## ----setup, include = FALSE-----------------------------------------------------------------------
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
fig.align = "center"
# save user's options and pars
user_options = options()
user_par = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
# save files in the tempdir
old_dd = Sys.getenv("OSMEXT_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY", tempdir())
Sys.setenv(OSMEXT_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY = tempdir())
# set new options
options(width = 100)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
par(mar = rep(0.1, 4))
## ----eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# par(mar = rep(0.1, 4))
# plot(st_geometry(spData::world), xlim = c(-2, 10), ylim = c(35, 60))
# plot(st_geometry(bbbike_zones), xlim = c(-2, 10), ylim = c(35, 60), col = "darkred", add = TRUE)
## ----echo = FALSE, out.width="80%"----------------------------------------------------------------
path = "../man/figures/94461461-772e4d00-01ba-11eb-950c-804ad177729f.png"
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
oe_match("Leeds", provider = "bbbike")
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
oe_match("RU", match_by = "iso3166_1_alpha2")
oe_match("US", match_by = "iso3166_1_alpha2")
## ----error = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
oe_match("PS", match_by = "iso3166_1_alpha2", quiet = TRUE)
oe_match("IL", match_by = "iso3166_1_alpha2", quiet = TRUE)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
oe_match_pattern("US", match_by = "iso3166_2")
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
lapply(oe_match_pattern("Israel", full_row = TRUE), function(x) x[, 1:3])
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
oe_match("Comunitat Valenciana", provider = "openstreetmap_fr")
## ----error = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# erroneous match
oe_match("Milan", max_string_dist = 2)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
oe_match("Vatican City")
## ----eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# oe_match("Milan")
# #> No exact match found for place = Milan and provider = geofabrik. Best match is Iran.
# #> Checking the other providers.
# #> No exact match found in any OSM provider data. Searching for the location online.
# #> The input place was matched with Nord-Ovest.
# #> $url
# #> [1] ""
# #> $file_size
# #> [1] 416306623
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
milan_duomo = sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(1514924, 5034552)), crs = 3003)
## ----error = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
yak = c(-120.51084, 46.60156)
oe_match(yak, level = 1, quiet = TRUE)
oe_match(yak, level = 2, quiet = TRUE) # the default
oe_match(yak, level = 3, quiet = TRUE) # error
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
milan_leeds = st_sfc(
st_point(c(9.190544, 45.46416)), # Milan
st_point(c(-1.543789, 53.7974)), # Leeds
crs = 4326
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
milan_leeds_linestring = st_sfc(
rbind(c(9.190544, 45.46416), c(-1.543789, 53.7974))
crs = 4326
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
oe_match(c(9.1916, 45.4650)) # Duomo di Milano using EPSG: 4326
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ITS stands for Institute for Transport Studies:
(its_details = oe_match("ITS Leeds"))
## ----eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# oe_download(
# file_url = its_details$url,
# file_size = its_details$file_size,
# provider = "test",
# download_directory = # path-to-a-directory
# )
## ----eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# usethis::edit_r_environ()
# # Add a line containing: OSMEXT_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY=/path/for/osm/data
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----include=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
its_pbf = file.path(oe_download_directory(), "test_its-example.osm.pbf")
from = system.file("its-example.osm.pbf", package = "osmextract"),
to = its_pbf,
overwrite = TRUE
## ----eval = 2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
its_pbf = oe_download(its_details$url, provider = "test", quiet = TRUE) # skipped online, run it locally
list.files(oe_download_directory(), pattern = "pbf|gpkg")
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
its_gpkg = oe_vectortranslate(its_pbf)
list.files(oe_download_directory(), pattern = "pbf|gpkg")
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
st_layers(its_pbf, do_count = TRUE)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
st_layers(its_gpkg, do_count = TRUE)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
its_gpkg = oe_vectortranslate(its_pbf, layer = "points")
st_layers(its_gpkg, do_count = TRUE)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
oe_get_keys(its_gpkg, layer = "lines")
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
oe_get_keys(its_gpkg, layer = "lines", values = TRUE)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
its_gpkg = oe_vectortranslate(its_pbf, extra_tags = c("bicycle", "foot"))
