
Defines functions Ops.timespan Ops.partial_time eq_parttimes neq_parttimes gt_lt_gte_lte_timespans compare_timespans compare_matrices

Documented in eq_parttimes neq_parttimes Ops.partial_time Ops.timespan

# methods  getGroupMembers("Arith")
# methods  getGroupMembers("Compare")
# methods  getGroupMembers("Logic")

compare_matrices <- function(x1, x2) {
  # greater: 1, equal: 0, less than: -1
  (x1 > x2) * 2 - 1 + (x1 == x2)

compare_timespans <- function(x1, x2) {
  # determine index of "inclusive" field
  inc <- .i(x1, 2, "inclusive")

  # flags for records where timespan intersection comparison is inclusive
  inc1 <- x1[, inc, 1] & x2[, inc, 2]
  inc2 <- x1[, inc, 2] & x2[, inc, 1]

  # integer array with dimensions omitting ub and 'inclusive' field
  a <- b <- array(0L, dim = dim(x1)[1:2] - c(0, 1))

  # upper and lower bounds of each timespan
  x1_lb <- extract(x1, , -inc, 1, drop = 3)
  x1_ub <- extract(x1, , -inc, 2, drop = 3)
  x2_lb <- extract(x2, , -inc, 1, drop = 3)
  x2_ub <- extract(x2, , -inc, 2, drop = 3)

  a <- compare_matrices(x1_lb, x2_ub)
  a[!inc1 & col(a) == apply(a, 1, Position, f = Negate(is.na), right = TRUE) & a == 0] <- 1
  a[col(a) > apply(a != 0, 1, Position, f = isTRUE)] <- 0
  a <- t(apply(a, 1, cumsum))

  b <- compare_matrices(x1_ub, x2_lb)
  b[!inc2 & col(b) == apply(b, 1, Position, f = Negate(is.na), right = TRUE) & b == 0] <- -1
  b[col(b) > apply(b != 0, 1, Position, f = isTRUE)] <- 0
  b <- t(apply(b, 1, cumsum))

  out <- array(NA_integer_, dim = dim(a))
  out <- (a > 0) - (b < 0)
  out[out == 0 | (a > 0 & b < 0)] <- NA

gt_lt_gte_lte_timespans <- function(generic, e1, e2) {
  drop_cols <- .i(vctrs::field(e1, "tmspn_arr"), 2, "tzhour", "tzmin")
  na <- ifelse(is.na(e1) | is.na(e2), NA_integer_, 0)

  e1 <- extract(vctrs::field(to_gmt(e1), "tmspn_arr"), , -drop_cols, , drop = FALSE)
  e2 <- extract(vctrs::field(to_gmt(e2), "tmspn_arr"), , -drop_cols, , drop = FALSE)

  # build comparison matrix
  x <- cbind(na, compare_timespans(e1, e2))

  # apply comparison
  x <- do.call(generic, list(x, 0))

#' Not-equal comparison handler for partial_time objects
#' @param generic the generic operator selected
#' @param e1 objects
#' @param e2 objects
#' @examples
#' x <- as.parttime(c("2019", "2018-01",    NA, "2011"))
#' y <- as.parttime(c("2019", "2018-01-03", NA, "2010-01"))
#' x != y
#' @keywords internal
neq_parttimes <- function(generic, e1, e2) {
  na <- is.na(e1) | is.na(e2)

  e1 <- propagate_na(e1)
  e2 <- propagate_na(e2)

  x <- vctrs::field(e1, "pttm_mat") != vctrs::field(e2, "pttm_mat")
  x <- t(apply(x, 1, cumsum)) > 0
  x_any <- which(apply(x, 1, any))
  x[x_any, ] <- x[x_any, ] | is.na(x[x_any, ])

  parttime_logical(cbind(na, x))

#' Equal comparison handler for partial_time objects
#' @param generic the generic operator selected
#' @param e1 objects
#' @param e2 objects
#' @examples
#' x <- as.parttime(c("2019", "2018-01-04", NA, "2011"))
#' y <- as.parttime(c("2019", "2018-01-03", NA, "2010-01"))
#' x == y
#' @keywords internal
eq_parttimes <- function(generic, e1, e2) {
  na <- is.na(e1) | is.na(e2)

  e1 <- propagate_na(e1)
  e2 <- propagate_na(e2)

  x <- vctrs::field(e1, "pttm_mat") == vctrs::field(e2, "pttm_mat")
  x_nall <- which(apply(!x, 1, any))
  x[x_nall, ] <- !(!x[x_nall, ] | is.na(x[x_nall, ]))

  parttime_logical(cbind(na, x))

#' Handler for Ops generics for partial_time objects
#' @param e1 objects
#' @param e2 objects
#' @details
#' `partial_time` objects only implement binary operators `==` and `!=`. For
#' other operators, `partial_time`s are first converted to `partial_timespan`s
#' for operator evaluation.
#' @return the binary operator result of `partial_time` `e1` with `e2`. See
#'   Details for more information on operator behaviors.
#' @examples
#' #                 when assume_tz "GMT"         when assume_tz NA
#' #                 ---------------------------  ---------------------------
#' #                 raw    possibly  definitely  raw   possibly  definitely
#' #                 -----  --------- ----------  ----- --------- -----------
#' #     1998 < 1999 TRUE   TRUE      TRUE        NA    TRUE      FALSE
#' #     1998 < 1997 FALSE  FALSE     FALSE       NA    TRUE      FALSE
#' #     1999 < 1999 NA     TRUE      FALSE       NA    TRUE      FALSE
#' # 1998 < 1999/1/3 TRUE   TRUE      TRUE        TRUE  TRUE      TRUE
#' parttime(1998) < parttime(1999)
#' parttime(1998) < parttime(1997)
#' parttime(1999) < parttime(1999)
#' parttime(1998) < parttime(1999, 1, 3)
#' @seealso possibly definitely
#' @export
Ops.partial_time <- function(e1, e2) {
  f <- switch(
    "==" = eq_parttimes,
    "!=" = neq_parttimes,

  if (!is.null(f)) return(f(.Generic, e1, e2))
  do.call(.Generic, list(as.timespan(e1), as.timespan(e2)))

#' Handler for Ops generics for timespan objects
#' @param e1 objects
#' @param e2 objects
#' @return the binary operator result of `partial_timespan` `e1` with `e2`. See
#'   Details for more information on operator behaviors.
#' @export
Ops.timespan <- function(e1, e2) {
  f <- switch(
    ">"  = gt_lt_gte_lte_timespans,
    "<"  = gt_lt_gte_lte_timespans,
    ">=" = gt_lt_gte_lte_timespans,
    "<=" = gt_lt_gte_lte_timespans,
    # "==" = eq_neq_timespans,
    # "!=" = eq_neq_timespans,

  if (is.null(f))
    warning(sprintf("'%s' not defined for \"timespan\" objects", .Generic))

  f(.Generic, complete_timespan(e1), complete_timespan(e2))

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parttime documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:25 a.m.