
Defines functions bindPaleoTip dropPaleoTip addTermBranchLength dropExtant dropExtinct dropZLB

Documented in addTermBranchLength bindPaleoTip dropExtant dropExtinct dropPaleoTip dropZLB

#' Modify, Drop or Bind Terminal Branches of Various Types (Mainly for Paleontological Phylogenies)
#' These functions modify terminal branches or drop certain terminal branches
#' based on various criteria.

#' \code{dropZLB} drops tip-taxa that are attached to the tree via 
#' zero-length terminal branches ("ZLBs"). 
#' This is sometimes useful for phylogenies of fossil taxa, as
#' various time-scaling methods often produce these 'ZLBs', taxa whose early
#' appearance causes them to be functionally interpreted as ancestors in some
#' time-scaling methods. Removing 'ZLBs' is advised for analyses of
#' diversification/diversity, as these will appear as simultaneous
#' speciation/extinction events. Note this function only drops tips attached to
#' a terminal zero-length branch; if you want to collapse internal zero-length
#' branches, see the ape function \code{\link{di2multi}}.
#' \code{dropExtinct} drops all terminal branches which end before the modern (i.e.
#' extinct taxa). \code{DropExtant} drops all terminal branches which end at the
#' modern (i.e. extant/still-living taxa). In both cases, the modern is defined
#' based on \code{tree$root.time} if available, or the modern is inferred to be the
#' point in time when the tip furthest from the root (the latest tip)
#' terminates.
#' If the input tree has a \code{$root.time} element,
#' as expected for most phylogeny containing fossil taxa
#' objects handled by this library, that \code{$root.time} is adjusted if the relative
#' time of the root divergence changes when terminal branches are dropped.
#' This is typically performed via the function \code{\link{fixRootTime}}.
#' Adjusted \code{$root.time} elements are only given if
#' the input tree has a \code{$root.time} element.
#' \code{addTermBranchLength} adds an amount equal to the argument \code{addtime} to the
#' terminal branch lengths of the tree. If there is a \code{$root.time} element, this
#' is increased by an amount equal to \code{addtime}. A negative amount can be input
#' to reduce the length of terminal branches. However, if negative branch
#' lengths are produced, the function fails and a warning is produced.
#' The function \code{addTermBranchLength} does \emph{not} call \code{fixRootTime},
#' so the root.time elements in the result tree may
#' be nonsensical, particularly if negative amounts are input.
#' \code{dropPaleoTip} is a wrapper for \code{ape}'s \code{\link{drop.tip}} which also modifies the
#' \code{$root.time} element if necessary, using \code{fixRootTime}. Similarly,
#' \code{bindPaleoTip} is a wrapper for phytool's \code{bind.tip} which allows tip age
#' as input and modifies the \code{$root.time} element if necessary (i.e. if a tip
#' is added to edge leading up to the root).
#' Note that for \code{bindPaleoTip}, tips added below the root are subtracted from
#' any existing \code{$root.edge} element,
#' as per behavior of \code{link{bind.tip}} and \code{\link{bind.tree}}.
#' However, \code{bindPaleoTip} will append a \code{$root.edge} of
#' the appropriate value (i.e., root edge length)
#' if one does not exist (or is not long enough) to avoid an error. After
#' binding is finished, any \code{$root.edge} equal to 0 is removed before the
#' resulting tree is output.

#' @aliases dropZLB dropExtinct dropExtant addTermBranchLength 

#' @param tree A phylogeny, as an object of class \code{phylo}.
#' \code{dropPaleoTip} requires this
#' input object to also have a \code{tree$root.time} element. If not provided for
#' \code{bindPaleoTip}, then the \code{$root.time} will be presumed to be such that the
#' furthest tip from the root is at \code{time = 0}.

#' @param tol Tolerance for determining modern age; used for distinguishing
#' extinct from extant taxa. Tips which end within \code{tol} of the furthest
#' distance from the root will be treated as 'extant' taxa for the purpose of
#' keeping or dropping.

#' @param ignore.root.time Ignore \code{tree$root.time} in calculating which tips are
#' extinct? \code{tree$root.time} will still be adjusted,
#' if the operation alters the \code{tree$root.time}.

#' @param addtime Extra amount of time to add to all terminal branch lengths.

#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{dropPaleoTip} are passed to \code{\link{drop.tip}}.

#' @param tipLabel A character string of \code{length = 1} containing the name of the new tip
#' to be added to \code{tree}.

