panaroo_2_pagoo: Read panaroos's output into a pagoo's R6 class object

View source: R/panaroo_2_pagoo.R

panaroo_2_pagooR Documentation

Read panaroos's output into a pagoo's R6 class object


This function handle conversion of panaroo's output files into a pagoo R6 class object. It takes the "gene_presence_absence.csv" file and (optionally but recommended) gff input file paths, and returns an object of class PgR6MS (or PgR6M if left empty the gffs argument). Panaroo identifies some genes with unusual lengths tagging them with 'stop', 'length', or 'refound' labels. In the current version, this function discards those genes.


panaroo_2_pagoo(gene_presence_absence_csv, gffs, sep = "__")



character, path to the "gene_presence_absence.csv" file. (Do not confuse with the file with the same name but with .Rtab extension).


A character vector with paths to original gff files used as roary's input. Typically the return value of list.files() function. This parameter is optional but highly recommended if you want to manipulate sequences.


character. Default: "__" (two underscores). See PgR6MS for a more detail argument description.


A pagoo's R6 class object. Either PgR6M, if gffs argument is left empty, or PgR6MS if path to gff files is provided.


Tonkin-Hill, G., MacAlasdair, N., Ruis, C. et al. Producing polished prokaryotic pangenomes with the Panaroo pipeline. Genome Biol 21, 180 (2020).


## Not run: 
gffs <- list.files(path = "path/to/gffs/",
                   pattern = "[.]gff$",
                   full.names = TRUE)
gpa_csv <- "path/to/gene_presence_absence.csv"

pg <- panaroo_2_pagoo(gene_presence_absence_csv = gpa_csv,
                    gffs = gffs)

## End(Not run)

pagoo documentation built on Nov. 19, 2022, 1:07 a.m.