Man pages for osDesign
Design, Planning and Analysis of Observational Studies

beta0Calculate the intercept of a logistic regression model, given...
ccPowerSimulation-based estimation of power for the case-control...
ccSimSimulation function for case-control study designs.
infantsInfant mortality data from North Carolina
OhioOhio lung cancer data
phaseIExpected phase I stratification
plotPowerPlot function for power, based on two-phase and case-control...
rmvhyperRandom generation for the multivariate hypergeometric...
tpsEstimation for two-phase designs.
tpsPowerSimulation-based estimation of power for the two-phase study...
tpsSimSimulation function for two-phase study designs.
osDesign documentation built on Nov. 16, 2020, 9:09 a.m.