#' @param tipAge The age of the tip taxon added to the tree, in time before present (i.e. where
#' present is 0), given in the same units as the edges of the tree are already scaled. Cannot be
#' given if \code{edgeLength} is given.

#' @param edgeLength The new \code{edge.length} of the terminal branch this tip is connected to.
#' Cannot be given if \code{tipAge} is given. 

#' @param nodeAttach Node or tip ID number (as given in \code{tree$edge}) at which to attach the new tip. 
#' See documentation of \code{bind.tip} for more details.

#' @param positionBelow The distance along the edge below the node to be attached to 
#' (given in \code{nodeAttach} to add the new tip. Cannot be negative or greater than the length of the
#' edge below \code{nodeAttach}.

#' @param noNegativeEdgeLength Return an error if a negative terminal edge length is calculated
#' for the new tip.

#' @return Gives back a modified phylogeny as a \code{phylo} object, generally with a
#' modified \code{$root.time} element.

#' @author David W. Bapst. The functions \code{dropTipPaleo} and \code{bindTipPaleo} are modified imports of
#' \code{\link{drop.tip}} and \code{\link{bind.tip}} from packages \code{ape} and \code{phytools}.

#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{compareTermBranches}}, \code{\link{phyloDiv}}, 
#' \code{\link{drop.tip}}, \code{\link{bind.tip}}

#' @examples
#' set.seed(444)
#' # Simulate some fossil ranges with simFossilRecord
#' record <- simFossilRecord(
#'     p = 0.1, q = 0.1, 
#'     nruns = 1, 
#'     nTotalTaxa = c(30,40), 
#'     nExtant = 0
#'     )
#' taxa <- fossilRecord2fossilTaxa(record)
#' # simulate a fossil record 
#'     # with imperfect sampling with sampleRanges
#' rangesCont <- sampleRanges(taxa,r = 0.5)
#' # Now let's make a tree using taxa2phylo
#' tree <- taxa2phylo(taxa,obs_time = rangesCont[,2])
#' # compare the two trees
#' layout(1:2)
#' plot(ladderize(tree))
#' plot(ladderize(dropZLB(tree)))
#' # reset
#' layout(1)
#' # example using dropExtinct and dropExtant
#' set.seed(444)
#' record <- simFossilRecord(
#'     p = 0.1, q = 0.1, 
#'     nruns = 1, 
#'     nTotalTaxa = c(30,40), 
#'     nExtant = c(10,20)
#'     )
#' taxa <- fossilRecord2fossilTaxa(record)
#' tree <- taxa2phylo(taxa)
#' phyloDiv(tree)
#' tree1 <- dropExtinct(tree)
#' phyloDiv(tree1)
#' tree2 <- dropExtant(tree)
#' phyloDiv(tree2)
#' # example using addTermBranchLength
#' set.seed(444)
#' treeA <- rtree(10)
#' treeB <- addTermBranchLength(treeA,1)
#' compareTermBranches(treeA,treeB)
#' #########################
#' # test dropPaleoTip
#' 	# (and fixRootTime by extension...)
#' # simple example
#' tree <- read.tree(text = "(A:3,(B:2,(C:5,D:3):2):3);")
#' tree$root.time <- 10
#' plot(tree, no.margin = FALSE)
#' axisPhylo()
#' # now a series of tests, dropping various tips
#' (test <- dropPaleoTip(tree,"A")$root.time) #  = 7
#' (test[2] <- dropPaleoTip(tree,"B")$root.time) #  = 10
#' (test[3] <- dropPaleoTip(tree,"C")$root.time) #  = 10
#' (test[4] <- dropPaleoTip(tree,"D")$root.time) #  = 10
#' (test[5] <- dropPaleoTip(tree,c("A","B"))$root.time) #  = 5
#' (test[6] <- dropPaleoTip(tree,c("B","C"))$root.time) #  = 10
#' (test[7] <- dropPaleoTip(tree,c("A","C"))$root.time) #  = 7
#' (test[8] <- dropPaleoTip(tree,c("A","D"))$root.time) #  = 7
#' # is it all good? if not, fail so paleotree fails...
#' if(!identical(test,c(7,10,10,10,5,10,7,7))){
#'      stop("fixRootTime fails!")
#'      }
#' ##############
#' # testing bindPaleoTip
#' # simple example 
#' tree <- read.tree(text = "(A:3,(B:2,(C:5,D:3):2):3);")
#' tree$root.time <- 20
#' plot(tree, no.margin = FALSE)
#' axisPhylo()
#' \dontrun{
#' require(phytools)
#' # bindPaleoTip effectively wraps bind.tip from phytools
#' # using a conversion like below
#' tipAge <- 5
#' node <- 6
#' # the new tree length (tip to root depth) should be:
#' # new length = the root time - tipAge - nodeheight(tree,node)
#' newLength <- tree$root.time-tipAge-nodeheight(tree,node)
#' tree1 <- bind.tip(tree,
#'     "tip.label",
#'     where = node,\
#'     edge.length = newLength)
#' layout(1:2)
#' plot(tree)
#' axisPhylo()
#' plot(tree1)
#' axisPhylo()
#' # reset
#' layout(1)
#' }
#' # now with bindPaleoTip
#' tree1 <- bindPaleoTip(tree,"new",nodeAttach = 6,tipAge = 5)
#' layout(1:2)
#' plot(tree)
#' axisPhylo()
#' plot(tree1)
#' axisPhylo()
#' # reset
#' layout(1)
#' #then the tip age of "new" should 5
#' test <- dateNodes(tree1)[which(tree1$tip.label == "new")] == 5
#' if(!test){
#'     stop("bindPaleoTip fails!")
#'     }
#' # with positionBelow
#' tree1 <- bindPaleoTip(
#'     tree,
#'     "new",
#'     nodeAttach = 6,
#'     tipAge = 5,
#'     positionBelow = 1
#'     )
#' layout(1:2)
#' plot(tree)
#' axisPhylo()
#' plot(tree1)
#' axisPhylo()
#' # reset
#' layout(1)
#' # at the root
#' tree1 <- bindPaleoTip(
#'     tree,
#'     "new", 
#'     nodeAttach = 5,
#'     tipAge = 5)
#' layout(1:2)
#' plot(tree)
#' axisPhylo()
#' plot(tree1)
#' axisPhylo()
#' # reset
#' layout(1)
#' #then the tip age of "new" should 5
#' test <- dateNodes(tree1)[which(tree1$tip.label == "new")] == 5
#' if(!test){
#'      stop("bindPaleoTip fails!")
#'      }
#' # at the root with positionBelow
#' tree1 <- bindPaleoTip(tree,"new",nodeAttach = 5,tipAge = 5,
#' 	positionBelow = 3)
#' layout(1:2)
#' plot(tree)
#' axisPhylo()
#' plot(tree1)
#' axisPhylo()
#' # reset
#' layout(1)
#' #then the tip age of "new" should 5
#' test <- dateNodes(tree1)[which(tree1$tip.label == "new")] == 5
#' #and the root age should be 23
#' test1 <- tree1$root.time == 23
#' if(!test | !test1){
#'      stop("bindPaleoTip fails!")
#'      }

