Man pages for pathviewr
Wrangle, Analyze, and Visualize Animal Movement Data

as_viewrConvert data from another format into a viewr object
bind_viewr_objectsBind viewr objects
calc_min_dist_boxCalculate minimum distance to lateral and end walls in a...
calc_min_dist_vCalculate minimum distance to lateral and end walls in a...
clean_by_spanRemove file_sub_traj entries that do not span the full region...
clean_viewrAll-in-one function to clean imported objects
clean_viewr_batchBatch clean viewr files
deg_2_radConvert degrees to radians
exclude_by_velocityRemove trajectories entirely, based on velocity thresholds
fill_traj_gapsInterpolate gaps within trajectories
find_curve_elbowFind the "elbow" of a curve.
gather_tunnel_dataGather data columns into key-value pairs
get_2d_angleCompute an angle in 2D space
get_3d_angleCompute an angle in 3D space
get_3d_cross_prodCompute the cross product of two 3D vectors
get_dist_point_lineCompute distance between a point and a line
get_full_trajectoriesRetain trajectories that span a selected region of interest
get_header_viewrExtract header info from imported viewr object
get_sfEstimate the spatial frequency of visual stimuli from the...
get_traj_velocitiesRecompute trajectory-specific velocities
get_velocityGet instantaneous velocity for subjects
get_vis_angleEstimate visual angles from a subject's perspective in an...
import_and_clean_batchBatch import and clean files
import_and_clean_viewrImport + clean_viewr()
import_batchBatch import of files for either Motive or Flydra (but not a...
insert_treatmentsInserts treatment and experiment information
pathviewr-packagepathviewr: Wrangle, Analyze, and Visualize Animal Movement...
pipePipe operator
plot_by_subjectPlot trajectories and density plots of position by subject
plot_viewr_trajectoriesPlot each trajectory within a viewr object
quick_separate_trajectoriesQuick version of separate_trajectories()
rad_2_degConvert radians to degrees
read_flydra_matImport data from a MAT file exported from Flydra software
read_motive_csvImport data from a CSV exported from Optitrack's Motive...
redefine_tunnel_center"Center" the tunnel data, i.e. translation but no rotation
relabel_viewr_axesRelabel the dimensions as length, width, and height
remove_duplicate_framesRemove any duplicates or aliased frames within trajectories
remove_vel_anomaliesRemove any rows which show sharp shifts in velocity that are...
rename_viewr_charactersRename subjects in the data via pattern detection
rescale_tunnel_dataRescale position data within a 'viewr' object
rm_by_trajnumRemove subjects by trajectory number
rotate_tunnelRotate a tunnel so that perches are approximately aligned
section_tunnel_byBin data along a specified axis
select_x_percentSelect a region of interest within the tunnel
separate_trajectoriesSeparate rows of data into separately labeled trajectories.
set_traj_frametimeRedefine frames and time stamps on a per-trajectory basis
standardize_tunnelRotate and center a tunnel based on landmarks
trim_tunnel_outliersTrim out artifacts and other outliers from the extremes of...
visualize_frame_gap_choiceVisualize the consequence of using various max_frame_gap...
pathviewr documentation built on March 31, 2023, 5:47 p.m.