
Defines functions dateNodes

Documented in dateNodes

#' Absolute Dates for Nodes of a Time-Scaled Phylogeny
#' This function returns the ages of nodes (both internal and terminal tips)
#' for a given phylogeny of class \code{phylo}.
#' Its use is specialized for application to dated trees from \code{paleotree},
#' see Details below.

#' @details
#' This function is specialized for dated phylogenies, either estimated from empirical data or simulated with functions from
#' \code{paleotree}, and thus have a \code{$root.time} element. This function will still work without such,
#' but users should see the details for the \code{rootAge} argument.

#' @param tree A phylogeny object of class \code{phylo}. Must have edge lengths!

#' @param rootAge The root age of the tree, assumed by default to be equal to the element at
#' \code{tree$root.time}, which is a standard element for trees dated by the \code{paleotree}
#' package. If not given by the user and if the \code{$root.time} element does not exist, then
#' the maximum depth of the tree will be taken as the root age, which implicitly assumes
#' the latest most terminal tip is an extant taxon at the modern day (time = 0). If \code{rootAge}
#' is so defined that some nodes may occur later than time = 0, this function may return
#' negative dates.

#' @param labelDates If \code{FALSE} (the default), the dates returned are labeled with the
#' tip/node numbers as given in \code{tree$edge}. If \code{TRUE}, they are labeled with the tip labels
#' of every descendant tip, which for terminal tips means a single taxon label, and for
#' internal tips a label that might be very long, composed of multiple tip labels pasted
#' together. Thus, by default, this argument is \code{FALSE}.

#' @param tolerance The tolerance within which a node date has to be removed from zero-time 
#' (i.e. the modern) to issue a warning that there are 'negative' node dates.

#' @return 
#' Returns a vector of length \code{Ntip(tree) + Nnode(tree)} which contains the dates for
#' all terminal tip nodes and internal nodes for the tree, in that order,
#' as numbered in the \code{tree$edge} matrix.
#' These dates are always on a descending scale (i.e. time before present);
#' see help for argument \code{rootAge} for how the present time is determined.
#' If \code{rootAge} is so defined that some nodes may occur later than
#' time = 0 units before present, this function may (confusingly)
#' return negative dates and a warning message will be issued.

#' @seealso \code{\link{compareTimescaling}}, \code{\link{nodeDates2branchLengths}} 

#' @author 
#' David W. Bapst, based on a function originally written by Graeme Lloyd.

#' @examples
#' #let's simulate some example data
#' set.seed(444)
#' record <- simFossilRecord(p = 0.1, q = 0.1, nruns = 1,
#' 	nTotalTaxa = c(30,40), nExtant = 0)
#' taxa <- fossilRecord2fossilTaxa(record)
#' #get the true time-sclaed tree
#' tree1 <- taxa2phylo(taxa)
#' #now let's try dateNodes
#' dateNodes(tree1)
#' #let's ignore $root.time
#' dateNodes(tree1,rootAge = NULL)
#' #with the lengthy tip-label based labels
#'    #some of these will be hideously long
#' dateNodes(tree1,labelDates = TRUE)

#' @export
dateNodes <- function(
		rootAge = tree$root.time,
		labelDates = FALSE,
		tolerance = 0.001
	#based on date.nodes by Graeme Lloyd, but using node.depth.edgelength
		stop("tree must be of class 'phylo'")
	#test that it has edge lengths
	if(is.null(tree$edge.length)){stop("tree does not appear to have edge lengths?")}
	nodeRelTimes <- node.depth.edgelength(tree)
		rootAge <- max(nodeRelTimes)
		message("Root age not given; treating tree as if latest tip was at modern day (time = 0)")}
	res <- rootAge-nodeRelTimes
		message("Warning: Some dates are negative? rootAge may be incorrectly defined or you are using a time-scaling method that warps the tree, like aba or zbla.")}
		names(res) <- sapply(Descendants(tree),function(x) paste0(sort(tree$tip.label[x]),collapse = " "))
		names(res) <- 1:(Ntip(tree)+Nnode(tree))

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paleotree documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 9:09 a.m.