
Defines functions optimx

Documented in optimx

optimx <- function(par, fn, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, 
            method=c("Nelder-Mead","BFGS"), itnmax=NULL, hessian=FALSE,
             ...) {

  fn1 <- function(par) fn(par,...) # avoid dotarg clashes
  gr1 <- if (!is.null(gr)) function(par) gr(par,...) # ?? will this fail for quoted names
  he1 <- if (!is.null(hess)) function(par) hess(par,...) 

  optcfg <- optimx.setup(par, fn1, gr1, he1, lower, upper, 
            method, itnmax, hessian, control) # NO dotargs now
# Parse and use optcfg
  if (optcfg$ctrl$starttests) {
    optchk <- optimx.check(par, optcfg$ufn, optcfg$ugr, optcfg$uhess, lower,
           upper, hessian, optcfg$ctrl, have.bounds=optcfg$have.bounds,
  optcfg$ctrl$have.bounds<-optcfg$have.bounds # to pass boundedness
  if (! is.null(control$trace) && control$trace > 1) {
  ansout <- optimx.run(par, optcfg$ufn, optcfg$ugr, optcfg$uhess, lower, upper,
            optcfg$method, itnmax, hessian, optcfg$ctrl)
  details <- attr(ansout, "details")
  attr(ansout, "details") <- NULL ## Not sure this necessary, but null here and replace below
  if (optcfg$ctrl$maximize) {
     if (optcfg$ctrl$trace>0) cat("Reversing sign on objective, gradient, & hessian\n")
     ansout$value <- - ansout$value
     for (i in 1:nlist) {
        details[[i,"ngatend"]] <- - details[[i,"ngatend"]] 
        details[[i,"nhatend"]] <- - details[[i,"nhatend"]] 
        details[[i,"hev"]] <- - details[[i,"hev"]] 
  rownames(details) <- details[, "method"]
  ##JN -- don't remove method: 
  ##JN  details <- details[, colnames(details) != "method", drop=FALSE]
  # Fix kkt test output to logical
    ansout[ , "kkt1"] <- as.logical(ansout[ , "kkt1"])
    ansout[ , "kkt2"] <- as.logical(ansout[ , "kkt2"])

  answer <- structure(ansout, details = details, maximize = optcfg$ctrl$maximize,
            npar = optcfg$npar, follow.on=optcfg$ctrl$follow.on,
            class = c("optimx", "data.frame"))
  answer # requested by Gabor 1408
} ## end of optimx

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optimx documentation built on Oct. 24, 2023, 5:06 p.m.