twoby2Calibrate: Minimum Bayes factors and p-values from Fisher's exact test...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Warning References See Also Examples

View source: R/twoby2Calibrate.R


Computes a sample-size adjusted lower bound on the Bayes factor (for the point null hypothesis against the alternative) for the given 2x2 contingency table. Also returns p-values from Fisher's exact test (different versions in the two-sided case) and less conservative alternatives such as a mid p-value (see Details for more information).


twoby2Calibrate(x, type="two.sided", alternative="normal", 



a 2x2 contingency table in matrix form


either "one.sided" or "two.sided". Defaults to "two.sided". Specifies if Fisher's exact test (and the corresponding p-value) is one-sided or two-sided.


either "simple" or "normal". Defaults to "normal". Specifies the alternative hypotheses for the (log) odds ratio to consider for two-sided tests. Is ignored if type="one.sided" (in this case only simple alternatives are available).


either "greater", "less" or NULL. Defaults to NULL. Specifies the direction of the alternative for one-sided tests: "greater" corresponds to an odds ratio > 1 and "less" to an odds ratio < 1. Is ignored if type="two.sided".

either "id", "log", "log2" or "log10". Defaults to "id". Specifies how to transform the lower bound on the Bayes factor. "id" corresponds to no transformation. "log" refers to the natural logarithm, "log2" to the logarithm to the base 2 and "log10" to the logarithm to the base 10.


If type="two.sided", the point null hypothesis that the odds ratio is 1 is tested against specific two-sided alternatives: alternative="simple" considers all two-point distributions symmetric around 0 for the log odds ratio. alternative="normal" assumes a local normal prior distribution (a so-called g-prior) centered around 0 for the log odds ratio.

In the one-sided case (type="one.sided"), direction="less" tests the alternative that the odds ratio is less than 1 and considers simple point alternatives in that direction to compute the lower bound on the Bayes factor. "greater" does the same for the alternative that the odds ratio is larger than 1.

The calibration obtained with type="two.sided", alternative="normal" is based on the methodology proposed in Li & Clyde (2018) and yields an (approximate) lower bound on the Bayes factor in closed form. All the other lower bounds on the Bayes factor are computed by numerical optimization. For type="two.sided", the two calibrations are described in Ott & Held (2019).

For one-sided alternatives, the following p-value and 2 related quantities are computed:

For two-sided alternatives, the following 3 p-values and 2 related quantities are computed:

For one-sided alternatives, the posterior probability p.lie was already studied in Liebermeister (1877) and its frequentist properties are investigated in Seneta & Phipps (2001).

For two-sided alternatives, the 3 p-values from Fisher's exact test are defined in equations (2.24)-(2.26) in Kateri (2014) and computed using the function exact2x2() in the package exact2x2. The "mid" p-value is described in Rothman & Greenland (1998, pp. 222-223). The Bayesian significance measure p.lie is proposed in Ott & Held (2019) as a modification of the corresponding one-sided significance measure.


A list of the following two elements:


the lower bound on the Bayes factor


A vector of 3 one-sided p-values/significance measures for one-sided tests,
namely first the p-value from Fisher's exact test, second the corresponding mid p-value p.mid and third the Bayesian posterior probability p.lie (see Details for more information).

A vector of 5 two-sided p-values/significance measures for two-sided tests: The first three p-values p.pb, p.ce and (see Details for the definitions) correspond to two-sided p-values from Fisher's exact test. The 4th quantity p.mid is a mid p-value, namely the mid-p modification of the second p-value p.ce. The last element p.lie is a Bayesian significance measure (see Details for additional information).


For 2x2 tables with entries equal to 0, the minimum Bayes factor is either not defined
(for alternative="normal") or the underlying numerical optimization is unstable
(for alternative="simple"). A warning is displayed in such cases and minBF=NA is returned, but the different p-values/significance measures are still available.


Li, Y. and Clyde, M. A. (2018). Mixtures of g-priors in generalized linear models. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113:524, 1828–1845.

Liebermeister, C. (1877). Ueber Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung in Anwendung auf therapeutische Statistik. Sammlung klinischer Vortraege. Innere Medizin, 110(31–64), 935– 962.

Kateri, M. (2014). Contingency Table Analysis - Methods and Implementation using R. Statistics for Industry and Technology. Birkhaeuser.

Ott, M. and Held, L. (2019). Bayesian calibration of p-values from Fisher's exact test. International Statistical Review 87(2), 285–305.

Rothman, K. J. and Greenland, S. (1998). Modern Epidemiology. 2nd ed. Lippincott-Raven.

Seneta, E. and Phipps, M. C. (2001). On the comparison of two observed frequencies. Biometrical Journal, 43(1), 23–43.

See Also

For computation of p-values: exact2x2 in package exact2x2.


tab <- matrix(c(1,15,5,10), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)
# different minimum Bayes factors
twoby2Calibrate(x=tab, type="one.sided", direction="greater")$minBF
twoby2Calibrate(x=tab, type="one.sided", direction="less")$minBF
twoby2Calibrate(x=tab, type="two.sided", alternative="simple")$minBF
# one-sided p-values
twoby2Calibrate(x=tab, type="one.sided", direction="greater")$p.value
twoby2Calibrate(x=tab, type="one.sided", direction="less")$p.value
# two-sided p-values

pCalibrate documentation built on March 20, 2020, 1:09 a.m.