
parse_remote_any <- function(specs, config, ...) {
  parsed_specs <- re_match(specs, standard_rx("any"))
  parsed_specs$ref <- parsed_specs$.text
  cn <- setdiff(colnames(parsed_specs), c(".match", ".text"))
  parsed_specs <- parsed_specs[, cn]
  parsed_specs$type <- "any"
    function(i) as.list(parsed_specs[i,])

resolve_remote_any <- function(remote, direct, config, cache,
                               dependencies, ...) {
  resolve_remote_standard(remote, direct = FALSE, config, cache,
                          dependencies, ...)$
    then(function(res) {
      refs <- if ("type" %in% names(remote)) {
      } else {
        vcapply(remote, "[[", "ref")                                 # nocov
      res$direct[res$ref %in% refs] <- TRUE
      res$dep_types <- list(dependencies[[2]])

download_remote_any <- function(resolution, target, target_tree,
                                config, cache, which, on_progress) {
  download_remote_standard(resolution, target, target_tree,
                           config, cache, which, on_progress)

satisfy_remote_any <- function(resolution, candidate, config, ...) {
  # package name must be the same
  if (resolution$package != candidate$package) {
    return(structure(FALSE, reason = "Package names differ"))        # nocov

  # otherwise we are good

installedok_remote_any <- function(installed, solution, config, ...) {
  # We still need the one we planned for, because the other one might
  # have different dependencies.
  installedok_remote_cran(installed, solution, config, ...)

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pak documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:35 a.m.