
#' Opportunity cost of purchases
#' In a study on opportunity cost, 150 students were given the following statement:
#' "Imagine that you have been saving some extra money on the side to make some
#' purchases, and on your most recent visit to the video store you come across
#' a special sale on a new video. This video is one with your favorite actor or
#' actress, and your favorite type of movie (such as a comedy, drama, thriller,
#' etc.). This particular video that you are considering is one you have been
#' thinking about buying for a long time. It is available for a special sale
#' price of $14.99. What would you do in this situation? Please circle one of
#' the options below." Half of the students were given the following two options:
#' (A) Buy this entertaining video. (B) Not buy this entertaining video. The
#' other half were given the following two options (note the modified option B):
#' (A) Buy this entertaining video. (B) Not buy this entertaining video.
#' Keep the $14.99 for other purchases.
#' The results of this study are in this dataset.
#' @name opportunity_cost
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame with 150 observations on the following 2 variables.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{group}{a factor with levels \code{control} and \code{treatment}}
#'   \item{decision}{a factor with levels \code{buy video} and \code{not buy video}}
#'   }
#' @source Frederick S, Novemsky N, Wang J, Dhar R, Nowlis S. 2009.
#' Opportunity Cost Neglect. Journal of Consumer Research 36: 553-561.
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' table(opportunity_cost)
#' ggplot(opportunity_cost, aes(y = group, fill = decision)) +
#'   geom_bar(position = "fill")

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