
#' Sample Responses to Two Public Health Questions
#' Public health has improved and evolved, but has the public's knowledge
#' changed with it? This dataset explores sample responses for two survey
#' questions posed by Hans Rosling during lectures to a wide array of
#' well-educated audiences.
#' @format A data frame with 278 rows and 3 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{question}{ID for the question being posed.}
#'   \item{response}{Noting whether the response was \code{correct}
#'     or \code{incorrect}.}
#'   \item{prob_random_correct}{The probability the person would have guessed
#'     the answer correctly if they were guessing completely randomly.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' frac_correct <- tapply(
#'   rosling_responses$response == "correct",
#'   rosling_responses$question,
#'   mean
#' )
#' frac_correct
#' n <- table(rosling_responses$question)
#' n
#' expected <- tapply(
#'   rosling_responses$prob_random_correct,
#'   rosling_responses$question,
#'   mean
#' )
#' # Construct confidence intervals.
#' se <- sqrt(frac_correct * (1 - frac_correct) / n)
#' # Lower bounds.
#' frac_correct - 1.96 * se
#' # Upper bounds.
#' frac_correct + 1.96 * se
#' # Construct Z-scores and p-values.
#' z <- (frac_correct - expected) / se
#' pt(z, df = n - 1)
#' @source The samples we describe are plausible based on the exact rates observed in larger samples.
#' For more info on the actual rates observed, visit \url{https://www.gapminder.org}.
#' Another relevant reference is a book by
#' Hans Rosling, Anna Rosling Ronnlund, and Ola Rosling called
#' [Factfulness](https://www.gapminder.org/factfulness-book/).

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