
test_that("to_rtf works with default strings and ftext", {
  expect_equal(to_rtf(NULL), "")

  str <- "Default string"
  expect_equal(to_rtf(str), str)

  properties2 <- fp_text(bold = TRUE, shading.color = "yellow")
  ft <- ftext("Some text", properties2)
  expect_equal(to_rtf(ft), "%font:Arial%\\b\\fs20%ftcolor:black% %ftshading:yellow%Some text\\highlight0")

test_that("to_rtf works with fpar and external images", {
  img.file <- file.path(R.home("doc"), "html", "logo.jpg")

  bold_face <- shortcuts$fp_bold(font.size = 12)
  bold_redface <- update(bold_face, color = "red")
  fpar_1 <- fpar(
    "Hello World, ",
    ftext("how ", prop = bold_redface),
    external_img(src = img.file, height = 1.06 / 2, width = 1.39 / 2),
    ftext(" you?", prop = bold_face)
  expect_true(grepl("Hello World, ", to_rtf(fpar_1)))

test_that("to_rtf works with run_word_field, run_pagebreak, run_columnbreak, and run_linebreak", {
  out <- to_rtf(run_word_field(field = "PAGE  \\* MERGEFORMAT"))

  expect_true(grepl("PAGE", out))

  fp_t <- fp_text(font.size = 12, bold = TRUE)
  an_fpar <- fpar("let's add a break page", run_pagebreak(), ftext("and blah blah!", fp_t))

  expect_true(grepl(" let's add a break page", to_rtf(an_fpar)))
  expect_true(grepl("and blah blah", to_rtf(an_fpar)))

  expect_true(grepl("column", to_rtf(run_columnbreak())))

  fp_t <- fp_text(font.size = 12, bold = TRUE)
  an_fpar <- fpar("let's add a line break", run_linebreak(), ftext("and blah blah!", fp_t))

  expect_true(grepl(" let's add a line break", to_rtf(an_fpar)))
  expect_true(grepl("and blah blah", to_rtf(an_fpar)))

test_that("to_rtf works with hyperlinks and block_list", {
  ft <- fp_text(font.size = 12, bold = TRUE)
  ft <- hyperlink_ftext(
    href = "https://cran.r-project.org/index.html",
    text = "some text", prop = ft

  expect_true(grepl("HYPERLINK", to_rtf(ft)))

  fpt_blue_bold <- fp_text(color = "#006699", bold = TRUE)
  fpt_red_italic <- fp_text(color = "#C32900", italic = TRUE)

  value <- block_list(
    fpar(ftext("hello world\\t", fpt_blue_bold)),
      ftext("hello", fpt_blue_bold), " ",
      ftext("world", fpt_red_italic)
      ftext("hello world", fpt_red_italic)

  expect_true(grepl("C32900", to_rtf(value)))
  expect_true(grepl("006699", to_rtf(value)))
  expect_true(grepl("hello world", to_rtf(value)))

test_that("to_rtf works for run_autonum", {
  ra <- run_autonum(
    seq_id = "tab", pre_label = "Table ", bkm = "anytable",
    tnd = 2, tns = " "

  expect_true(grepl("bkmkstart anytable", to_rtf(ra)))
  expect_true(grepl("SEQ tab", to_rtf(ra)))

  rr <- run_reference("a_ref")

  expect_true(grepl("REF a_ref ", to_rtf(rr)))

  ps <- prop_section(
    page_size = page_size(orient = "landscape"),
    page_margins = page_mar(top = 2),
    type = "continuous"
  bs <- block_section(ps)

  expect_true(grepl("lndscpsxn", to_rtf(bs)))
  expect_true(grepl("pghsxn11906", to_rtf(bs)))
  expect_true(grepl("margt2880", to_rtf(bs))) # top = 2

  expect_true(grepl("margl1440", to_rtf(page_mar())))
  expect_true(grepl("colw3600", to_rtf(section_columns())))
  expect_true(grepl("pgwsxn16838", to_rtf(page_size(orient = "landscape"))))
  expect_true(grepl("lndscpsxn", to_rtf(page_size(orient = "landscape"))))

test_that("tcpr_rtf is retrieved by format", {
  obj <- fp_cell(margin = 1)
  fp_c <- update(obj, margin.bottom = 5)

  expect_true(grepl("clvertalc", format(fp_c, "rtf")))

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officer documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:49 p.m.