
Defines functions upgrade_domain_output upgrade_domain_input update_vpc_endpoint_output update_vpc_endpoint_input update_scheduled_action_output update_scheduled_action_input update_package_output update_package_input update_domain_config_output update_domain_config_input start_service_software_update_output start_service_software_update_input revoke_vpc_endpoint_access_output revoke_vpc_endpoint_access_input remove_tags_output remove_tags_input reject_inbound_connection_output reject_inbound_connection_input purchase_reserved_instance_offering_output purchase_reserved_instance_offering_input list_vpc_endpoints_for_domain_output list_vpc_endpoints_for_domain_input list_vpc_endpoints_output list_vpc_endpoints_input list_vpc_endpoint_access_output list_vpc_endpoint_access_input list_versions_output list_versions_input list_tags_output list_tags_input list_scheduled_actions_output list_scheduled_actions_input list_packages_for_domain_output list_packages_for_domain_input list_instance_type_details_output list_instance_type_details_input list_domains_for_package_output list_domains_for_package_input list_domain_names_output list_domain_names_input get_upgrade_status_output get_upgrade_status_input get_upgrade_history_output get_upgrade_history_input get_package_version_history_output get_package_version_history_input get_compatible_versions_output get_compatible_versions_input dissociate_package_output dissociate_package_input describe_vpc_endpoints_output describe_vpc_endpoints_input describe_reserved_instances_output describe_reserved_instances_input describe_reserved_instance_offerings_output describe_reserved_instance_offerings_input describe_packages_output describe_packages_input describe_outbound_connections_output describe_outbound_connections_input describe_instance_type_limits_output describe_instance_type_limits_input describe_inbound_connections_output describe_inbound_connections_input describe_dry_run_progress_output describe_dry_run_progress_input describe_domains_output describe_domains_input describe_domain_nodes_output describe_domain_nodes_input describe_domain_health_output describe_domain_health_input describe_domain_config_output describe_domain_config_input describe_domain_change_progress_output describe_domain_change_progress_input describe_domain_auto_tunes_output describe_domain_auto_tunes_input describe_domain_output describe_domain_input delete_vpc_endpoint_output delete_vpc_endpoint_input delete_package_output delete_package_input delete_outbound_connection_output delete_outbound_connection_input delete_inbound_connection_output delete_inbound_connection_input delete_domain_output delete_domain_input create_vpc_endpoint_output create_vpc_endpoint_input create_package_output create_package_input create_outbound_connection_output create_outbound_connection_input create_domain_output create_domain_input cancel_service_software_update_output cancel_service_software_update_input authorize_vpc_endpoint_access_output authorize_vpc_endpoint_access_input associate_package_output associate_package_input add_tags_output add_tags_input accept_inbound_connection_output accept_inbound_connection_input

# This file is generated by make.paws. Please do not edit here.
#' @importFrom paws.common populate
#' @include opensearchservice_service.R

.opensearchservice$accept_inbound_connection_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ConnectionId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "ConnectionId", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$accept_inbound_connection_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Connection = structure(list(LocalDomainInfo = structure(list(AWSDomainInformation = structure(list(OwnerId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Region = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RemoteDomainInfo = structure(list(AWSDomainInformation = structure(list(OwnerId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Region = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConnectionId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConnectionStatus = structure(list(StatusCode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConnectionMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$add_tags_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ARN = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TagList = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$add_tags_output <- function(...) {

.opensearchservice$associate_package_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PackageID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "PackageID", type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "DomainName", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$associate_package_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainPackageDetails = structure(list(PackageID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastUpdated = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainPackageStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ReferencePath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorDetails = structure(list(ErrorType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$authorize_vpc_endpoint_access_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "DomainName", type = "string")), Account = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$authorize_vpc_endpoint_access_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AuthorizedPrincipal = structure(list(PrincipalType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Principal = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$cancel_service_software_update_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$cancel_service_software_update_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ServiceSoftwareOptions = structure(list(CurrentVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NewVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UpdateAvailable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Cancellable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UpdateStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutomatedUpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), OptionalDeployment = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$create_domain_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EngineVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DedicatedMasterEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ZoneAwarenessEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ZoneAwarenessConfig = structure(list(AvailabilityZoneCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DedicatedMasterType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DedicatedMasterCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), WarmEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), WarmType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WarmCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ColdStorageOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MultiAZWithStandbyEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EBSOptions = structure(list(EBSEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VolumeType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSize = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Iops = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Throughput = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AccessPolicies = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SnapshotOptions = structure(list(AutomatedSnapshotStartHour = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), VPCOptions = structure(list(SubnetIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CognitoOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UserPoolId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IdentityPoolId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EncryptionAtRestOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AdvancedOptions = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), LogPublishingOptions = structure(list(structure(list(CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), DomainEndpointOptions = structure(list(EnforceHTTPS = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), TLSSecurityPolicy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CustomEndpointEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CustomEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CustomEndpointCertificateArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AdvancedSecurityOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), InternalUserDatabaseEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), MasterUserOptions = structure(list(MasterUserARN = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MasterUserName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string", sensitive = TRUE)), MasterUserPassword = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string", sensitive = TRUE))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SAMLOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Idp = structure(list(MetadataContent = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EntityId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MasterUserName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string", sensitive = TRUE)), MasterBackendRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SubjectKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RolesKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SessionTimeoutMinutes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AnonymousAuthEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TagList = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AutoTuneOptions = structure(list(DesiredState = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaintenanceSchedules = structure(list(structure(list(StartAt = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Duration = structure(list(Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), Unit = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CronExpressionForRecurrence = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), UseOffPeakWindow = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OffPeakWindowOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), OffPeakWindow = structure(list(WindowStartTime = structure(list(Hours = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), Minutes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SoftwareUpdateOptions = structure(list(AutoSoftwareUpdateEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$create_domain_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainStatus = structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ARN = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Created = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Deleted = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Endpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Endpoints = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), Processing = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UpgradeProcessing = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EngineVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DedicatedMasterEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ZoneAwarenessEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ZoneAwarenessConfig = structure(list(AvailabilityZoneCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DedicatedMasterType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DedicatedMasterCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), WarmEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), WarmType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WarmCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ColdStorageOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MultiAZWithStandbyEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EBSOptions = structure(list(EBSEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VolumeType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSize = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Iops = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Throughput = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AccessPolicies = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SnapshotOptions = structure(list(AutomatedSnapshotStartHour = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), VPCOptions = structure(list(VPCId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SubnetIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AvailabilityZones = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CognitoOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UserPoolId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IdentityPoolId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EncryptionAtRestOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AdvancedOptions = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), LogPublishingOptions = structure(list(structure(list(CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ServiceSoftwareOptions = structure(list(CurrentVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NewVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UpdateAvailable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Cancellable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UpdateStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutomatedUpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), OptionalDeployment = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DomainEndpointOptions = structure(list(EnforceHTTPS = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), TLSSecurityPolicy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CustomEndpointEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CustomEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CustomEndpointCertificateArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AdvancedSecurityOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), InternalUserDatabaseEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), SAMLOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Idp = structure(list(MetadataContent = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EntityId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SubjectKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RolesKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SessionTimeoutMinutes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AnonymousAuthDisableDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), AnonymousAuthEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoTuneOptions = structure(list(State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UseOffPeakWindow = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ChangeProgressDetails = structure(list(ChangeId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OffPeakWindowOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), OffPeakWindow = structure(list(WindowStartTime = structure(list(Hours = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), Minutes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SoftwareUpdateOptions = structure(list(AutoSoftwareUpdateEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$create_outbound_connection_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(LocalDomainInfo = structure(list(AWSDomainInformation = structure(list(OwnerId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Region = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RemoteDomainInfo = structure(list(AWSDomainInformation = structure(list(OwnerId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Region = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConnectionAlias = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConnectionMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConnectionProperties = structure(list(Endpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CrossClusterSearch = structure(list(SkipUnavailable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$create_outbound_connection_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(LocalDomainInfo = structure(list(AWSDomainInformation = structure(list(OwnerId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Region = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RemoteDomainInfo = structure(list(AWSDomainInformation = structure(list(OwnerId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Region = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConnectionAlias = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConnectionStatus = structure(list(StatusCode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConnectionId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConnectionMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConnectionProperties = structure(list(Endpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CrossClusterSearch = structure(list(SkipUnavailable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$create_package_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageSource = structure(list(S3BucketName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$create_package_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PackageDetails = structure(list(PackageID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreatedAt = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastUpdatedAt = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), AvailablePackageVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorDetails = structure(list(ErrorType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$create_vpc_endpoint_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VpcOptions = structure(list(SubnetIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ClientToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$create_vpc_endpoint_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(VpcEndpoint = structure(list(VpcEndpointId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VpcEndpointOwner = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VpcOptions = structure(list(VPCId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SubnetIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AvailabilityZones = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Endpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$delete_domain_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "DomainName", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$delete_domain_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainStatus = structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ARN = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Created = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Deleted = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Endpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Endpoints = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), Processing = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UpgradeProcessing = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EngineVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DedicatedMasterEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ZoneAwarenessEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ZoneAwarenessConfig = structure(list(AvailabilityZoneCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DedicatedMasterType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DedicatedMasterCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), WarmEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), WarmType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WarmCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ColdStorageOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MultiAZWithStandbyEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EBSOptions = structure(list(EBSEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VolumeType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSize = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Iops = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Throughput = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AccessPolicies = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SnapshotOptions = structure(list(AutomatedSnapshotStartHour = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), VPCOptions = structure(list(VPCId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SubnetIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AvailabilityZones = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CognitoOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UserPoolId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IdentityPoolId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EncryptionAtRestOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AdvancedOptions = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), LogPublishingOptions = structure(list(structure(list(CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ServiceSoftwareOptions = structure(list(CurrentVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NewVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UpdateAvailable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Cancellable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UpdateStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutomatedUpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), OptionalDeployment = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DomainEndpointOptions = structure(list(EnforceHTTPS = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), TLSSecurityPolicy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CustomEndpointEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CustomEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CustomEndpointCertificateArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AdvancedSecurityOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), InternalUserDatabaseEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), SAMLOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Idp = structure(list(MetadataContent = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EntityId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SubjectKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RolesKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SessionTimeoutMinutes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AnonymousAuthDisableDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), AnonymousAuthEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoTuneOptions = structure(list(State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UseOffPeakWindow = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ChangeProgressDetails = structure(list(ChangeId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OffPeakWindowOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), OffPeakWindow = structure(list(WindowStartTime = structure(list(Hours = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), Minutes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SoftwareUpdateOptions = structure(list(AutoSoftwareUpdateEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$delete_inbound_connection_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ConnectionId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "ConnectionId", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$delete_inbound_connection_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Connection = structure(list(LocalDomainInfo = structure(list(AWSDomainInformation = structure(list(OwnerId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Region = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RemoteDomainInfo = structure(list(AWSDomainInformation = structure(list(OwnerId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Region = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConnectionId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConnectionStatus = structure(list(StatusCode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConnectionMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$delete_outbound_connection_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ConnectionId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "ConnectionId", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$delete_outbound_connection_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Connection = structure(list(LocalDomainInfo = structure(list(AWSDomainInformation = structure(list(OwnerId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Region = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RemoteDomainInfo = structure(list(AWSDomainInformation = structure(list(OwnerId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Region = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConnectionId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConnectionAlias = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConnectionStatus = structure(list(StatusCode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConnectionMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConnectionProperties = structure(list(Endpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CrossClusterSearch = structure(list(SkipUnavailable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$delete_package_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PackageID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "PackageID", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$delete_package_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PackageDetails = structure(list(PackageID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreatedAt = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastUpdatedAt = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), AvailablePackageVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorDetails = structure(list(ErrorType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$delete_vpc_endpoint_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(VpcEndpointId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "VpcEndpointId", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$delete_vpc_endpoint_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(VpcEndpointSummary = structure(list(VpcEndpointId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VpcEndpointOwner = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_domain_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "DomainName", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_domain_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainStatus = structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ARN = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Created = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Deleted = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Endpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Endpoints = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), Processing = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UpgradeProcessing = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EngineVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DedicatedMasterEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ZoneAwarenessEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ZoneAwarenessConfig = structure(list(AvailabilityZoneCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DedicatedMasterType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DedicatedMasterCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), WarmEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), WarmType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WarmCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ColdStorageOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MultiAZWithStandbyEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EBSOptions = structure(list(EBSEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VolumeType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSize = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Iops = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Throughput = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AccessPolicies = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SnapshotOptions = structure(list(AutomatedSnapshotStartHour = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), VPCOptions = structure(list(VPCId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SubnetIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AvailabilityZones = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CognitoOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UserPoolId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IdentityPoolId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EncryptionAtRestOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AdvancedOptions = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), LogPublishingOptions = structure(list(structure(list(CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ServiceSoftwareOptions = structure(list(CurrentVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NewVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UpdateAvailable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Cancellable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UpdateStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutomatedUpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), OptionalDeployment = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DomainEndpointOptions = structure(list(EnforceHTTPS = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), TLSSecurityPolicy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CustomEndpointEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CustomEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CustomEndpointCertificateArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AdvancedSecurityOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), InternalUserDatabaseEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), SAMLOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Idp = structure(list(MetadataContent = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EntityId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SubjectKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RolesKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SessionTimeoutMinutes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AnonymousAuthDisableDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), AnonymousAuthEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoTuneOptions = structure(list(State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UseOffPeakWindow = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ChangeProgressDetails = structure(list(ChangeId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OffPeakWindowOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), OffPeakWindow = structure(list(WindowStartTime = structure(list(Hours = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), Minutes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SoftwareUpdateOptions = structure(list(AutoSoftwareUpdateEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_domain_auto_tunes_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "DomainName", type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_domain_auto_tunes_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AutoTunes = structure(list(structure(list(AutoTuneType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoTuneDetails = structure(list(ScheduledAutoTuneDetails = structure(list(Date = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ActionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Action = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Severity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_domain_change_progress_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "DomainName", type = "string")), ChangeId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "changeid", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_domain_change_progress_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ChangeProgressStatus = structure(list(ChangeId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingProperties = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CompletedProperties = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), TotalNumberOfStages = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ChangeProgressStages = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastUpdated = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_domain_config_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "DomainName", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_domain_config_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainConfig = structure(list(EngineVersion = structure(list(Options = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ClusterConfig = structure(list(Options = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DedicatedMasterEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ZoneAwarenessEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ZoneAwarenessConfig = structure(list(AvailabilityZoneCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DedicatedMasterType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DedicatedMasterCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), WarmEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), WarmType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WarmCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ColdStorageOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MultiAZWithStandbyEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EBSOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(EBSEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VolumeType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSize = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Iops = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Throughput = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AccessPolicies = structure(list(Options = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SnapshotOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(AutomatedSnapshotStartHour = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), VPCOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(VPCId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SubnetIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AvailabilityZones = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CognitoOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UserPoolId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IdentityPoolId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EncryptionAtRestOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AdvancedOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LogPublishingOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(structure(list(CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DomainEndpointOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(EnforceHTTPS = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), TLSSecurityPolicy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CustomEndpointEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CustomEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CustomEndpointCertificateArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AdvancedSecurityOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), InternalUserDatabaseEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), SAMLOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Idp = structure(list(MetadataContent = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EntityId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SubjectKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RolesKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SessionTimeoutMinutes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AnonymousAuthDisableDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), AnonymousAuthEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoTuneOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(DesiredState = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RollbackOnDisable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaintenanceSchedules = structure(list(structure(list(StartAt = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Duration = structure(list(Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), Unit = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CronExpressionForRecurrence = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), UseOffPeakWindow = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ChangeProgressDetails = structure(list(ChangeId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OffPeakWindowOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), OffPeakWindow = structure(list(WindowStartTime = structure(list(Hours = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), Minutes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SoftwareUpdateOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(AutoSoftwareUpdateEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_domain_health_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "DomainName", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_domain_health_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainState = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AvailabilityZoneCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ActiveAvailabilityZoneCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StandByAvailabilityZoneCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataNodeCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DedicatedMaster = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), MasterEligibleNodeCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WarmNodeCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MasterNode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClusterHealth = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TotalShards = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TotalUnAssignedShards = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EnvironmentInformation = structure(list(structure(list(AvailabilityZoneInformation = structure(list(structure(list(AvailabilityZoneName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ZoneStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConfiguredDataNodeCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AvailableDataNodeCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TotalShards = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TotalUnAssignedShards = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_domain_nodes_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "DomainName", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_domain_nodes_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainNodesStatusList = structure(list(structure(list(NodeId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NodeType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AvailabilityZone = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NodeStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StorageType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StorageVolumeType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StorageSize = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_domains_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_domains_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainStatusList = structure(list(structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ARN = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Created = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Deleted = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Endpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Endpoints = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), Processing = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UpgradeProcessing = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EngineVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DedicatedMasterEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ZoneAwarenessEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ZoneAwarenessConfig = structure(list(AvailabilityZoneCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DedicatedMasterType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DedicatedMasterCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), WarmEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), WarmType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WarmCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ColdStorageOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MultiAZWithStandbyEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EBSOptions = structure(list(EBSEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VolumeType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSize = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Iops = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Throughput = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AccessPolicies = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SnapshotOptions = structure(list(AutomatedSnapshotStartHour = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), VPCOptions = structure(list(VPCId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SubnetIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AvailabilityZones = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CognitoOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UserPoolId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IdentityPoolId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EncryptionAtRestOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AdvancedOptions = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), LogPublishingOptions = structure(list(structure(list(CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ServiceSoftwareOptions = structure(list(CurrentVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NewVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UpdateAvailable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Cancellable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UpdateStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutomatedUpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), OptionalDeployment = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DomainEndpointOptions = structure(list(EnforceHTTPS = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), TLSSecurityPolicy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CustomEndpointEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CustomEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CustomEndpointCertificateArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AdvancedSecurityOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), InternalUserDatabaseEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), SAMLOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Idp = structure(list(MetadataContent = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EntityId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SubjectKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RolesKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SessionTimeoutMinutes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AnonymousAuthDisableDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), AnonymousAuthEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoTuneOptions = structure(list(State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UseOffPeakWindow = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ChangeProgressDetails = structure(list(ChangeId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OffPeakWindowOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), OffPeakWindow = structure(list(WindowStartTime = structure(list(Hours = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), Minutes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SoftwareUpdateOptions = structure(list(AutoSoftwareUpdateEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_dry_run_progress_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "DomainName", type = "string")), DryRunId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "dryRunId", type = "string")), LoadDryRunConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "loadDryRunConfig", type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_dry_run_progress_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DryRunProgressStatus = structure(list(DryRunId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DryRunStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ValidationFailures = structure(list(structure(list(Code = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DryRunConfig = structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ARN = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Created = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Deleted = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Endpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Endpoints = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), Processing = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UpgradeProcessing = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EngineVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DedicatedMasterEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ZoneAwarenessEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ZoneAwarenessConfig = structure(list(AvailabilityZoneCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DedicatedMasterType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DedicatedMasterCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), WarmEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), WarmType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WarmCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ColdStorageOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MultiAZWithStandbyEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EBSOptions = structure(list(EBSEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VolumeType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSize = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Iops = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Throughput = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AccessPolicies = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SnapshotOptions = structure(list(AutomatedSnapshotStartHour = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), VPCOptions = structure(list(VPCId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SubnetIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AvailabilityZones = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CognitoOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UserPoolId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IdentityPoolId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EncryptionAtRestOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AdvancedOptions = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), LogPublishingOptions = structure(list(structure(list(CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ServiceSoftwareOptions = structure(list(CurrentVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NewVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UpdateAvailable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Cancellable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UpdateStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutomatedUpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), OptionalDeployment = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DomainEndpointOptions = structure(list(EnforceHTTPS = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), TLSSecurityPolicy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CustomEndpointEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CustomEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CustomEndpointCertificateArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AdvancedSecurityOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), InternalUserDatabaseEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), SAMLOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Idp = structure(list(MetadataContent = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EntityId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SubjectKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RolesKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SessionTimeoutMinutes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AnonymousAuthDisableDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), AnonymousAuthEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoTuneOptions = structure(list(State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UseOffPeakWindow = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ChangeProgressDetails = structure(list(ChangeId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OffPeakWindowOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), OffPeakWindow = structure(list(WindowStartTime = structure(list(Hours = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), Minutes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SoftwareUpdateOptions = structure(list(AutoSoftwareUpdateEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DryRunResults = structure(list(DeploymentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_inbound_connections_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Filters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Values = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_inbound_connections_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Connections = structure(list(structure(list(LocalDomainInfo = structure(list(AWSDomainInformation = structure(list(OwnerId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Region = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RemoteDomainInfo = structure(list(AWSDomainInformation = structure(list(OwnerId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Region = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConnectionId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConnectionStatus = structure(list(StatusCode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConnectionMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_instance_type_limits_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "domainName", type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "InstanceType", type = "string")), EngineVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "EngineVersion", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_instance_type_limits_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(LimitsByRole = structure(list(structure(list(StorageTypes = structure(list(structure(list(StorageTypeName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StorageSubTypeName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StorageTypeLimits = structure(list(structure(list(LimitName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LimitValues = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), InstanceLimits = structure(list(InstanceCountLimits = structure(list(MinimumInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaximumInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AdditionalLimits = structure(list(structure(list(LimitName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LimitValues = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_outbound_connections_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Filters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Values = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_outbound_connections_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Connections = structure(list(structure(list(LocalDomainInfo = structure(list(AWSDomainInformation = structure(list(OwnerId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Region = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RemoteDomainInfo = structure(list(AWSDomainInformation = structure(list(OwnerId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Region = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConnectionId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConnectionAlias = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConnectionStatus = structure(list(StatusCode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConnectionMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConnectionProperties = structure(list(Endpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CrossClusterSearch = structure(list(SkipUnavailable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_packages_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Filters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_packages_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PackageDetailsList = structure(list(structure(list(PackageID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreatedAt = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastUpdatedAt = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), AvailablePackageVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorDetails = structure(list(ErrorType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_reserved_instance_offerings_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ReservedInstanceOfferingId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "offeringId", type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "maxResults", type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "nextToken", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_reserved_instance_offerings_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ReservedInstanceOfferings = structure(list(structure(list(ReservedInstanceOfferingId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Duration = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), FixedPrice = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), UsagePrice = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), CurrencyCode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PaymentOption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RecurringCharges = structure(list(structure(list(RecurringChargeAmount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), RecurringChargeFrequency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_reserved_instances_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ReservedInstanceId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "reservationId", type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "maxResults", type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "nextToken", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_reserved_instances_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ReservedInstances = structure(list(structure(list(ReservationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ReservedInstanceId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), BillingSubscriptionId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), ReservedInstanceOfferingId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Duration = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), FixedPrice = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), UsagePrice = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), CurrencyCode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PaymentOption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RecurringCharges = structure(list(structure(list(RecurringChargeAmount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), RecurringChargeFrequency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_vpc_endpoints_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(VpcEndpointIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$describe_vpc_endpoints_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(VpcEndpoints = structure(list(structure(list(VpcEndpointId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VpcEndpointOwner = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VpcOptions = structure(list(VPCId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SubnetIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AvailabilityZones = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Endpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), VpcEndpointErrors = structure(list(structure(list(VpcEndpointId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorCode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$dissociate_package_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PackageID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "PackageID", type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "DomainName", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$dissociate_package_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainPackageDetails = structure(list(PackageID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastUpdated = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainPackageStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ReferencePath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorDetails = structure(list(ErrorType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$get_compatible_versions_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "domainName", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$get_compatible_versions_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CompatibleVersions = structure(list(structure(list(SourceVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TargetVersions = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$get_package_version_history_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PackageID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "PackageID", type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "maxResults", type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "nextToken", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$get_package_version_history_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PackageID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageVersionHistoryList = structure(list(structure(list(PackageVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CommitMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreatedAt = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$get_upgrade_history_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "DomainName", type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "maxResults", type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "nextToken", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$get_upgrade_history_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(UpgradeHistories = structure(list(structure(list(UpgradeName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StartTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpgradeStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StepsList = structure(list(structure(list(UpgradeStep = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UpgradeStepStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Issues = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ProgressPercent = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$get_upgrade_status_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "DomainName", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$get_upgrade_status_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(UpgradeStep = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StepStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UpgradeName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$list_domain_names_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EngineType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "engineType", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$list_domain_names_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainNames = structure(list(structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EngineType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$list_domains_for_package_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PackageID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "PackageID", type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "maxResults", type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "nextToken", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$list_domains_for_package_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainPackageDetailsList = structure(list(structure(list(PackageID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastUpdated = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainPackageStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ReferencePath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorDetails = structure(list(ErrorType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$list_instance_type_details_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EngineVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "EngineVersion", type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "domainName", type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "maxResults", type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "nextToken", type = "string")), RetrieveAZs = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "retrieveAZs", type = "boolean")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "instanceType", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$list_instance_type_details_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(InstanceTypeDetails = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EncryptionEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CognitoEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), AppLogsEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), AdvancedSecurityEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), WarmEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), InstanceRole = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AvailabilityZones = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$list_packages_for_domain_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "DomainName", type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "maxResults", type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "nextToken", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$list_packages_for_domain_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainPackageDetailsList = structure(list(structure(list(PackageID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastUpdated = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainPackageStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ReferencePath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorDetails = structure(list(ErrorType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$list_scheduled_actions_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "DomainName", type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "maxResults", type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "nextToken", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$list_scheduled_actions_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ScheduledActions = structure(list(structure(list(Id = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Severity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScheduledTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScheduledBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Mandatory = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Cancellable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$list_tags_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ARN = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "arn", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$list_tags_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TagList = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$list_versions_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "maxResults", type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "nextToken", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$list_versions_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Versions = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$list_vpc_endpoint_access_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "DomainName", type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "nextToken", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$list_vpc_endpoint_access_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AuthorizedPrincipalList = structure(list(structure(list(PrincipalType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Principal = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$list_vpc_endpoints_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "nextToken", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$list_vpc_endpoints_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(VpcEndpointSummaryList = structure(list(structure(list(VpcEndpointId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VpcEndpointOwner = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$list_vpc_endpoints_for_domain_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "DomainName", type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "nextToken", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$list_vpc_endpoints_for_domain_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(VpcEndpointSummaryList = structure(list(structure(list(VpcEndpointId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VpcEndpointOwner = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$purchase_reserved_instance_offering_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ReservedInstanceOfferingId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ReservationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$purchase_reserved_instance_offering_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ReservedInstanceId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ReservationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$reject_inbound_connection_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ConnectionId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "ConnectionId", type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$reject_inbound_connection_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Connection = structure(list(LocalDomainInfo = structure(list(AWSDomainInformation = structure(list(OwnerId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Region = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RemoteDomainInfo = structure(list(AWSDomainInformation = structure(list(OwnerId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Region = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConnectionId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConnectionStatus = structure(list(StatusCode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConnectionMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$remove_tags_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ARN = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TagKeys = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$remove_tags_output <- function(...) {

.opensearchservice$revoke_vpc_endpoint_access_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "DomainName", type = "string")), Account = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$revoke_vpc_endpoint_access_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$start_service_software_update_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScheduleAt = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DesiredStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$start_service_software_update_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ServiceSoftwareOptions = structure(list(CurrentVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NewVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UpdateAvailable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Cancellable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UpdateStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutomatedUpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), OptionalDeployment = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$update_domain_config_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "DomainName", type = "string")), ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DedicatedMasterEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ZoneAwarenessEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ZoneAwarenessConfig = structure(list(AvailabilityZoneCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DedicatedMasterType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DedicatedMasterCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), WarmEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), WarmType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WarmCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ColdStorageOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MultiAZWithStandbyEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EBSOptions = structure(list(EBSEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VolumeType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSize = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Iops = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Throughput = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SnapshotOptions = structure(list(AutomatedSnapshotStartHour = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), VPCOptions = structure(list(SubnetIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CognitoOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UserPoolId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IdentityPoolId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AdvancedOptions = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), AccessPolicies = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LogPublishingOptions = structure(list(structure(list(CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), EncryptionAtRestOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DomainEndpointOptions = structure(list(EnforceHTTPS = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), TLSSecurityPolicy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CustomEndpointEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CustomEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CustomEndpointCertificateArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AdvancedSecurityOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), InternalUserDatabaseEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), MasterUserOptions = structure(list(MasterUserARN = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MasterUserName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string", sensitive = TRUE)), MasterUserPassword = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string", sensitive = TRUE))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SAMLOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Idp = structure(list(MetadataContent = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EntityId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MasterUserName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string", sensitive = TRUE)), MasterBackendRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SubjectKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RolesKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SessionTimeoutMinutes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AnonymousAuthEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoTuneOptions = structure(list(DesiredState = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RollbackOnDisable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaintenanceSchedules = structure(list(structure(list(StartAt = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Duration = structure(list(Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), Unit = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CronExpressionForRecurrence = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), UseOffPeakWindow = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DryRun = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), DryRunMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OffPeakWindowOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), OffPeakWindow = structure(list(WindowStartTime = structure(list(Hours = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), Minutes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SoftwareUpdateOptions = structure(list(AutoSoftwareUpdateEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$update_domain_config_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainConfig = structure(list(EngineVersion = structure(list(Options = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ClusterConfig = structure(list(Options = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DedicatedMasterEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ZoneAwarenessEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ZoneAwarenessConfig = structure(list(AvailabilityZoneCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DedicatedMasterType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DedicatedMasterCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), WarmEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), WarmType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WarmCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ColdStorageOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MultiAZWithStandbyEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EBSOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(EBSEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VolumeType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSize = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Iops = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Throughput = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AccessPolicies = structure(list(Options = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SnapshotOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(AutomatedSnapshotStartHour = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), VPCOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(VPCId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SubnetIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AvailabilityZones = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CognitoOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), UserPoolId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IdentityPoolId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EncryptionAtRestOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AdvancedOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LogPublishingOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(structure(list(CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DomainEndpointOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(EnforceHTTPS = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), TLSSecurityPolicy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CustomEndpointEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CustomEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CustomEndpointCertificateArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AdvancedSecurityOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), InternalUserDatabaseEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), SAMLOptions = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Idp = structure(list(MetadataContent = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EntityId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SubjectKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RolesKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SessionTimeoutMinutes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AnonymousAuthDisableDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), AnonymousAuthEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoTuneOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(DesiredState = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RollbackOnDisable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaintenanceSchedules = structure(list(structure(list(StartAt = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Duration = structure(list(Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), Unit = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CronExpressionForRecurrence = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), UseOffPeakWindow = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ChangeProgressDetails = structure(list(ChangeId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OffPeakWindowOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), OffPeakWindow = structure(list(WindowStartTime = structure(list(Hours = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), Minutes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SoftwareUpdateOptions = structure(list(Options = structure(list(AutoSoftwareUpdateEnabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UpdateVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PendingDeletion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DryRunResults = structure(list(DeploymentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DryRunProgressStatus = structure(list(DryRunId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DryRunStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UpdateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ValidationFailures = structure(list(structure(list(Code = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$update_package_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PackageID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageSource = structure(list(S3BucketName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PackageDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CommitMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$update_package_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PackageDetails = structure(list(PackageID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PackageStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreatedAt = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastUpdatedAt = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), AvailablePackageVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorDetails = structure(list(ErrorType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$update_scheduled_action_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "DomainName", type = "string")), ActionID = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ActionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScheduleAt = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DesiredStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$update_scheduled_action_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ScheduledAction = structure(list(Id = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Severity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScheduledTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScheduledBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Mandatory = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Cancellable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$update_vpc_endpoint_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(VpcEndpointId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VpcOptions = structure(list(SubnetIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$update_vpc_endpoint_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(VpcEndpoint = structure(list(VpcEndpointId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VpcEndpointOwner = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VpcOptions = structure(list(VPCId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SubnetIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AvailabilityZones = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Endpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$upgrade_domain_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TargetVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PerformCheckOnly = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), AdvancedOptions = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.opensearchservice$upgrade_domain_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(UpgradeId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TargetVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PerformCheckOnly = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), AdvancedOptions = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ChangeProgressDetails = structure(list(ChangeId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

Try the paws.analytics package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

paws.analytics documentation built on Sept. 11, 2023, 5:06 p.m.