
Defines functions footeValues

Documented in footeValues

#' Calculates Values for Foote's Inverse Survivorship Analyses
#' This function calculates the intermediary values needed for
#' fitting Foote's inverse survivorship analyses, as listed in the
#' table of equations in Foote (2003), with the analyses themselves
#' described further in Foote (2001) and Foote (2005).

#' @details Although most calculations in this function agree
#' with the errata for Foote's 2003 table (see references), there were some additional
#' corrections for the probability of \code{D} given \code{FL} (\code{Prob(D|FL)})
#' made as part of a personal communication in 2013
#' between the package author and Michael Foote.

#' @inheritParams inverseSurv

#' @param p Instantaneous origination/branching rate of taxa. Under 
#' a continuous model, assumed to be \emph{per interval}, or equal
#' to the product of interval lengths and the rates per lineage time
#' units for each interval. 
#' Under a pulsed mode (\code{p_cont = FALSE}), \code{p} is a 
#' per-interval 'rate' which can exceed 1 (because diversity can
#' more than double; Foote, 2003a). Given as a vector with length
#' equal to the number of intervals, so a different value may be
#' given for each separate interval. Must be the same length as
#' \code{q} and \code{r}. 

#' @param q Instantaneous extinction rate of taxa. Under 
#' a continuous model, assumed to be \emph{per interval}, or
#' equal to the product of interval lengths and the rates per lineage
#' time units for each interval.
#' Under a pulsed mode (\code{q_cont = FALSE}), \code{q} is a  
#' per-interval 'rate' but which cannot be observed to exceed 1
#' (because you can't have more taxa go extinct than exist). Given as
#' a vector with length equal to the number of intervals, so a 
#' different value may be given for each separate interval. 
#' Must be the same length as \code{p} and \code{r}. 

#' @param r Instantaneous sampling rate of taxa, assumed to be
#' \emph{per interval}, or equal to the product of interval lengths
#' and the rates per lineage time units for each interval. Given as
#' a vector with length equal to the number of intervals, so a 
#' different value may be given for each separate interval. 
#' Must be the same length as \code{p} and \code{q}. 

#' @param PA_n The probability of sampling a taxon after the last interval 
#' included in a survivorship study. Usually zero for extinct groups, 
#' although more logically has the value of 1 when there are still extant
#' taxa (i.e., if the last interval is the Holocene and the group is
#' still alive, the probability of sampling them later is probably 1...).
#' Should be a value between 0 and 1.

#' @param PB_1 The probability of sampling a taxon before the first interval 
#' included in a survivorship study.
#' Should be a value between 0 and 1.

#' @return Returns a matrix with number of rows equal to the number of intervals 
#' (i.e. the length of \code{p}, \code{q} and \code{r})
#' and named columns representing the different values calculated by the function:
#' \code{"Nb"}, \code{"Nbt"}, \code{"NbL"}, \code{"NFt"}, \code{"NFL"}, \code{"PD_bt"}, 
#' \code{"PD_bL"}, \code{"PD_Ft"}, \code{"PD_FL"}, \code{"PA"}, \code{"PB"},
#' \code{"Xbt"}, \code{"XbL"}, \code{"XFt"} and \code{"XFL"}.

#' @author David W. Bapst, with advice from Michael Foote.

#' @references
#' Foote, M. 2001. Inferring temporal patterns of preservation, origination, and 
#' extinction from taxonomic survivorship analysis. \emph{Paleobiology} 27(4):602-630.
#' Foote, M. 2003a. Origination and Extinction through the Phanerozoic: A New
#' Approach. \emph{The Journal of Geology} 111(2):125-148.
#' Foote, M. 2003b. Erratum: Origination and Extinction through the Phanerozoic:
#' a New Approach. \emph{The Journal of Geology} 111(6):752-753.
#' Foote, M. 2005. Pulsed origination and extinction in the marine realm.
#' \emph{Paleobiology} 31(1):6-20.

#' @examples
#' #very simple example with three intervals, same value for all parameters
#' # example rates (for the most part)
#' rate <- rep(0.1, 3)
#' #all continuous
#' footeValues(rate,rate,rate)	
#' # origination pulsed
#' footeValues(rate,rate,rate,p_cont = FALSE)		 
#' # extinction pulsed
#' footeValues(rate,rate,rate,q_cont = FALSE) 	 
#' # all pulsed
#' footeValues(rate,rate,rate,p_cont = FALSE,q_cont = FALSE) 

