
Defines functions revert_oolong clone_oolong create_oolong

Documented in clone_oolong create_oolong revert_oolong

#' @importFrom R6 R6Class

Oolong_test <- R6::R6Class(
    public = list(
        initialize = function(input_model, input_corpus = NULL) {
        lock = function(force = FALSE) {
            .cstop(!.check_test_content_complete(private$test_content) & !force, "Not all tests are completed. Do all the tests or use $lock(force = TRUE) to bypass this.")
            private$finalized <- TRUE
        userid = NA
    private = list(
        hash = NULL,
        hash_input_model = NULL,
        hash_input_corpus = NULL,
        test_content = list(),
        meta = list(),
        finalized = FALSE,
        check_finalized = function() {
            .cstop(private$finalized, "You can no longer modify this finalized test.")

#' Generate an oolong test
#' \code{create_oolong} generates an oolong test object that can either be used for validating a topic model or for creating ground truth (gold standard) of a text corpus. \code{wi} (word intrusion test), \code{ti} (topic intrusion test), \code{witi} (word and topic intrusion tests), \code{wsi} (word set intrusion test) and \code{gs} are handy wrappers to \code{create_oolong}. It is recommended to use these wrappers instead of \code{create_oolong}.
#' @section Usage:
#' Use \code{wi}, \code{ti}, \code{witi}, \code{wsi} or \code{gs} to generate an oolong test of your choice. It is recommended to supply also \code{userid} (current coder).
#' The names of the tests (word intrusion test and topic intrusion test) follow Chang et al (2009). In Ying et al. (2021), topic intrusion test is named "T8WSI" (Top 8 Word Set Intrusion). Word set intrusion test in this package is actually the "R4WSI" (Random 4 Word Set Intrusion) in Ying et al. The default settings of \code{wi}, \code{witi}, and \code{ti} follow Chang et al (2009), e.g. \code{n_top_terms} = 5; instead of \code{n_top_terms} = 4 as in Ying et al. The default setting of \code{wsi} follows Ying et al., e.g. \code{n_topiclabel_words} = 4.
#' As suggested by Song et al. (2020), 1% of the articles from \code{input_corpus} are randomly selected as the test cases of both \code{ti} and \code{gs}, i.e. \code{frac} = 0.01. However, it is generally believed that this proportion is dependent of the size of \code{input_corpus}, e.g. it does not make sense to draw 1% of the articles from only 100 articles. Use \code{exact_n} in these cases.
#' @section About create_oolong:
#' Because \code{create_oolong} is not intuitive to use, it is no longer recommended to use \code{create_oolong} to generate oolong test. \code{create_oolong} is retained only for backward compatibility purposes. This function generates an oolong test object based on \code{input_model} and \code{input_corpus}. If \code{input_model} is not NULL, it generates oolong test for a topic model (tm). If \code{input_model} is NULL but input_corpus is not NULL, it generates oolong test for generating gold standard (gs).
#' @section Methods:
#' An oolong object, depends on its purpose, has the following methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{$do_word_intrusion_test()}}{(tm) launch the shiny-based word intrusion test. The coder should find out the intruder word that is not related to other words.}
#'   \item{\code{$do_topic_intrusion_test()}}{(tm) launch the shiny-based topic intrusion test. The coder should find out the intruder topic that is least likely to be the topic of the document.}
#'   \item{\code{$do_word_set_intrusion_test()}}{(tm) launch the shiny-based word set intrusion test. The coder should find out the intruder word set that is not related to other word sets.}
#'   \item{\code{$do_gold_standard_test()}}{(gs) launch the shiny-based test for generating gold standard. The coder should determine the level of the predetermined constructs with a 5-point Likert scale.}
#'   \item{\code{$lock(force = FALSE)}}{(gs/tm) lock the object so that it cannot be changed anymore. It enables \code{\link{summarize_oolong}} and the following method.}
#'   \item{\code{$turn_gold()}}{(gs) convert the oolong object into a quanteda compatible corpus.}
#' }
#' For more details, please see the overview vignette: \code{vignette("overview", package = "oolong")}
#' @param input_model (wi, ti, witi, wsi) a STM, WarpLDA, topicmodels, KeyATM, seededlda, textmodel_nb, or BTM object; if it is NULL, create_oolong assumes that you want to create gold standard.
#' @param input_corpus (wi, ti, witi, wsi, gs) if input_model is not null, it should be the corpus (character vector or quanteda::corpus object) to generate the model object. If input_model and input_corpus are not NULL, topic intrusion test cases are generated. If input_model is a BTM object, this argument is ignored. If input_model is null, it generates gold standard test cases.
#' @param n_top_terms (wi, witi) integer, number of top topic words to be included in the candidates of word intrusion test.
#' @param bottom_terms_percentile (wi, witi) double, a term is considered to be an word intruder when its theta less than the percentile of this theta, must be within the range of 0 to 1
#' @param exact_n (ti, witi, gs) integer, number of topic intrusion test cases to generate, ignore if frac is not NULL
