
###                                                                #
### Addon is a function which takes all available basis functions  #
###  and looks at adding on possible functions by splitting a basis#
###  function into two additional functions                        #

addon <- function(bas.fx, y, wt, dat, minsplit, minbuck, real.LIST, opts, x.temp,
                  is.num, control) {
  m <- ncol(bas.fx)  # number of basis functions
  keep.add <- list()
  for(M in 1:m) {
    best.of.P <- list()
    keep.var.P <- NULL

    # gets the new variable list
    if (control$leafy == 1) {
      new.variable.list <- sample(1:ncol(dat),
                                  replace = FALSE)
    } else {
      new.variable.list <- seq(1:ncol(dat))

    k <- length(real.LIST[[M]][[1]])
    for(P in 1:ncol(dat)) {
      all.add <- vector("list", length=k)
      keep.var <- NULL
      for(K in 1:k) {
        # Outer loop is for every basis function, Middle loop is for every
        # variable for each basis function, Inner loop is for each split
        # for each such variable.
        if (P %in% new.variable.list) {
          # This function is similar to assign.obs.to.bf in newfunctions.R
          split.ors <- assign.obs.own.OR.stmt(dat2=x.temp, n=nrow(dat),
                        p=ncol(dat),ORs=real.LIST[[M]], psi=bas.fx[,M],which.K=K)

          get.split <- split.fx(psi=split.ors[[1]], y=y, wt=wt, opts=opts,
                                x.split=dat[,P], minbuck=minbuck, minsplit=minsplit,

          all.add[[K]] <- list(cut.value = get.split$val,new.lt = get.split$new.lt,
                               new.gt = get.split$new.gt, cant.split = get.split$cant.split,
                               Variable.number = P, OR.statement.number = K,
                               Exclude.OR.members = bas.fx[,M] - split.ors[[1]])
          keep.var[K] <- ifelse(get.split$cant.split, NA, get.split$max.g)
        } else {
          keep.var[K] <- NA

      ## if can't split don't consider for best of the Mth BF
      keep.k <- which.max(keep.var)
      if (length(keep.k) == 0)
        keep.k <- 1

      best.of.P[[P]] <- all.add[[keep.k]]
      keep.var.P[P] <- keep.var[keep.k]

    keep.k <- which.max(keep.var.P)
    if (length(keep.k) == 0) {
      keep.k <- 1
      keep.add[[M]] <- list(0,0,0,TRUE)
      # If none of the variables can be split upon, this avoids
      # a null value for that partition.
    } else {
      # For each basis function, best variable split is saved.
      keep.add[[M]] <- best.of.P[[keep.k]]


assign.obs.own.OR.stmt <- function(dat2, n, p, ORs, psi, which.K) {
  ## p = num of variables
  ## n = num of obs
  ## dat2 = matrix with variables and corresponding values (nxp)
  ## ORs = list of basis functions

  if(length(ORs[[1]]) > 1) {
    add <- integer(n)
    for(P in 1:p) {
        x <- dat2[,P]
        add <- add + (ORs[[P]][[which.K]][1] < x & x <= ORs[[P]][[which.K]][2])
      } else if(is.factor(dat2[,P])){
        x <- as.numeric(dat2[,P])-1
        ## need to update this as - won't work for non-binary variables.
        ## here is code from the code.2.r splitting function
        ##   in.set <- direction[1:best.ind]
        ##    in.x <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(x.s.k), ncol=length(in.set))
        ##    for(ind in 1:length(in.set))
        ##      in.x[,ind] <- x.s.k == in.set[ind]
        ##    num.in.set <- sum(in.x)
        ##    num.not.in.set <- length(x.s.k) - num.in.set

        add <- add + (ORs[[P]][[which.K]][1] <= x & x < ORs[[P]][[which.K]][2])

    send.or <- as.numeric(add == p)
  }else  send.or <- psi


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