Man pages for paws.compute
'Amazon Web Services' Compute Services

apprunnerAWS App Runner
apprunner_associate_custom_domainAssociate your own domain name with the App Runner subdomain...
apprunner_create_auto_scaling_configurationCreate an App Runner automatic scaling configuration resource
apprunner_create_connectionCreate an App Runner connection resource
apprunner_create_observability_configurationCreate an App Runner observability configuration resource
apprunner_create_serviceCreate an App Runner service
apprunner_create_vpc_connectorCreate an App Runner VPC connector resource
apprunner_create_vpc_ingress_connectionCreate an App Runner VPC Ingress Connection resource
apprunner_delete_auto_scaling_configurationDelete an App Runner automatic scaling configuration resource
apprunner_delete_connectionDelete an App Runner connection
apprunner_delete_observability_configurationDelete an App Runner observability configuration resource
apprunner_delete_serviceDelete an App Runner service
apprunner_delete_vpc_connectorDelete an App Runner VPC connector resource
apprunner_delete_vpc_ingress_connectionDelete an App Runner VPC Ingress Connection resource that's...
apprunner_describe_auto_scaling_configurationReturn a full description of an App Runner automatic scaling...
apprunner_describe_custom_domainsReturn a description of custom domain names that are...
apprunner_describe_observability_configurationReturn a full description of an App Runner observability...
apprunner_describe_serviceReturn a full description of an App Runner service
apprunner_describe_vpc_connectorReturn a description of an App Runner VPC connector resource
apprunner_describe_vpc_ingress_connectionReturn a full description of an App Runner VPC Ingress...
apprunner_disassociate_custom_domainDisassociate a custom domain name from an App Runner service
apprunner_list_auto_scaling_configurationsReturns a list of active App Runner automatic scaling...
apprunner_list_connectionsReturns a list of App Runner connections that are associated...
apprunner_list_observability_configurationsReturns a list of active App Runner observability...
apprunner_list_operationsReturn a list of operations that occurred on an App Runner...
apprunner_list_servicesReturns a list of running App Runner services in your Amazon...
apprunner_list_services_for_auto_scaling_configurationReturns a list of the associated App Runner services using an...
apprunner_list_tags_for_resourceList tags that are associated with for an App Runner resource
apprunner_list_vpc_connectorsReturns a list of App Runner VPC connectors in your Amazon...
apprunner_list_vpc_ingress_connectionsReturn a list of App Runner VPC Ingress Connections in your...
apprunner_pause_servicePause an active App Runner service
apprunner_resume_serviceResume an active App Runner service
apprunner_start_deploymentInitiate a manual deployment of the latest commit in a source...
apprunner_tag_resourceAdd tags to, or update the tag values of, an App Runner...
apprunner_untag_resourceRemove tags from an App Runner resource
apprunner_update_default_auto_scaling_configurationUpdate an auto scaling configuration to be the default
apprunner_update_serviceUpdate an App Runner service
apprunner_update_vpc_ingress_connectionUpdate an existing App Runner VPC Ingress Connection resource
batchAWS Batch
batch_cancel_jobCancels a job in an Batch job queue
batch_create_compute_environmentCreates an Batch compute environment
batch_create_job_queueCreates an Batch job queue
batch_create_scheduling_policyCreates an Batch scheduling policy
batch_delete_compute_environmentDeletes an Batch compute environment
batch_delete_job_queueDeletes the specified job queue
batch_delete_scheduling_policyDeletes the specified scheduling policy
batch_deregister_job_definitionDeregisters an Batch job definition
batch_describe_compute_environmentsDescribes one or more of your compute environments
batch_describe_job_definitionsDescribes a list of job definitions
batch_describe_job_queuesDescribes one or more of your job queues
batch_describe_jobsDescribes a list of Batch jobs
batch_describe_scheduling_policiesDescribes one or more of your scheduling policies
batch_list_jobsReturns a list of Batch jobs
batch_list_scheduling_policiesReturns a list of Batch scheduling policies
batch_list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags for an Batch resource
batch_register_job_definitionRegisters an Batch job definition
batch_submit_jobSubmits an Batch job from a job definition
batch_tag_resourceAssociates the specified tags to a resource with the...