#' @param frac (ti, witi, gs) double, fraction of test cases to be generated from the corpus
#' @param n_top_topics (wi, witi) integer, number of most relevant topics to be shown alongside the intruder topic
#' @param n_topiclabel_words (witi, ti, wsi) integer, number of topic words to be shown as the topic ("ti" and "witi") / word set ("wsi") label
#' @param use_frex_words (wi, witi, ti, wsi) logical, for a STM object, use FREX words if TRUE, use PROB words if FALSE
#' @param frexweight (wi, witi, ti, wsi) double, adjust the `frexweight` for STM (see [stm::labelTopics()]), no effect for STM if use_frex_words is FALSE
#' @param lambda (wi, witi, ti, wsi) double, adjust the `lambda` for WarpLDA (see [text2vec::LatentDirichletAllocation()])
#' @param type (create_oolong) a character string to denote what you want to create. "wi": word intrusion test; "ti": topic intrusion test; "witi": both word intrusion test and topic intrusion test; "gs": gold standard generation
#' @param input_dfm (wi, witi, ti, wsi) a dfm object used for training the input_model, if input_model is a WarpLDA object
#' @param construct (gs) string, an adjective to describe the construct you want your coders to code the the gold standard test cases
#' @param btm_dataframe (witi, ti) dataframe used for training the input_model, if input_model is a BTM object
#' @param userid a character string to denote the name of the coder. Default to NA (no userid); not recommended
#' @param n_correct_ws (wsi) number of word sets to be shown alongside the intruder word set
#' @param wsi_n_top_terms (wsi) number of top topic words from each topic to be randomized selected as the word set label
#' @param difficulty (wi, witi, ti, wsi) double, deprecated, for backward compatibility
#' @return an oolong test object.
#' @examples
#' ## Creation of oolong test with only word intrusion test
#' data(abstracts_keyatm)
#' data(abstracts)
#' oolong_test <- wi(input_model = abstracts_keyatm, userid = "Hadley")
#' ## Creation of oolong test with both word intrusion test and topic intrusion test
#' oolong_test <- witi(input_model = abstracts_keyatm, input_corpus = abstracts$text, userid = "Julia")
#' ## Creation of oolong test with topic intrusion test
#' oolong_test <- ti(input_model = abstracts_keyatm, input_corpus = abstracts$text, userid = "Jenny")
#' ## Creation of oolong test with word set intrusion test
#' oolong_test <- wsi(input_model = abstracts_keyatm, userid = "Garrett")
#' ## Creation of gold standard
#' oolong_test <- gs(input_corpus = trump2k, userid = "Yihui")
#' ## Using create_oolong(); not recommended
#' oolong_test <- create_oolong(input_model = abstracts_keyatm,
#' input_corpus = abstracts$text, userid = "JJ")
#' oolong_test <- create_oolong(input_model = abstracts_keyatm,
#' input_corpus = abstracts$text, userid = "Mara", type = "ti")
#' oolong_test <- create_oolong(input_corpus = abstracts$text, userid = "Winston", type = "gs")
#' @author Chung-hong Chan, Marius Sältzer
#' @references
#'   Chang, J., Gerrish, S., Wang, C., Boyd-Graber, J. L., & Blei, D. M. (2009). Reading tea leaves: How humans interpret topic models. In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 288-296).
#'   Song et al. (2020) In validations we trust? The impact of imperfect human annotations as a gold standard on the quality of validation of automated content analysis. Political Communication.
#'   Ying, L., Montgomery, J. M., & Stewart, B. M. (2021). Topics, Concepts, and Measurement: A Crowdsourced Procedure for Validating Topics as Measures. Political Analysis
#' @export
create_oolong <- function(input_model = NULL, input_corpus = NULL, n_top_terms = 5, bottom_terms_percentile = 0.6, exact_n = NULL, frac = 0.01, n_top_topics = 3, n_topiclabel_words = 8, use_frex_words = FALSE, frexweight = .5, input_dfm = NULL, construct = "positive", btm_dataframe = NULL, n_correct_ws = 3, wsi_n_top_terms = 20, userid = NA, type = "witi", lambda = 1, difficulty = NULL) {
    .cstop(!type %in% c("wi", "witi", "ti", "gs", "wsi"), "Unknown type, available types are 'wi', 'witi', 'ti', 'wsi' and 'gs'")
    .cstop(is.null(input_model) & is.null(input_corpus), "input_model and input_corpus cannot be both NULL.")
    if (!is.null(input_model)) {
        .cstop(!.is_topic_model(input_model), "input_model is not a topic model. If you want to create gold standard with an input_corpus, use: create_oolong(input_corpus = input_corpus) or gs(input_corpus)")
    .cstop(length(userid) > 1, "userid must not be a vector with length > 1.")
    if (!is.null(difficulty)) {
        frexweight <- difficulty
        lambda <- difficulty
    if (!is.null(input_model) & type %in% c("wi", "ti", "witi", "wsi")) {
        return(Oolong_test_tm$new(input_model = input_model, input_corpus = input_corpus, n_top_terms = n_top_terms, bottom_terms_percentile = bottom_terms_percentile, exact_n = exact_n, frac = frac, n_top_topics = n_top_topics, n_topiclabel_words = n_topiclabel_words, frexweight = frexweight, use_frex_words = use_frex_words, input_dfm = input_dfm, btm_dataframe = btm_dataframe, n_correct_ws = n_correct_ws, wsi_n_top_terms = wsi_n_top_terms, userid = userid, type = type, lambda = lambda))
    if (is.null(input_model) | type == "gs") {
        return(Oolong_test_gs$new(input_corpus = input_corpus, exact_n = exact_n, frac = frac, construct = construct, userid = userid))

