Man pages for ordinalNet
Penalized Ordinal Regression

coef.ordinalNetMethod to extract fitted coefficients from an "ordinalNet"...
ordinalNetOrdinal regression models with elastic net penalty
ordinalNetCVUses K-fold cross validation to obtain out-of-sample...
ordinalNetTuneUses K-fold cross validation to obtain out-of-sample...
plot.ordinalNetTunePlot method for "ordinalNetTune" object.
predict.ordinalNetPredict method for an "ordinalNet" object
print.ordinalNetPrint method for an "ordinalNet" object.
print.ordinalNetCVPrint method for an "ordinalNetCV" object.
print.ordinalNetTunePrint method for an "ordinalNetTune" object.
summary.ordinalNetSummary method for an "ordinalNet" object.
summary.ordinalNetCVSummary method for an "ordinalNetCV" object.
summary.ordinalNetTuneSummary method for an "ordinalNetTune" object.
ordinalNet documentation built on March 22, 2022, 9:06 a.m.