batch_terminate_jobTerminates a job in a job queue
batch_untag_resourceDeletes specified tags from an Batch resource
batch_update_compute_environmentUpdates an Batch compute environment
batch_update_job_queueUpdates a job queue
batch_update_scheduling_policyUpdates a scheduling policy
braket_cancel_jobCancels an Amazon Braket job
braket_cancel_quantum_taskCancels the specified task
braket_create_jobCreates an Amazon Braket job
braket_create_quantum_taskCreates a quantum task
braket_get_deviceRetrieves the devices available in Amazon Braket
braket_get_jobRetrieves the specified Amazon Braket job
braket_get_quantum_taskRetrieves the specified quantum task
braket_list_tags_for_resourceShows the tags associated with this resource
braket_search_devicesSearches for devices using the specified filters
braket_search_jobsSearches for Amazon Braket jobs that match the specified...
braket_search_quantum_tasksSearches for tasks that match the specified filter values
braket_tag_resourceAdd a tag to the specified resource
braket_untag_resourceRemove tags from a resource
computeoptimizerAWS Compute Optimizer
computeoptimizer_delete_recommendation_preferencesDeletes a recommendation preference, such as enhanced...
computeoptimizer_describe_recommendation_export_jobsDescribes recommendation export jobs created in the last...
computeoptimizer_export_auto_scaling_group_recommendationsExports optimization recommendations for Auto Scaling groups
computeoptimizer_export_ebs_volume_recommendationsExports optimization recommendations for Amazon EBS volumes
computeoptimizer_export_ec2_instance_recommendationsExports optimization recommendations for Amazon EC2 instances
computeoptimizer_export_ecs_service_recommendationsExports optimization recommendations for Amazon ECS services...
computeoptimizer_export_lambda_function_recommendationsExports optimization recommendations for Lambda functions
computeoptimizer_export_license_recommendationsExport optimization recommendations for your licenses
computeoptimizer_get_auto_scaling_group_recommendationsReturns Auto Scaling group recommendations
computeoptimizer_get_ebs_volume_recommendationsReturns Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume...
computeoptimizer_get_ec2_instance_recommendationsReturns Amazon EC2 instance recommendations
computeoptimizer_get_ec2_recommendation_projected_metricsReturns the projected utilization metrics of Amazon EC2...
computeoptimizer_get_ecs_service_recommendationsReturns Amazon ECS service recommendations
computeoptimizer_get_ecs_servi_recom_proje_metriReturns the projected metrics of Amazon ECS service...
computeoptimizer_get_effective_recommendation_preferencesReturns the recommendation preferences that are in effect for...
computeoptimizer_get_enrollment_statusReturns the enrollment (opt in) status of an account to the...
computeoptimizer_get_enrollment_statuses_for_organizationReturns the Compute Optimizer enrollment (opt-in) status of...
computeoptimizer_get_lambda_function_recommendationsReturns Lambda function recommendations
computeoptimizer_get_license_recommendationsReturns license recommendations for Amazon EC2 instances that...
computeoptimizer_get_recommendation_preferencesReturns existing recommendation preferences, such as enhanced...
computeoptimizer_get_recommendation_summariesReturns the optimization findings for an account
computeoptimizer_put_recommendation_preferencesCreates a new recommendation preference or updates an...
computeoptimizer_update_enrollment_statusUpdates the enrollment (opt in and opt out) status of an...
ec2Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
ec2_accept_address_transferAccepts an Elastic IP address transfer
ec2_accept_reserved_instances_exchange_quoteAccepts the Convertible Reserved Instance exchange quote...
ec2_accept_transit_gateway_multicast_domain_associationsAccepts a request to associate subnets with a transit gateway...
ec2_accept_transit_gateway_peering_attachmentAccepts a transit gateway peering attachment request
ec2_accept_transit_gateway_vpc_attachmentAccepts a request to attach a VPC to a transit gateway
ec2_accept_vpc_endpoint_connectionsAccepts connection requests to your VPC endpoint service
ec2_accept_vpc_peering_connectionAccept a VPC peering connection request
ec2_advertise_byoip_cidrAdvertises an IPv4 or IPv6 address range that is provisioned...
ec2_allocate_addressAllocates an Elastic IP address to your Amazon Web Services...
ec2_allocate_hostsAllocates a Dedicated Host to your account
ec2_allocate_ipam_pool_cidrAllocate a CIDR from an IPAM pool
ec2_apply_security_groups_to_client_vpn_target_networkApplies a security group to the association between the...