#' Clone an oolong object
#' Clone a new oolong object. The oolong must not be locked and ever coded.
#' @param oolong an oolong object.
#' @param userid a character string to denote the name of the coder
#' @return an oolong object
#' @author Chung-hong Chan
#' @export
clone_oolong <- function(oolong, userid = NA) {
    if (oolong$.__enclos_env__$private$finalized) {
        stop("oolong is locked.")
    if (!.check_new(oolong)) {
        stop("oolong is partially coded.")
    newoolongobj <- oolong$clone(deep = FALSE)
    newoolongobj$userid <- userid

#' Obtain a locked oolong from a downloaded data file
#' To generate a locked oolong object with the original oolong object and the RDS file. The RDS file should have been downloaded from a deployed Shiny app.
#' @param oolong an oolong object used for deployment
#' @param rds_file path to the downloaded RDS file
#' @return a locked oolong object based on the data in the downloaded RDS file
#' @author Chung-hong Chan
#' @export
revert_oolong <- function(oolong, rds_file) {
    res <- readRDS(rds_file)
    .cstop(res$test_items_hash != .safe_hash(res$test_items), "The RDS file seems to have been tampered. Please check with userid:", res$userid, ".")
    cloned_oolong <- clone_oolong(oolong)
    .cstop(res$hash != cloned_oolong$.__enclos_env__$private$hash, "The oolong test result does not match the original oolong object.", call. = FALSE)
    cloned_oolong$.__enclos_env__$private$test_content[[1]] <- res$test_items
    cloned_oolong$userid <- res$userid

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oolong documentation built on Aug. 25, 2023, 5:16 p.m.