' @export
odbcListDataSources <- function() {

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odbc documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:47 a.m.