ec2_assign_ipv_6_addressesAssigns one or more IPv6 addresses to the specified network...
ec2_assign_private_ip_addressesAssigns one or more secondary private IP addresses to the...
ec2_assign_private_nat_gateway_addressAssigns one or more private IPv4 addresses to a private NAT...
ec2_associate_addressAssociates an Elastic IP address, or carrier IP address (for...
ec2_associate_client_vpn_target_networkAssociates a target network with a Client VPN endpoint
ec2_associate_dhcp_optionsAssociates a set of DHCP options (that you've previously...
ec2_associate_enclave_certificate_iam_roleAssociates an Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with...
ec2_associate_iam_instance_profileAssociates an IAM instance profile with a running or stopped...
ec2_associate_instance_event_windowAssociates one or more targets with an event window
ec2_associate_ipam_byoasnAssociates your Autonomous System Number (ASN) with a BYOIP...
ec2_associate_ipam_resource_discoveryAssociates an IPAM resource discovery with an Amazon VPC IPAM
ec2_associate_nat_gateway_addressAssociates Elastic IP addresses (EIPs) and private IPv4...
ec2_associate_route_tableAssociates a subnet in your VPC or an internet gateway or...
ec2_associate_subnet_cidr_blockAssociates a CIDR block with your subnet
ec2_associate_transit_gateway_multicast_domainAssociates the specified subnets and transit gateway...
ec2_associate_transit_gateway_policy_tableAssociates the specified transit gateway attachment with a...
ec2_associate_transit_gateway_route_tableAssociates the specified attachment with the specified...
ec2_associate_trunk_interfaceAssociates a branch network interface with a trunk network...
ec2_associate_vpc_cidr_blockAssociates a CIDR block with your VPC
ec2_attach_classic_link_vpcThis action is deprecated
ec2_attach_internet_gatewayAttaches an internet gateway or a virtual private gateway to...
ec2_attach_network_interfaceAttaches a network interface to an instance
ec2_attach_verified_access_trust_providerAttaches the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access...
ec2_attach_volumeAttaches an EBS volume to a running or stopped instance and...
ec2_attach_vpn_gatewayAttaches a virtual private gateway to a VPC
ec2_authorize_client_vpn_ingressAdds an ingress authorization rule to a Client VPN endpoint
ec2_authorize_security_group_egressAdds the specified outbound (egress) rules to a security...
ec2_authorize_security_group_ingressAdds the specified inbound (ingress) rules to a security...
ec2_bundle_instanceBundles an Amazon instance store-backed Windows instance
ec2_cancel_bundle_taskCancels a bundling operation for an instance store-backed...
ec2_cancel_capacity_reservationCancels the specified Capacity Reservation, releases the...
ec2_cancel_capacity_reservation_fleetsCancels one or more Capacity Reservation Fleets
ec2_cancel_conversion_taskCancels an active conversion task
ec2_cancel_export_taskCancels an active export task
ec2_cancel_image_launch_permissionRemoves your Amazon Web Services account from the launch...
ec2_cancel_import_taskCancels an in-process import virtual machine or import...
ec2_cancel_reserved_instances_listingCancels the specified Reserved Instance listing in the...
ec2_cancel_spot_fleet_requestsCancels the specified Spot Fleet requests
ec2_cancel_spot_instance_requestsCancels one or more Spot Instance requests
ec2_confirm_product_instanceDetermines whether a product code is associated with an...
ec2_copy_fpga_imageCopies the specified Amazon FPGA Image (AFI) to the current...
ec2_copy_imageInitiates the copy of an AMI
ec2_copy_snapshotCopies a point-in-time snapshot of an EBS volume and stores...
ec2_create_capacity_reservationCreates a new Capacity Reservation with the specified...
ec2_create_capacity_reservation_fleetCreates a Capacity Reservation Fleet
ec2_create_carrier_gatewayCreates a carrier gateway
ec2_create_client_vpn_endpointCreates a Client VPN endpoint
ec2_create_client_vpn_routeAdds a route to a network to a Client VPN endpoint
ec2_create_coip_cidrCreates a range of customer-owned IP addresses
ec2_create_coip_poolCreates a pool of customer-owned IP (CoIP) addresses
ec2_create_customer_gatewayProvides information to Amazon Web Services about your...
