
Defines functions get_pop_query

Documented in get_pop_query

#' Get Population Data
#' @description
#' This function is a wrapper for the \href{https://www.onemap.gov.sg/docs/#population-query}{Population Query API}. It only allows for querying of one data type (i.e. one of the API endpoints) for a particular town and year.
#' @param token User's API token. This can be retrieved using \code{\link{get_token}}
#' @param data_type Type of data to be retrieved, should correspond to one of the API endpoints. E.g. to get economic status data, \code{data_type = "getEconomicStatus"}. The API endpoints can be found on the documentation page.
#' @param planning_area Town for which the data should be retrieved.
#' @param year Year for which the data should be retrieved.
#' @param gender Optional, valid values include \code{male} and \code{female}. If specified, only records for that gender will be returned. This parameter is only valid for the \code{"getEconomicStatus"}, \code{"getEthnicGroup"}, \code{"getMaritalStatus"} and \code{"getPopulationAgeGroup"} endpoints. If specified for other endpoints, the parameter will be dropped. If gender is not specified for valid endpoints, records for total, male and female will be returned.
#' @return A tibble with 1 row and values for all the corresponding variables returned by the API endpoint.
#' If an error occurs, the function will return a NULL value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # output with no NA
#' \dontrun{get_pop_query(token, "getOccupation", "Yishun", "2010")}
#' \dontrun{get_pop_query(token, "getModeOfTransportSchool", "Bishan", "2015", "female")}
#' # note behaviour with gender parameter not specified
#' \dontrun{get_pop_query(token, "getMaritalStatus", "Bedok", "2010")}
#' \dontrun{get_pop_query(token, "getEthnicGroup", "Bedok", "2010")}
#' \dontrun{get_pop_query(token, "getPopulationAgeGroup", "Bedok", "2010")}
#' # output due to error
#' \dontrun{get_pop_query(token, "getSpokenAtHome", "Bedok", "2043")}

get_pop_query <- function(token, data_type, planning_area, year, gender = NULL) {

  # query API
  url <- "https://developers.onemap.sg/privateapi/popapi/"
  query <- paste(url, data_type, "?",
                 "token=", token,
                 "&planningArea=", str_replace_all(planning_area, " ", "+"),
                 "&year=", year,
                 "&gender=", gender,
                 sep = "")

  response <- GET(query)

  # error handling
  if (http_error(response)) {
    status <- status_code(response)
    output <- NULL
    warning(paste("The request (", data_type , "/", planning_area, "/", year, "/", gender, ") ",
                  "produced a ",
                  status, " error", sep = ""))

  } else {
    output <- content(response)
    # error check: invalid parameters
    if ("error" %in% names(output)) {
      warning("The request (", data_type , "/", planning_area, "/", year, "/", gender, ") ",
              "produced an error: ",
      output <- NULL

    } else if (is.character(output)) {
      warning("The request (", data_type , "/", planning_area, "/", year, "/", gender, ") ",
              "produced an error: ",
      output <- NULL

    # error check: no results
    } else if ("Result" %in% names(output)) {
      warning("The request (", data_type , "/", planning_area, "/", year, "/", gender, ") ",
              "produced an error: ",
      output <- NULL

    # else return output
    } else {
      # replace NULLs with NA so tibble is of consistent length
      output <- output %>%
        map(function(i) map(i, function(j) ifelse(is.null(j), NA, j))) %>%

      # bind rows and turn into tibble
        reduce(bind_rows) %>% as_tibble()

      # endpoints which allow gender parameter have different return behaviour when gender=NULL
      # getPopulationAgeGroup returns total, male & female
      # getEconomicStatus and getMaritalStatus returns only male & female
      # getEthnicGroup only returns total and does not include the gender parameter
      # this code block standardises output to include total, male & female

      if (is.null(gender) & data_type %in% c("getEconomicStatus", "getMaritalStatus")) {
        output <- output %>%
          select(planning_area, year, gender, everything())
        total <- colSums(output[ , -(1:3)], na.rm = FALSE) %>%
          t() %>% as_tibble() %>%
          mutate(planning_area = str_to_title(planning_area),
                 year = as.integer(year),
                 gender = "Total") %>%
          select(planning_area, year, gender, everything())

        output <- output %>%

      } else if (data_type == "getEthnicGroup" & is.null(gender)) {
          output <- output %>%
            mutate(gender = "Total") %>%
            bind_rows(get_pop_query(token, data_type, planning_area, year, gender = "male")) %>%
            bind_rows(get_pop_query(token, data_type, planning_area, year, gender = "female"))
      } else if (! data_type %in% c("getEconomicStatus", "getEconomicStatus", "getEthnicGroup", "getPopulationAgeGroup")) {
          output <- output %>%
            mutate(gender = "Total")



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onemapsgapi documentation built on Nov. 29, 2022, 9:06 a.m.