
Defines functions post_knit_std_references post_knit_caption_references post_knit_table_captions as_reference_standard as_reference_caption

#' @importFrom officer run_reference to_wml run_word_field
as_reference_caption <- function(z){
  sf <- run_word_field(field = paste0(" REF ", z, " \\h"))
  str <- to_wml(sf)
  paste0("`<w:hyperlink w:anchor=\"", z, "\">", str, "</w:hyperlink>`{=openxml}")
as_reference_standard <- function(z, numbered = FALSE){
  str <- paste0(" REF ", z, " \\h")
    str <- paste0(str, " \\r")

  sf <- run_word_field(field = str)
  str <- to_wml(sf)
  paste0("`<w:hyperlink w:anchor=\"", z, "\">", str, "</w:hyperlink>`{=openxml}")

post_knit_table_captions <- function(content, tab.cap.pre, tab.cap.sep, style, tab.lp, tnd, tns,
                                     prop = NULL) {
  pattern1 <- paste0("\\(\\\\#", tab.lp, "[-[:alnum:]]+\\)(.*)")
  pattern2 <- paste0("\\(\\\\#", tab.lp, "([-[:alnum:]]+)\\)(.*)")

  is_captions <- grepl(pattern1, content)
  if (any(is_captions)) {
    captions <- content[is_captions]
    ids <- gsub(pattern2, "\\1", captions)
    labels <- gsub(pattern1, "\\1", captions)
    str <- mapply(function(label, id) {
        cap = label, cap.style = style,
        cap.pre = tab.cap.pre, cap.sep = tab.cap.sep,
        id = id, seq_id = tab.lp,
        tnd = tnd, tns = tns,
        prop = prop
    }, label = labels, id = ids, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    content[is_captions] <- unlist(str)

post_knit_caption_references <- function(content, lp = ""){

  if(!grepl(":$", lp)){
    stop("lp must end with `:`")
  regexpr_str <- paste0('\\\\@ref\\(', lp, '([-[:alnum:]_]+)\\)')

  gmatch <- gregexpr(regexpr_str, content)
  result <- regmatches(content,gmatch)

  result <- lapply(result, function(z){
    if(length(z) > 0){
      ids <- gsub(regexpr_str, '\\1', z)
    } else z
  regmatches(content,gmatch) <- result

post_knit_std_references <- function(content, numbered = FALSE){

  regexpr_str <- paste0('\\\\@ref\\(([-[:alnum:]]+)\\)')

  gmatch <- gregexpr(regexpr_str, content)
  result <- regmatches(content,gmatch)

  result <- lapply(result, function(z){
    if(length(z) > 0){
      ids <- gsub(regexpr_str, '\\1', z)
      as_reference_standard(ids, numbered = numbered)
    } else z
  regmatches(content,gmatch) <- result

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officedown documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:19 p.m.