Man pages for opalr
'Opal' Data Repository Client and 'DataSHIELD' Utils

dictionary.annotateSet variable annotation with a taxonomy term
dictionary.annotate.harmo_statusSet variable annotation with Harmonization Status term
dictionary.annotationsList the annotations
dictionary.applyApply the dictionary to a tibble
dictionary.inspectInspect the dictionary of a tibble
dot-aclsToDataFramePermsissions (ACLs) into a data frame.
dot-as.zeroOneTurns a value into 0/1 numeric.
dot-authorizationHeaderConstructs the value for the Authorization header
dot-deparseTurn expression into character strings.
dot-extractJsonFieldExtract JSON
dot-extractLabelExtract label for locale. If not found, fallback to undefined...
dot-extractOpalSessionIdExtract opalsid from cookie data frame.
dot-getContentWrapper of httr::content()
dot-getPEMFilePathExtract absolute path to the pem file
dot-getRSessionIdExtract R session Id from opal object, create a new R session...
dot-getSessionsGet all R session in Opal.
dot-handleErrorHandle error response
dot-handleResponseDefault request response handler.
dot-handleResponseLocationDefault request response Location handler.
dot-handleResponseOrCallbackProcess response with default handler or the provided one
dot-isContentEmptyCheck if response content is empty.
dot-is.verboseVerbose option
dot-listToJsonSimple transformation function of a list into a JSON...
dot-newProgressCreate a new progress instance with default settings.
dot-newSessionCreate a new R session in Opal.
dot-opal.loginCreate the opal object
dot-rmOpalSessionRemove a Opal session (logout)
dot-rmRSessionRemove a R session from Opal.
dot-selectReturns a list r such that r[[i]] == l[[i]][field] for all...
dot-tickProgressOutput the progress status if option "datashield.progress" is...
dot-tokenHeaderConstructs the value for the X-Opal-Auth header
dot-urlUtility method to build urls. Concatenates all arguments and...
dot-verboseVerbose flag
dsadmin.activityGet DataSHIELD activity
dsadmin.activity_summaryGet DataSHIELD activity summary
dsadmin.get_methodGet a DataSHIELD method
dsadmin.get_methodsGet DataSHIELD methods
dsadmin.get_optionsGet the DataSHIELD options
dsadmin.installed_packageCheck DataSHIELD package
dsadmin.install_github_packageInstall a DataSHIELD package from GitHub
dsadmin.install_local_packageInstall a DataSHIELD package from a local archive file
dsadmin.install_packageInstall a DataSHIELD package
dsadmin.logGet DataSHIELD logs
dsadmin.package_descriptionGet DataSHIELD package description
dsadmin.package_descriptionsGet DataSHIELD package descriptions
dsadmin.permGet the DataSHIELD permissions
dsadmin.perm_addAdd or update a DataSHIELD permission
dsadmin.perm_deleteDelete a DataSHIELD permission
dsadmin.profileGet a DataSHIELD profile
dsadmin.profile_accessRestrict or open access to a DataSHIELD profile
dsadmin.profile_createCreate a DataSHIELD profile
dsadmin.profile_deleteDelete a DataSHIELD profile
dsadmin.profile_enableEnable or disable a DataSHIELD profile
dsadmin.profile_existsCheck a DataSHIELD profile exists
dsadmin.profile_initInitialize a DataSHIELD profile
dsadmin.profile_permGet the permissions of a DataSHIELD profile
dsadmin.profile_perm_addAdd or update a permission on a DataSHIELD profile
dsadmin.profile_perm_deleteDelete a permission from a DataSHIELD profile
dsadmin.profile_rparserSet or remove the R parser version of a DataSHIELD profile
dsadmin.profilesGet DataSHIELD profiles
dsadmin.publish_packagePublish DataSHIELD package settings
dsadmin.remove_packageRemove DataSHIELD package
dsadmin.rm_methodRemove DataSHIELD method
dsadmin.rm_methodsRemove DataSHIELD methods.
