
getncheck <- function(x, str){
  child_ <- xml_child(x, str)
  expect_false( inherits(child_, "xml_missing") )

test_that("body_add_break", {
  x <- read_docx()
  x <- body_add_break(x)

  node <- docx_current_block_xml(x)
  expect_is( xml_child(node, "/w:r/w:br"), "xml_node" )

test_that("body_end_sections", {

  x <- read_docx()
  x <- body_add_par(x, "paragraph 1", style = "Normal")
  x <- body_end_section_landscape(x)

  node <- docx_current_block_xml(x)
  expect_false( inherits(xml_child(node, "w:pPr/w:sectPr"), "xml_missing") )
  ps <- xml_child(node, "w:pPr/w:sectPr/w:pgSz")
  expect_false( inherits(ps, "xml_missing") )
  expect_equal( xml_attr(ps, "orient"), "landscape")

  x <- body_add_par(x, "paragraph 1", style = "Normal")
  x <- body_add_par(x, "paragraph 2", style = "Normal")
  x <- body_end_section_columns(x)

  outfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".docx")
  print(x, target = outfile)
  x <- read_docx(outfile)

  node <- docx_current_block_xml(x)
  expect_false( inherits(xml_child(node, "w:pPr/w:sectPr"), "xml_missing") )
  sect <- xml_child(node, "w:pPr/w:sectPr")

  expect_false( inherits(sect, "xml_missing") )
  expect_false( inherits(xml_child(sect, "w:cols"), "xml_missing") )

  x <- body_add_par(x, "paragraph 1", style = "Normal")
  x <- body_add_par(x, "paragraph 2", style = "Normal")
  x <- body_end_section_columns_landscape(x)

  node <- docx_current_block_xml(x)
  expect_false( inherits(xml_child(node, "w:pPr/w:sectPr"), "xml_missing") )

  ps <- xml_child(node, "w:pPr/w:sectPr/w:pgSz")
  expect_false( inherits(ps, "xml_missing") )
  expect_equal( xml_attr(ps, "orient"), "landscape")

  sect <- xml_child(node, "w:pPr/w:sectPr")
  expect_false( inherits(sect, "xml_missing") )
  expect_false( inherits(xml_child(sect, "w:cols"), "xml_missing") )

  x <- body_add_par(x, "paragraph 1", style = "Normal")
  x <- body_add_par(x, "paragraph 2", style = "Normal")
  x <- body_end_section_portrait(x)

  outfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".docx")
  print(x, target = outfile)

  x <- read_docx(outfile)
  node <- docx_current_block_xml(x)
  expect_false( inherits(xml_child(node, "w:pPr/w:sectPr"), "xml_missing") )

  ps <- xml_child(node, "w:pPr/w:sectPr/w:pgSz")
  expect_false( inherits(ps, "xml_missing") )
  expect_equal( xml_attr(ps, "orient"), "portrait")

test_that("body_add_toc", {

  x <- read_docx()
  x <- body_add_par(x, "paragraph 1")
  x <- body_add_toc(x)

  node <- docx_current_block_xml(x)

  child_ <- getncheck(node, "w:r/w:fldChar[@w:fldCharType='begin']")

  child_ <- getncheck(node, "w:r/w:fldChar[@w:fldCharType='end']")

  child_ <- getncheck(node, "w:r/w:instrText")
  expect_equal( xml_text(child_), "TOC \\o \"1-3\" \\h \\z \\u" )

  x <- body_add_toc(x, style = "Normal")
  node <- docx_current_block_xml(x)

  child_ <- getncheck(node, "w:r/w:fldChar[@w:fldCharType='begin']")

  child_ <- getncheck(node, "w:r/w:fldChar[@w:fldCharType='end']")

  child_ <- getncheck(node, "w:r/w:instrText")
  expect_equal( xml_text(child_), "TOC \\h \\z \\t \"Normal;1\"" )

  expect_output(print(block_toc(level = 2)), "TOC - max level: 2")
  expect_output(print(block_toc(level = 2, style = "Normal")), "TOC for style: Normal")
  expect_output(print(block_toc(level = 2, seq_id = "tab")), "TOC for seq identifier: tab")

  expect_match(to_wml(block_toc(seq_id = "tab")), "TOC \\\\h \\\\z \\\\c \"tab\"")
  expect_match(to_wml(block_toc(style = "Normal")), "TOC \\\\h \\\\z \\\\t \"Normal;1\"")
  expect_match(to_wml(block_toc(level = 2)), "TOC \\\\o \"1-2\" \\\\h \\\\z \\\\u")

test_that("body_add_img", {

  img.file <- file.path( R.home("doc"), "html", "logo.jpg" )
  x <- read_docx()
  x <- body_add_img(x, img.file, width=2.5, height=1.3)

  node <- docx_current_block_xml(x)
  getncheck(node, "w:r/w:drawing")

