
# fhop.R -- run funconstrain problems with optimx
## bounds tests
## add ncg to opm, optimr
## automation ??
## solutions ??
## analysis ??
# Check if funconstrain installed
cc <- require("funconstrain", quietly=TRUE)
if ( ! cc  ) {
   cat("Package funconstrain not installed\n")
   cat("If devtools package is installed, then use\n")
   cat("    library(devtools)\n")
   cat("    install_github(jlmelville/funconstrain')\n")
   stop("Package not available")
traceval <- 0
sfname <- readline("Sink name=")
if (length(sfname)>0) sink(sfname, split=TRUE)
library(funconstrain)  # get the functions
# now translate for use with optimx
ffn <- function(n=NULL, fnum=NULL){
  # return list with tfn=function, tgr=gradient given fn number and n
  if (is.null(fnum)) stop("ffn needs a function number fnum")
  if ((fnum < 1) || (fnum > 35)) stop("fnum must be in [1, 35]")
  # select function
  funnam <- c("rosen", "freud_roth", "powell_bs", "brown_bs", "beale", 
              "jenn_samp", "helical", "bard", "gauss", "meyer", "gulf",
              "box_3d", "powell_s", "wood", "kow_osb", "brown_den", 
              "osborne_1", "biggs_exp6", "osborne_2", "watson", "ex_rosen", 
              "ex_powell", "penalty_1", "penalty_2", "var_dim", "trigon", 
              "brown_al", "disc_bv", "disc_ie", "broyden_tri", "broyden_band", 
              "linfun_fr", "linfun_r1", "linfun_r1z", "chebyquad")
  #  print(str(funnam))
  fname <- funnam[as.integer(fnum)]
  while (fnum %in% 1:35) {
    ameth <- optimx::ctrldefault(2)$allmeth
    mm <- 0 # in case m value needed
    if (fnum == 1) {
      n <- 2 # fixed
      mm <- 2
      tt <- rosen()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 2) {
      n <- 2 # fixed
      mm <- 2
      tt <- freud_roth()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 3) {
      n <- 2 # fixed
      mm <- 2
      tt <- powell_bs()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 4) {
      n <- 2 # fixed
      mm <- 3
      tt <- brown_bs()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 5) {
      n <- 2 # fixed
      mm <- 3
      tt <- beale()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 6) {
      n <- 2 # fixed
      mm <- 10
      tt <- jenn_samp()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 7) {
      n <- 3 # fixed
      tt <- helical()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 8) {
      n <- 3 # fixed
      mm <- 15
      tt <- bard()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 9) {
      n <- 3 # fixed
      mm <- 15
      tt <- gauss()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 10) {
      n <- 3 # fixed
      m <- 16 # ?? how to return
      tt <- meyer()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 11) {
      n <- 3
      mm <- 99
      tt <- gulf()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 12) {
      n <- 3
      mm <- 20
      tt <- box_3d()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 13) {
      n <- 4
      tt <- powell_s()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 14) {
      n <- 4
      tt <- wood()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 15) {
      mm <- 11
      n <- 4
      tt <- kow_osb()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 16) {
      mm <- 20
      n <- 4
      tt <- brown_den()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 17) {
      mm <- 33
      n <- 5
      tt <- osborne_1()
      ameth<-ameth[-which(ameth=="L-BFGS-B")] # remove L-BFGS-B from this case
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      lo[4] <- 0
      lo[5] <- 0
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 18) {
      mm <- 20
      n <- 6
      tt <- biggs_exp6()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 19) {
      mm <- 65
      n <- 11
      tt <- osborne_2()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 20) {
      n <-6 # changed from 8 2022-8-27
      mm <- 31
      tt <- watson()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 21) {
      n <- 10
      tt <- ex_rosen()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 22) {
      n <- 20
      tt <- ex_powell()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 23) {
      n <- 10
      mm <- n + 1
      tt <- penalty_1()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 24) {
      n <- 10
      mm <- n + 1
      tt <- penalty_2()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 25) {
      n <- 6
      mm <- n + 2
      tt <- var_dim()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 26) {
      n <- 8
      tt <- trigon()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 27) {
      n <- 8
      mm <- n
      tt <- brown_al()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 28) {
      n <- 6
      mm <- n
      tt <- disc_bv()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 29) {
      n <- 8
      mm <- n
      tt <- disc_ie()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 30) {
      n <- 8
      mm <- n
      tt <- broyden_tri()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 31) {
      n <- 8
      mm <- n
      tt <- broyden_band()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 32) {
      mm <- 10
      n <- 8
      tt <- linfun_fr()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 33) {
      mm <- 10
      n <- 8
      tt <- linfun_r1()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 34) {
      mm <- 10
      n <- 8
      tt <- linfun_r1z()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
    if (fnum == 35) {
      n <- 8
      m <- n
      tt <- chebyquad()
      if (is.function(tt$x0)) {
      else xx0 <- tt$x0
      lo <- rep((min(xx0)-0.1), n)
      up <- rep((max(xx0)+0.1), n)
      break }
  # ?? bounds are a trial only
  mask <- c(n)
  if (n > 3) mask <- c(1, mask)
  val <- list(npar = n, fffn=tt$fn, ffgr=tt$gr, ffhe=tt$he, x0=xx0, lo=lo, up=up, 
              mask=mask, fname=fname, ameth=ameth)
  #  cat("val:"); print(val); tmp<-readline('exit ffn')
} # end ffn

iprob <- as.numeric(readline("Prob #(0 for all):"))
if (iprob > 0) {
} else {
ctrl <- ctrldefault(2) # to get methods
allmeth <- ctrl$allmeth 

for (j in 1:length(allmeth)){
  cat(j,"  ",allmeth[j],", ")
mnum <- as.numeric(readline("method number (0 for all, -1 for 'most'):"))
if (mnum > 0) {

   } else { 
     if (mnum <- -1) meth <- ctrl$mostmeth else meth <- allmeth 

# cat("meth:"); print(meth)
# meth<-as.vector(meth)
# cat("meth:"); print(meth)

bded <- readline("Bounds (L, U, B, blank for none):")
bded <- strtrim(bded,1) # trim to 1 character
if (bded == " ") bded<-"" # caution

for (iprob in miniprob:maxiprob) {
    tfun <- ffn(fnum=iprob)
    # print(tfun)
    cat("Problem:", tfun$fname,"\n")
    x0 <- tfun$x0
    n0 <- length(x0)
    tfn <- tfun$fffn
    tgr <- tfun$ffgr
    the <- tfun$ffhe
    # ?? masking?
    if ((bded=="L") || (bded=="B")) lo <- tfun$lo
    if ((bded=="U") || (bded=="B")) up <- tfun$up
#    cat("about to call opm\n")
#    tmp <- readline("continue")
    # Because some solvers, e.g., lbfgsb3c, need BOTH bounds if
    # one is specified, make sure they are present
    if (bded=="L") up <- rep(Inf, n0)
    if (bded=="U") lo <- rep(-Inf,n0)

    t21 <- opm(x0, tfn, tgr, hess=the, method=meth, lower=lo, upper=up, 
               control=list(trace=traceval, stoponerror=TRUE))
    print(summary(t21, order=value))
#    tmp <- readline("continue")

} # end problem loop

if (length(sfname) > 0) sink()
# End program

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