dsadmin.rm_optionRemove a DataSHIELD option
dsadmin.rm_optionsRemove all DataSHIELD options
dsadmin.rm_package_methodsRemove DataSHIELD package methods
dsadmin.set_methodSet DataSHIELD method
dsadmin.set_optionSet DataSHIELD option
dsadmin.set_package_methodsSet DataSHIELD package methods
dsadmin.unpublish_packageUnpublish DataSHIELD package settings
oadmin.activityGet R activity
oadmin.activity_summaryGet R activity summary
oadmin.install_bioconductor_packageInstall a package from Bioconductor
oadmin.install_cran_packageInstall a package from CRAN
oadmin.install_devtoolsInstall devtools package
oadmin.installed_devtoolsCheck devtools package
oadmin.installed_packageCheck package is installed
oadmin.installed_packagesList installed packages
oadmin.install_github_packageInstall a package from GitHub
oadmin.install_local_packageInstall a package from a local archive file
oadmin.install_packageInstall CRAN package
oadmin.logGet Opal main logs
oadmin.log_restGet Opal REST API logs
oadmin.log_sqlGet Opal SQL API logs
oadmin.package_descriptionGet package description
oadmin.permGet the R permissions (deprecated)
oadmin.perm_addAdd or update a R permission (deprecated)
oadmin.perm_deleteDelete a R permission (deprecated)
oadmin.remove_packageRemove package
oadmin.r_permGet the R permissions
oadmin.r_perm_addAdd or update a R permission
oadmin.r_perm_deleteDelete a R permission
oadmin.system_metricsGet system metrics
oadmin.system_permGet the System permissions
oadmin.system_perm_addAdd or update a System permission
oadmin.system_perm_deleteDelete a System permission
oadmin.user_addAdd a user
oadmin.user_deleteDelete a user
oadmin.user_enableEnable a user
oadmin.user_existsCheck user exists
oadmin.user_profile_deleteDelete a user profile
oadmin.user_profilesGet user profiles
oadmin.user_reset_passwordReset user password
oadmin.usersGet the users
opal.annotateApply the annotations to a Opal table
opal.annotationsGet the annotations of a Opal table
opal.as_md_tableArray to Markdown
opal.assignData or expression assignment
opal.assign.dataData assignment
opal.assign.resourceResource assignment
opal.assign.scriptR script assignment
opal.assign.tableData assignment to a data.frame
opal.assign.table.tibbleData assignment to a tibble
opal.attribute_valuesGet a vector of attribute values
opal.commandGet an asynchronous command
opal.command_resultGet result of an asynchronous command
opal.command_rmRemove an asynchronous command
opal.commandsList the asynchronous commands
opal.commands_rmRemove all asynchronous commands
opal.datasourceGet a datasource
opal.datasourcesGet datasources
opal.deleteGeneric REST resource deletion.
opal.executeExecute a R script
opal.execute.sourceExecute a R file script
opal.fileGet file content
opal.file_cpCopy a file
opal.file_downloadDownload a file
opal.file_lsList content of a folder
opal.file_mkdirMake a folder
opal.file_mkdir_tmpMake a temporary folder
opal.file_mvMove and/or rename a file
opal.file_readRead a file
opal.file_rmRemove a file
opal.file_unzipUnzip a zip archive file
opal.file_uploadUpload a file or a folder
opal.file_writeWrite a file
opal.getGeneric REST resource getter.
opal.load_packageLoad package
opal.loginOpal login
opal.logoutLogout from Opal(s)
opal.permsGet the permissions of a subject
opal.postGeneric REST resource creation.
opal.profilesList R profiles
opal.projectGet a project
opal.project_backupBackup a project
opal.project_commandGet project task
opal.project_createCreate a project
opal.project_deleteDelete a project
opal.project_existsCheck a project exists
opal.project_permGet the permissions on a project
opal.project_perm_addAdd or update a permission on a project
opal.project_perm_deleteDelete a permission from a project
opal.project_restoreRestore a project
opal.projectsGet projects
opal.projects_databasesGet projects databases
opal.putGeneric REST resource update.
