
#' Analytical skills of young gifted children
#' An investigator is interested in understanding the relationship, if any,
#' between the analytical skills of young gifted children and the following
#' variables: father's IQ, mother's IQ, age in month when the child first said
#' "mummy" or "daddy", age in month when the child first counted to 10
#' successfully, average number of hours per week the child's mother or father
#' reads to the child, average number of hours per week the child watched an
#' educational program on TV during the past three months, average number of
#' hours per week the child watched cartoons on TV during the past three
#' months. The analytical skills are evaluated using a standard testing
#' procedure, and the score on this test is used as the response variable.
#' Data were collected from schools in a large city on a set of thirty-six
#' children who were identified as gifted children soon after they reached the
#' age of four.
#' @name gifted
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame with 36 observations and 8 variables.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{score}{Score in test of analytical skills.}
#'   \item{fatheriq}{Father's IQ.}
#'   \item{motheriq}{Mother's IQ.}
#'   \item{speak}{Age in months when the child first said "mummy" or "daddy".}
#'   \item{count}{Age in months when the child first counted to 10 successfully.}
#'   \item{read}{Average number of hours per week the child's mother or father
#'   reads to the child.}
#'   \item{edutv}{Average number of hours per week the child watched an
#'   educational program on TV during the past three months.}
#'   \item{cartoons}{Average number of hours per week the child watched cartoons
#'   on TV during the past three months.}
#' }
#' @source Graybill, F.A. & Iyer, H.K., (1994) Regression Analysis: Concepts
#' and Applications, Duxbury, p. 511-6.
#' @keywords datasets regression
#' @examples
#' gifted

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