#' @export
footeValues <- function(
                        p, q, r,
                        PA_n = 0,
                        PB_1 = 0,
                        p_cont = TRUE,
                        q_cont = TRUE,
                        Nb = 1
  #set '03 Table Values
	# TEST p, q, r
	if (length(p) != length(q)){stop("p is not same length as q!")}
	if (length(p) != length(r)){stop("p is not same length as r!")}
	if (length(r) != length(q)){stop("q is not same length as r!")}
	#following relies on separate p, q, r of all intervals
	#assumes interval length is 1; i.e. the rates have been rescaled accordingly
	n <- length(p)
		Nbt <- Nb*exp(-q)
		Nbt <- Nb*(1-q)
		NbL <- Nb*(1-exp(-q))
		NbL <- Nb*q
			NFt <- Nb*exp(p-q)*(1-exp(-p))
			NFt <- Nb*exp(p)*(1-q)*(1-exp(-p))
			NFt <- Nb*p*exp(-q)
			NFt <- Nb*p*(1-q)
	NFL <- numeric()
			for(i in 1:n){
				if(p[i] == q[i]){
					NFL[i] <- Nb*(exp(-q[i])+p[i]-1)
					NFL[i] <- Nb*(((q[i]*exp(p[i]-q[i]))+((p[i]-q[i])*exp(-q[i]))-p[i])/(p[i]-q[i]))
			NFL <- Nb*q*(exp(p)-1)
			NFL <- Nb*p*(1-exp(-q))
			NFL <- Nb*p*q
	PD_bt <- 1-exp(-r)
		PD_bL <- (((r+q*exp(-(q+r)))/(q+r))-exp(-q))/(1-exp(-q))
		PD_bL <- 1-exp(-r)
		PD_Ft <- (((r+p*exp(-(p+r)))/(p+r))-exp(-p))/(1-exp(-p))
		PD_Ft <- 1-exp(-r)
	#these are corrected equations which do not agree with the erratum from Foote (2003b)
		#mostly, but not entirely, from personal communications with Mike Foote
			PD_FL <- numeric()
			for(i in 1:n){
				if(p[i] == q[i]){
					PD_FL[i] <- (Nb*p[i]/NFL[i])*((r[i]/(p[i]+r[i]))-((1-exp(-p[i]))/p[i])
					PD_FL[i] <- (Nb/NFL[i])*(((p[i]*r[i]*(exp(p[i]-q[i])-1))/((q[i]+r[i])*(p[i]-q[i])))
			PD_FL <- (-((p*(-exp(-r))-(exp(p)*r)+p+r)/((exp(p)-1)*(p+r))))
			PD_FL <- (-((q*(-exp(-r))-(exp(q)*r)+q+r)/((exp(q)-1)*(q+r))))
			PD_FL <- 1-exp(-r)
	#PA for a given i
	PA <- numeric()
	PA[n] <- PA_n
	for(i in 1:(n-1)){
			PA_i <- 0
			for(k in (i+1):n){
				if((i+1) <= (k-1)){m <- (i+1):(k-1)}else{m <- NA}
				PA_i <- PA_i+ifelse(is.na(m[1]),1,exp(-sum(q[m])))*(1-exp(-q[k]))*(1-(
			PA[i] <- PA_i+(exp(-sum(q[(i+1):n])))*(1-exp(-sum(r[(i+1):n]))*(1-PA[n]))
			PA_i <- 0
			for(k in (i+1):n){
				if((i+1) <= (k-1)){m <- (i+1):(k-1)}else{m <- NA}
				PA_i <- PA_i+ifelse(is.na(m[1]),1,prod(1-q[m]))*q[k]*(1-(
			PA[i] <- PA_i+(prod(1-q[(i+1):n])*(1-exp(-sum(r[(i+1):n]))*(1-PA[n])))
	PB <- numeric()
	PB[1] <- PB_1
	for(i in 2:n){
			PB_i <- 0
			for(k in 1:(i-1)){
				if((k+1) <= (i-1)){m <- (k+1):(i-1)}else{m <- NA}
				PB_i <- PB_i+((ifelse(is.na(m[1]),1,exp(-sum(p[m])))*(1-exp(-p[k])))*(1-
			PB[i] <- PB_i+(exp(-sum(p[1:(i-1)])))*(1-exp(-sum(r[1:(i-1)]))*(1-PB[1]))
			PB_i <- 0
			for(k in 1:(i-1)){
				if((k+1) <= (i-1)){m <- (k+1):(i-1)}else{m <- NA}
				PB_i <- PB_i+((ifelse(is.na(m[1]),1,prod(1/(1+p[m])))*(p[k]/(1+p[k])))*(1-
			PB[i] <- PB_i+(prod(1/(1+p[1:(i-1)]))*(1-exp(-sum(r[1:(i-1)]))*(1-PB[1])))
	Xbt <- Nbt*PB*PA
	XbL <- NbL*PB*PD_bL+Nbt*PB*PD_bt*(1-PA)
	XFt <- NFt*PA*PD_Ft+Nbt*PA*PD_bt*(1-PB)	
	XFL <- (NFL*PD_FL)+(NbL*(1-PB)*PD_bL)+(NFt*(1-PA)*PD_Ft)+(Nbt*(1-PB)*PD_bt*(1-PA))
	res <- data.frame(cbind(Nb = rep(Nb,n),Nbt,NbL,NFt,NFL,PD_bt,PD_bL,PD_Ft,PD_FL,PA,PB,Xbt,XbL,XFt,XFL))

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