#' @name modifyTerminalBranches
#' @rdname modifyTerminalBranches
#' @export
dropZLB <- function(tree){
	#drops terminal branches that are zero length
		#adjusts tree$root.time if necessary
		stop("tree must be of class 'phylo'")
	drop_e <- (tree$edge[,2]<(Ntip(tree)+1)) & (tree$edge.length == 0)
	drop_t <- (tree$edge[,2])[drop_e]
		tree1 <- drop.tip(tree,drop_t)
			tree1 <- fixRootTime(treeOrig = tree, treeNew = tree1)
		res <- tree1
		res <- NA
#' @rdname modifyTerminalBranches
#' @export
dropExtinct <- function(tree,
                        tol = 0.01,
                        ignore.root.time = FALSE
	# drop all terminal taxa that are less than 0.001 from the modern
	# require(ape)
	# checks
		stop("tree must be of class 'phylo'")
		message("No tree$root.time: Assuming latest tip is at present (time = 0)")
	dnode <- node.depth.edgelength(tree)[1:Ntip(tree)]
	dnode <- round(dnode,6)
	if(!is.null(tree$root.time) & !ignore.root.time){
	        stop("all tips are extinct based on tree$root.time!")
	droppers <- which((dnode+tol)<max(dnode))
	    stop("Less than 2 tips are extant on the tree!")
	stree <- drop.tip(tree,droppers)
		# now need to add $root.time given the droppers
		# should be root.time MINUS distance from
	     # furthest tip in tree PLUS distance from latest tip to root of stree
		# stree$root.time <- tree$root.time - max(dnode)
	      # + max(dist.nodes(stree)[1:Ntip(stree),Ntip(stree)+1])
		stree <- fixRootTime(treeOrig = tree, treeNew = stree)
#' @rdname modifyTerminalBranches
#' @export
dropExtant <- function(tree,tol = 0.01){
	#drop all terminal taxa that are more than 0.001 from the modern
		stop("tree must be of class 'phylo'")
		message("Warning: no tree$root.time! Assuming latest tip is at present (time = 0)")
	dnode <- node.depth.edgelength(tree)[1:Ntip(tree)]
	dnode <- round(dnode,6)
	if(!is.null(tree$root.time)){if(round(tree$root.time,6)>max(dnode)){stop("all tips are extinct based on tree$root.time!")}}
	droppers <- which((dnode+tol)>max(dnode))
	if((Ntip(tree)-length(droppers))<2){stop("Less than 2 tips extinct on the tree!")}
	stree <- drop.tip(tree,droppers)
		#now need to add $root.time given the droppers
		#should be root.time MINUS distance from earliest tip in tree PLUS distance from earliest tip to root of stree
		#stree$root.time <- tree$root.time-min(dnode)+min(dist.nodes(stree)[1:Ntip(stree),Ntip(stree)+1])
		stree <- fixRootTime(treeOrig = tree, treeNew = stree)
#' @rdname modifyTerminalBranches
#' @export
addTermBranchLength <- function(tree,addtime = 0.001){
		stop("tree must be of class 'phylo'")
	branchSel <- tree$edge[,2]<(Ntip(tree)+1)
	newBrLen <- tree$edge.length[branchSel]+addtime
	tree$edge.length[branchSel] <- newBrLen
		stop("tree has negative branch lengths!")
		tree$root.time <- tree$root.time + addtime

