Man pages for pamr
Pam: Prediction Analysis for Microarrays

khanKhan microarray data
pamr.adaptthreshA function to adaptive choose threshold scales, for use in...
pamr.batchadjustA function to mean-adjust microarray data by batches
pamr.confusionA function giving a table of true versus predicted values,...
pamr.confusion.survivalCompute confusin matrix from pamr survival fit
pamr.cvA function to cross-validate the nearest shrunken centroid...
pamr.decorrelateA function to decorrelate (adjust) the feature matrix with...
pamr.fdrA function to estimate false discovery rates for the nearest...
pamr.geneplotA function to plot the genes that surive the thresholding...
pamr.indeterminateA function that takes estimate class probabilities and...
pamr.listgenesA function to list the genes that survive the thresholding,...
pamr.makeclassesA function to interactively define classes from a clustering...
pamr.menuA function that interactively leads the user through a PAM...
pamr-packagePrediction Analysis of Microarrays
pamr.plotcenA function to plot the shrunken class centroids, from the...
pamr.plotcvA function to plot the cross-validated error curves from the...
pamr.plotcvprobA function to plot the cross-validated sample probabilities...
pamr.plotfdrA function to plot the FDR curve from the nearest shrunken...
pamr.plotstrataA function to plot the survival curves in each Kaplan Meier...
pamr.plotsurvivalA function to plots Kaplan-Meier curves stratified by a group...
pamr.predictA function giving prediction information, from a nearest...
pamr.predictmanyA function giving prediction information for many threshold... function to assign observations to categories, based on...
pamr.test.errors.surv.computeA function giving a table of true versus predicted values,...
pamr.trainA function to train a nearest shrunken centroid classifier
pamr documentation built on July 1, 2024, 9:06 a.m.