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
oe_read(its_pbf, skip_vectortranslate = TRUE, quiet = FALSE)
## ----eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# my_url = ""
# oe_read(my_url, provider = "test", quiet = TRUE, force_download = TRUE, force_vectortranslate = TRUE)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
its_lines = oe_get("ITS Leeds")
par(mar = rep(0.1, 4))
plot(its_lines["highway"], lwd = 2, key.pos = NULL)
## ----eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# oe_get("Andorra")
# oe_get("Leeds")
# oe_get("Goa")
# oe_get("Malta", layer = "points", quiet = FALSE)
# oe_match("RU", match_by = "iso3166_1_alpha2", quiet = FALSE)
# oe_get("Andorra", download_only = TRUE)
# oe_get_keys("Andorra")
# oe_get_keys("Andorra", values = TRUE)
# oe_get_keys("Andorra", values = TRUE, which_keys = c("oneway", "surface", "maxspeed"))
# oe_get("Andorra", extra_tags = c("maxspeed", "oneway", "ref", "junction"), quiet = FALSE)
# oe_get("Andora", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = TRUE, as_tibble = TRUE) # like read_sf
# # Geocode the capital of Goa, India
# (geocode_panaji = tmaptools::geocode_OSM("Panaji, India"))
# oe_get(geocode_panaji$coords, quiet = FALSE) # Large file
# oe_get(geocode_panaji$coords, provider = "bbbike", quiet = FALSE)
# oe_get(geocode_panaji$coords, provider = "openstreetmap_fr", quiet = FALSE)
# # Spatial match starting from the coordinates of Arequipa, Peru
# geocode_arequipa = c(-71.537005, -16.398874)
# oe_get(geocode_arequipa, quiet = FALSE)
# oe_get(geocode_arequipa, provider = "bbbike", quiet = FALSE) # Error
# oe_get(geocode_arequipa, provider = "openstreetmap_fr", quiet = FALSE) # No country-specific extract
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
custom_osmconf_ini = readLines(system.file("osmconf.ini", package = "osmextract"))
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
custom_osmconf_ini[[18]] = "report_all_nodes=yes"
custom_osmconf_ini[[21]] = "report_all_ways=yes"
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
custom_osmconf_ini[[45]] = "osm_id=no"
custom_osmconf_ini[[53]] = "attributes=highway,lanes"
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
temp_ini = tempfile(fileext = ".ini")
writeLines(custom_osmconf_ini, temp_ini)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
oe_get("ITS Leeds", provider = "test", osmconf_ini = temp_ini, quiet = FALSE)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
oe_get("ITS Leeds", provider = "test", quiet = FALSE, force_vectortranslate = TRUE)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
oe_get("ITS Leeds", provider = "test", osmconf_ini = temp_ini, quiet = FALSE, extra_tags = "foot")
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check the CRS
oe_get("ITS Leeds", vectortranslate_options = c("-t_srs", "EPSG:27700"), quiet = FALSE)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my_vectortranslate = c(
"-t_srs", "EPSG:27700",
# SQL-like query where we select only the following fields
"-select", "osm_id,highway",
# SQL-like query where we filter only the features where highway is equal to footway or cycleway
"-where", "highway IN ('footway', 'cycleway')"
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
its_leeds = oe_get("ITS Leeds", vectortranslate_options = my_vectortranslate, quiet = FALSE)
## ----eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # 1. Download the data and skip gpkg conversion
# oe_get("Portugal", download_only = TRUE, skip_vectortranslate = TRUE)
# # 2. Define the vectortranslate options
# my_vectortranslate = c(
# # SQL-like query where we select only the features where highway in (primary, secondary, tertiary)
# "-select", "osm_id,highway",
# "-where", "highway IN ('primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary')"
# )
# # 3. Convert and read-in
# system.time({
# portugal1 = oe_get("Portugal", vectortranslate_options = my_vectortranslate)
# })
# # user system elapsed
# # 17.39 9.93 25.53
## ----eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# system.time({
# portugal2 = oe_get("Portugal", quiet = FALSE, force_vectortranslate = TRUE)
# portugal2 = portugal2 %>%
# dplyr::select(osm_id, highway) %>%
# dplyr::filter(highway %in% c('primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary'))
# })
# # user system elapsed
# # 131.05 28.70 177.03
# nrow(portugal1) == nrow(portugal2)
# #> TRUE
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
its_bbox = st_bbox(c(xmin = -1.559184 , ymin = 53.807739 , xmax = -1.557375 , ymax = 53.808094), crs = 4326) %>%
its_small = oe_get ("ITS Leeds", boundary = its_bbox)
## ----echo = FALSE, out.width="85%"----------------------------------------------------------------
its_leeds = oe_get("ITS Leeds", force_vectortranslate = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)
par(mar = rep(0.1, 4))
plot(st_geometry(its_leeds), reset = FALSE, col = "grey")
plot(st_geometry(its_small), lwd = 3, col = "darkred", add = TRUE)
plot(st_as_sfc(st_bbox(c(xmin = -1.559184 , ymin = 53.807739 , xmax = -1.557375 , ymax = 53.808094), crs = 4326)), add = TRUE, lwd = 3)