#' @rdname modifyTerminalBranches
#' @export
dropPaleoTip <- function(tree, ...){
	tree1 <- drop.tip(phy = tree, ...)
	tree1 <- fixRootTime(treeOrig = tree, treeNew = tree1)
#' @rdname modifyTerminalBranches
#' @export
bindPaleoTip <- function(tree, tipLabel, nodeAttach = NULL, tipAge = NULL,
		edgeLength = NULL, positionBelow = 0, noNegativeEdgeLength = TRUE){
	tipLabel <- as.character(tipLabel)
		stop("cannot coerce tipLabel to a string value")
	if(length(tipLabel) != 1){
		stop("A string of length = 1 is needed for tipLabel (i.e. for a single tip) is required")
	# positionBelow
		stop("bindTipPaleo does not accept negative positionBelow values")
	if(nodeAttach == (Ntip(tree)+1)){
				tree$root.edge <- positionBelow
					tree$root.edge <- positionBelow
		if(positionBelow>tree$edge.length[tree$edge[,2] == nodeAttach]){
				"positionBelow cannot be greater than the $edge.length of the edge below nodeAttach"
	# check root.time
			"No tree$root.time given; Setting root.time such that latest tip is at present (time = 0)"
		tree$root.time <- max(node.depth.edgelength(tree))
		stop("bindTipPaleo is for trees with edge lengths")
			#nodeHeight <- nodeheight(tree,nodeAttach)-position
			nodeHeight <- node.depth.edgelength(tree)[nodeAttach]
			modNodeHeight <- nodeHeight-positionBelow
			newLength <- tree$root.time-tipAge-modNodeHeight
					stop(paste0("Negative edge length created due to tipAge being",
						" older than age of nodeAttach + positionBelow"))
					message(paste0("Warning: negative edge length created due to tipAge being",
						" older than age of nodeAttach + positionBelow"))
			stop("either tipAge or edgeLength must be given")
			stop("both tipAge or edgeLength cannot be given")
		newLength <- edgeLength
		if(newLength<0 & noNegativeEdgeLength){
			stop("Negative edgeLength given ?!")
	tree1 <- bind.tip(tree, 
		tip.label = tipLabel, 
		where = nodeAttach,
		position = positionBelow, 
		edge.length = newLength
	# fix root.time if nodeAttach = root ID of tree and positionBelow>0
	if(nodeAttach == (Ntip(tree)+1) & positionBelow>0){
		#adjust root.time by the positionBelow
		tree1$root.time <- tree1$root.time + positionBelow
		if(tree1$root.edge == 0){tree1$root.edge <- NULL}
	#return tree1

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paleotree documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 9:09 a.m.