opal.reportOpal report
opal.report_mdTurn a R markdown file to html.
opal.resourceGet a resource reference of a project
opal.resource_createCreate a resource reference in a project
opal.resource_deleteDelete a resource reference
opal.resource_existsCheck a resource reference exists
opal.resource_extension_createCreate an extended resource reference in a project
opal.resource_getGet the resource object of a project
opal.resource_permGet the permissions on a resource
opal.resource_perm_addAdd or update a permission on a resource
opal.resource_perm_deleteDelete a permission from a resource
opal.resourcesGet the resource references of a project
opal.resources_permGet the permissions on any resource
opal.resources_perm_addAdd or update a permission on any resource
opal.resources_perm_deleteDelete a permission from any resource
opal.resource_view_createCreate an Opal view over a resource reference
opal.resource_view_reconnectReconnect an Opal view to its underlying resource
opal.rmRemove a R symbol (deprecated)
opalr-packageopalr: 'Opal' Data Repository Client and 'DataSHIELD' Utils
opal.sqlExecute a SQL query on tables
opal.sql_historySQL query execution history
opal.symbol_importImport a tibble
opal.symbol_rmRemove a R symbol
opal.symbolsList R symbols
opal.symbol_saveSave a tibble
opal.tableGet a table of a datasource
opal.table_createCreate an Opal table or view
opal.table_deleteDelete a Opal table
opal.table_dictionary_getGet the dictionary of a Opal table
opal.table_dictionary_updateUpdate the dictionary of a Opal table
opal.table_existsCheck a Opal table exists
opal.table_exportExport a table as a file
opal.table_getGet a Opal table as a tibble
opal.table_importImport a file as table
opal.table_permGet the permissions on a table
opal.table_perm_addAdd or update a permission on a table
opal.table_perm_deleteDelete a permission from a table
opal.tablesGet tables of a datasource
opal.table_saveSave a local tibble as a Opal table
opal.tables_permGet the permissions on any table of a project
opal.tables_perm_addAdd or update a permission on any table of a project
opal.tables_perm_deleteDelete a permission from any table of a project
opal.table_truncateTruncate a Opal table
opal.table_view_createCreate an Opal view over tables
opal.table_view_updateUpdate the table references and the entity filter of an Opal...
opal.taskGet a task
opal.task_cancelCancel a task
opal.tasksGet the tasks
opal.task_waitWait for a task to complete.
opal.taxonomiesGet taxonomies
opal.taxonomyGet a taxonomy
opal.taxonomy_deleteDelete a taxonomy
opal.taxonomy_downloadDownload a taxonomy file
opal.taxonomy_uploadUpload a taxonomy file
opal.termsGet the terms of a vocabulary
opal.tokenGet a personal access token
opal.token_datashield_createCreate a personal access token for Datashield usage
opal.token_deleteDelete a personal access token
opal.token_r_createCreate a personal access token for R usage
opal.token_renewRenew an inactive personal access token
opal.tokensGet the personal access tokens
opal.token_sql_createCreate a personal access token for SQL usage
opal.unload_packageUnload package
opal.valuesetGet the values of an entity
opal.variableGet a variable of a table
opal.variablesGet variables of a table
opal.variable_summaryGet summary statistics of a variable of a table
opal.vocabulariesGet the vocabularies of a taxonomy
opal.vocabularyGet a taxonomy vocabulary
opal.workspace_restoreRestore a R workspace from a opal.
opal.workspace_rmRemove a R workspace from a opal.
opal.workspacesGet the R workspaces from a opal.
opal.workspace_saveSave the current session in a opal R workspace.
opalr documentation built on Oct. 6, 2023, 5:08 p.m.