
Defines functions check_array_margins check_object_type set_option get_option is_of_class get_class_name

Documented in get_option set_option

#' @include Options.R

#' @title
#' Package Helpers
#' @description
#' This class contains static helper methods.
#' @format
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{Helper$get_class_name(object)}}{Helper for getting the class of a given object.}
#'   \item{\code{Helper$is_of_class(object, class)}}{Check if an object is of a certain class.}
#'   \item{\code{Helper$get_option(option)}}{Get package option, or corresponding default value.}
#'   \item{\code{Helper$set_option(option, value)}}{Set package option.}
#'   \item{\code{Helper$check_object_type(object, expected_type)}}{Check the type of a given object.}
#'   \item{\code{Helper$check_array_margins(margins, dimensions)}}{Helper to check array margins for the `Service$apply` operation.}
#' }
#' @export
Helper <- R6::R6Class("Helper",
    cloneable = FALSE

# Helper for getting the class of a given instance.
Helper$get_class_name <- function(object) {

# Helper to check if object is of certain class.
Helper$is_of_class <- function(object, class) {
    return(class(object)[1] == class)

# Get package option, or corresponding default value.
Helper$get_option <- function(option) {
    # Get the `Options` instance from the global options, or create a new one.
    options <- getOption("parabar", default = Options$new())

    # If the requested option is unknown.
    if (!option %in% ls(options)) {
        # Throw an error.

    # Return the value.

# Set package option.
Helper$set_option <- function(option, value) {
    # Get the `Options` instance from the global options, or create a new one.
    options <- getOption("parabar", default = Options$new())

    # If the requested option is unknown.
    if (!option %in% ls(options)) {
        # Throw an error.

    # Set the value.
    options[[option]] <- value

    # Set the `Options` instance in the global options.
    options(parabar = options)

# Helper for performing a type check on a given object.
Helper$check_object_type <- function(object, expected_type) {
    # Get object class name.
    type <- Helper$get_class_name(object)

    # If the object does not inherit from the expected type.
    if (!inherits(object, expected_type)) {
        # Throw incorrect type error.
        Exception$type_not_assignable(type, expected_type)

# Helper for checking the array margins provided for the `apply` operation.
Helper$check_array_margins <- function(margins, dimensions) {
    # Conditions to ensure the margins are valid.
    violations <- c(
        # Ensure all margins are unique.

        # Ensure all margins are within the array dimensions.
        margins > length(dimensions)

    # If any violations are found.
    if (any(violations)) {
        # Throw an error.
        Exception$array_margins_not_compatible(margins, dimensions)

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parabar documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:42 a.m.