test_that("external_img add", {
  img.file <- file.path( R.home("doc"), "html", "logo.jpg" )
  x <- read_docx()
  x <- body_add_fpar(
    x = x,
    value = fpar(
      external_img(src = img.file, width = .3, height = .3)
  node <- docx_current_block_xml(x)
  getncheck(node, "w:r/w:drawing")

test_that("ggplot add", {
  testthat::skip_if_not(requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE))

  gg_plot <- ggplot(data = iris ) +
    geom_point(mapping = aes(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length))
  x <- read_docx()
  x <- body_add_gg(x, value = gg_plot, style = "centered" )
  x <- cursor_end(x)
  node <- docx_current_block_xml(x)
  getncheck(node, "w:r/w:drawing")

test_that("fpar add", {
  bold_face <- shortcuts$fp_bold(font.size = 20)
  bold_redface <- update(bold_face, color = "red")
  fpar_ <- fpar(ftext("This is a big ", prop = bold_face),
                ftext("text", prop = bold_redface ) )
  fpar_ <- update(fpar_, fp_p = fp_par(text.align = "center"))
  x <- read_docx()
  x <- body_add_fpar(x, fpar_)

  node <- docx_current_block_xml(x)
  expect_equal(xml_text(node), "This is a big text" )

  x <- read_docx()
  try({x <- body_add_fpar(x, fpar_, style = "centered")}, silent = TRUE)
  expect_is(x, "rdocx")

test_that("svg add", {
  srcfile <- file.path( R.home("doc"), "html", "Rlogo.svg" )
  x <- read_docx()
  x <- body_add_fpar(x, fpar(external_img(srcfile)))
  path <- print(x, target = tempfile(fileext = ".docx"))
  x <- read_docx(path = path)
  node <- docx_current_block_xml(x)
  reldf <- x$doc_obj$rel_df()
  relidsvg <- reldf[grepl("\\.svg$", reldf$target), "id"]
  relidpng <- reldf[grepl("\\.png$", reldf$target), "id"]
  node_blip <- xml_child(node, "w:r/w:drawing/wp:inline/a:graphic/a:graphicData/pic:pic/pic:blipFill/a:blip")
  expect_equal(xml_attr(node_blip, "embed"), relidpng)
  node_svgblip <- xml_child(node, "w:r/w:drawing/wp:inline/a:graphic/a:graphicData/pic:pic/pic:blipFill/a:blip/a:extLst/a:ext/asvg:svgBlip")
  expect_equal(xml_attr(node_svgblip, "embed"), relidsvg)

test_that("add docx into docx", {

  img.file <- file.path( R.home("doc"), "html", "logo.jpg" )
  doc <- read_docx()
  doc <- body_add_img(x = doc, src = img.file, height = 1.06, width = 1.39 )
  print(doc, target = "external_file.docx")

  final_doc <- read_docx()
  doc <- body_add_docx(x = doc, src = "external_file.docx" )
  print(doc, target = "final.docx")

  new_dir <- tempfile()
  unpack_folder("final.docx", folder = new_dir)

  doc_parts <- read_xml(file.path(new_dir, "[Content_Types].xml"))
  doc_parts <- xml_find_all(doc_parts, "d1:Override[@ContentType='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document.main+xml']")
  doc_parts <- xml_attr(doc_parts, "PartName")
  doc_parts <- basename(doc_parts)
  expect_equal(doc_parts[grepl("\\.docx$", doc_parts)],
               list.files(file.path(new_dir, "word"), pattern = "\\.docx$") )

test_that("Add comment at cursor position", {
  fp_bold <- fp_text_lite(bold = TRUE)
  fp_red <- fp_text_lite(color = "red")

  doc <- read_docx()
  doc <- body_add_par(doc, "This is a first Paragraph.")
  doc <- body_comment(doc,
                      cmt = block_list("Comment on first par."),
                      author = "Proofreader",
                      date = Sys.Date()
  doc <- body_add_fpar(
    fpar("This is a second Paragraph. ", "This is a third Paragraph."),
    style = "Normal"

  doc <- body_comment(doc,
                      cmt = block_list(
                        fpar(ftext("Comment on second par ...", fp_bold)),
                          ftext("... with a second line.", fp_red)
                      author = "Proofreader 2",
                      date = Sys.Date()

  docx_file <- print(doc, target = tempfile(fileext = ".docx"))
  docx_dir <- tempfile()
  unpack_folder(docx_file, docx_dir)

  doc <- read_xml(file.path(docx_dir, "word/comments.xml"))
  comment1 <- xml_find_first(doc, "w:comment[@w:id='0']")
  comment2 <- xml_find_first(doc, "w:comment[@w:id='1']")

  expect_false(inherits(comment1, "xml_missing"))
  expect_false(inherits(comment2, "xml_missing"))

  expect_length(xml_children(comment1), 1)
  expect_length(xml_children(comment2), 2)

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officer documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:49 p.m.