## ----eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # 1. Define the polygonal boundary
# la_valletta = st_sfc(st_point(c(456113.1, 3972853)), crs = 32633) %>%
# st_buffer(5000)
# # 2. Define the vectortranslate options
# my_vectortranslate = c(
# "-t_srs", "EPSG:32633",
# "-select", "highway",
# "-where", "highway IN ('primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary', 'unclassified')",
# "-nlt", "PROMOTE_TO_MULTI"
# )
# # 3. Download data
# oe_get("Malta", skip_vectortranslate = TRUE, download_only = TRUE)
# # 4. Read-in data
# system.time({
# oe_get("Malta", vectortranslate_options = my_vectortranslate, boundary = la_valletta, boundary_type = "clipsrc")
# })
# # The input place was matched with: Malta
# # The chosen file was already detected in the download directory. Skip downloading.
# # Start with the vectortranslate operations on the input file!
# # 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
# # Finished the vectortranslate operations on the input file!
# # Reading layer `lines' from data source `C:\Users\Utente\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpYVijx8\geofabrik_malta-latest.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
# # Simple feature collection with 1205 features and 1 field
# # Geometry type: MULTILINESTRING
# # Dimension: XY
# # Bounding box: xmin: 451113.7 ymin: 3967858 xmax: 460364.8 ymax: 3976642
# # Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 33N
# # user system elapsed
# # 0.55 0.11 0.61
## ----echo = FALSE, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------------
# malta_regular = oe_get("Malta", force_vectortranslate = TRUE) %>%
# dplyr::filter(highway %in% c('primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary', 'unclassified')) %>%
# st_transform(32633)
# malta_small = oe_get("Malta", vectortranslate_options = my_vectortranslate, boundary = la_valletta, boundary_type = "clipsrc")
# par(mar = rep(0.1, 4))
# plot(st_geometry(malta_regular), col = "grey", reset = FALSE)
# plot(st_boundary(la_valletta), add = TRUE, lwd = 2)
# plot(st_geometry(malta_small), add = TRUE, col = "darkred", lwd = 2)
## ----echo=FALSE, out.width="80%", fig.align="center"----------------------------------------------
## ----eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# system.time({
# malta_crop = oe_get("Malta", force_vectortranslate = TRUE) %>%
# dplyr::filter(highway %in% c('primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary', 'unclassified')) %>%
# st_transform(32633) %>%
# st_crop(la_valletta)
# })
# #> user system elapsed
# #> 4.61 1.67 7.69
## ----echo = FALSE, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------------
# malta_regular = oe_get("Malta", force_vectortranslate = TRUE) %>%
# dplyr::filter(highway %in% c('primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary', 'unclassified')) %>%
# st_transform(32633)
# par(mar = rep(0.1, 4))
# plot(st_geometry(malta_regular), col = "grey", reset = FALSE)
# plot(st_boundary(la_valletta), add = TRUE, lwd = 2)
# plot(st_geometry(malta_crop), add = TRUE, col = "darkred", lwd = 2)
## ----echo=FALSE, out.width="80%", fig.align='center'----------------------------------------------
## ----eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# malta_small = oe_get(
# "Malta",
# query = "
# SELECT highway, geometry
# FROM 'lines'
# WHERE highway IN ('primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary', 'unclassified')",
# wkt_filter = st_as_text(st_transform(la_valletta, 4326)),
# force_vectortranslate = TRUE
# )
## ----echo = FALSE, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------------
# malta_regular = oe_get("Malta", force_vectortranslate = TRUE) %>%
# dplyr::filter(highway %in% c('primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary', 'unclassified'))
# par(mar = rep(0.1, 4))
# plot(st_geometry(malta_regular), col = "grey", reset = FALSE)
# plot(st_boundary(la_valletta) %>% st_transform(4326), add = TRUE, lwd = 2)
# plot(st_geometry(malta_small), col = "darkred", add = TRUE, lwd = 2)
## ----echo = FALSE, fig.align="center", out.width="80%"--------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# No extra tag
colnames(oe_get("ITS Leeds", quiet = TRUE))
# Check extra tags
oe_get_keys("ITS Leeds")
# Add extra tag
"ITS Leeds",
provider = "test",
query = "SELECT *, hstore_get_value(other_tags, 'bicycle') AS bicycle FROM lines"
## ----include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
# reset par, options, and download directory
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.