
Defines functions odbcListDrivers

Documented in odbcListDrivers

#' List Configured ODBC Drivers
#' @description
#' Collect information about the configured driver names. A driver must be both
#' installed and configured with the driver manager to be included in this list.
#' Configuring a driver name just sets up a lookup table (e.g. in
#' `odbcinst.ini`) to allow users to pass only the driver name to [dbConnect()].
#' Driver names that are not configured with the driver manager (and thus
#' do not appear in this function's output) can still be
#' used in [dbConnect()] by providing a path to a driver directly.
#' @param keep,filter A character vector of driver names to keep in or remove
#'   from the results, respectively. If `NULL`, all driver names will be kept,
#'   or none will be removed, respectively. The `odbc.drivers_keep` and
#'   `odbc.drivers_filter` options control the argument defaults.
#'   Driver names are first processed with `keep`, then `filter`. Thus, if a
#'   driver name is in both `keep` and `filter`, it won't appear in output.
#' @return A data frame with three columns.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{name}{Name of the driver. The entries in this column can be
#'     passed to the `driver` argument of [dbConnect()] (as long as the
#'     driver accepts the argument).}
#'   \item{attribute}{Driver attribute name.}
#'   \item{value}{Driver attribute value.}
#' }
#' If a driver has multiple attributes, there will be one row per attribute,
#' each with the same driver `name`. If a given driver name does not have any
#' attributes, the function will return one row with the driver `name`, but
#' the last two columns will be `NA`.
#' @section Configuration:
#' This function interfaces with the driver manager to collect information
#' about the available driver names.
#' For **MacOS and Linux**, the odbc package supports the unixODBC driver
#' manager. unixODBC looks to the `odbcinst.ini` _configuration file_ for
#' information on driver names. Find the location(s) of your `odbcinst.ini`
#' file(s) with `odbcinst -j`.
#' In this example `odbcinst.ini` file:
#' ```
#' [MySQL Driver]
#' Driver=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/mysql/8.2.0_1/lib/libmysqlclient.dylib
#' ```
#' Then the driver name is `MySQL Driver`, which will appear in the `name`
#' column of this function's output. To pass the driver name as the `driver`
#' argument to [dbConnect()], pass it as a string, like `"MySQL Driver"`.
#' **Windows** is [bundled](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/odbc/admin/odbc-data-source-administrator)
#' with an ODBC driver manager.
#' In this example, function output would include 1 row: the `name` column
#' would read `"MySQL Driver"`, `attribute` would be `"Driver"`, and `value`
#' would give the file path to the driver. Additional key-value pairs
#' under the driver name would add additional rows with the same `name` entry.
#' When a driver is configured with a driver manager, information on the driver
#' will be automatically passed on to [dbConnect()] when its `driver` argument
#' is set. For an example, see the same section in the [odbcListDataSources()]
#' help-file. Instead of configuring driver information with a driver manager,
#' it is also possible to provide a path to a driver directly to [dbConnect()].
#' @seealso
#' [odbcListDataSources()]
#' @examplesIf FALSE
#' odbcListDrivers()
#' @export
odbcListDrivers <- function(keep = getOption("odbc.drivers_keep"), filter = getOption("odbc.drivers_filter")) {
  res <- list_drivers_()

  if (nrow(res) > 0) {
    res[res == ""] <- NA_character_

    if (!is.null(keep)) {
      res <- res[res[["name"]] %in% keep, ]

    if (!is.null(filter)) {
      res <- res[!res[["name"]] %in% filter, ]


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odbc documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:47 a.m.