ec2_create_default_subnetCreates a default subnet with a size /20 IPv4 CIDR block in...
ec2_create_default_vpcCreates a default VPC with a size /16 IPv4 CIDR block and a...
ec2_create_dhcp_optionsCreates a custom set of DHCP options
ec2_create_egress_only_internet_gateway[IPv6 only] Creates an egress-only internet gateway for your...
ec2_create_fleetCreates an EC2 Fleet that contains the configuration...
ec2_create_flow_logsCreates one or more flow logs to capture information about IP...
ec2_create_fpga_imageCreates an Amazon FPGA Image (AFI) from the specified design...
ec2_create_imageCreates an Amazon EBS-backed AMI from an Amazon EBS-backed...
ec2_create_instance_connect_endpointCreates an EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint
ec2_create_instance_event_windowCreates an event window in which scheduled events for the...
ec2_create_instance_export_taskExports a running or stopped instance to an Amazon S3 bucket
ec2_create_internet_gatewayCreates an internet gateway for use with a VPC
ec2_create_ipamCreate an IPAM
ec2_create_ipam_poolCreate an IP address pool for Amazon VPC IP Address Manager...
ec2_create_ipam_resource_discoveryCreates an IPAM resource discovery
ec2_create_ipam_scopeCreate an IPAM scope
ec2_create_key_pairCreates an ED25519 or 2048-bit RSA key pair with the...
ec2_create_launch_templateCreates a launch template
ec2_create_launch_template_versionCreates a new version of a launch template
ec2_create_local_gateway_routeCreates a static route for the specified local gateway route...
ec2_create_local_gateway_route_tableCreates a local gateway route table
ec2_create_local_gateway_route_table_vpc_associationAssociates the specified VPC with the specified local gateway...
ec2_create_managed_prefix_listCreates a managed prefix list
ec2_create_nat_gatewayCreates a NAT gateway in the specified subnet
ec2_create_network_aclCreates a network ACL in a VPC
ec2_create_network_acl_entryCreates an entry (a rule) in a network ACL with the specified...
ec2_create_network_insights_access_scopeCreates a Network Access Scope
ec2_create_network_insights_pathCreates a path to analyze for reachability
ec2_create_network_interfaceCreates a network interface in the specified subnet
ec2_create_network_interface_permissionGrants an Amazon Web Services-authorized account permission...
ec2_create_placement_groupCreates a placement group in which to launch instances
ec2_create_public_ipv_4_poolCreates a public IPv4 address pool
ec2_create_replace_root_volume_taskReplaces the EBS-backed root volume for a running instance...
ec2_create_reserved_instances_listingCreates a listing for Amazon EC2 Standard Reserved Instances...
ec2_create_restore_image_taskStarts a task that restores an AMI from an Amazon S3 object...
ec2_create_routeCreates a route in a route table within a VPC
ec2_create_route_tableCreates a route table for the specified VPC
ec2_create_security_groupCreates a security group
ec2_create_snapshotCreates a snapshot of an EBS volume and stores it in Amazon...
ec2_create_snapshotsCreates crash-consistent snapshots of multiple EBS volumes...
ec2_create_spot_datafeed_subscriptionCreates a data feed for Spot Instances, enabling you to view...
ec2_create_store_image_taskStores an AMI as a single object in an Amazon S3 bucket
ec2_create_subnetCreates a subnet in the specified VPC
ec2_create_subnet_cidr_reservationCreates a subnet CIDR reservation
ec2_create_tagsAdds or overwrites only the specified tags for the specified...
ec2_create_traffic_mirror_filterCreates a Traffic Mirror filter
ec2_create_traffic_mirror_filter_ruleCreates a Traffic Mirror filter rule
ec2_create_traffic_mirror_sessionCreates a Traffic Mirror session
ec2_create_traffic_mirror_targetCreates a target for your Traffic Mirror session
ec2_create_transit_gatewayCreates a transit gateway
ec2_create_transit_gateway_connectCreates a Connect attachment from a specified transit gateway...
ec2_create_transit_gateway_connect_peerCreates a Connect peer for a specified transit gateway...
ec2_create_transit_gateway_multicast_domainCreates a multicast domain using the specified transit...
ec2_create_transit_gateway_peering_attachmentRequests a transit gateway peering attachment between the...
ec2_create_transit_gateway_policy_tableCreates a transit gateway policy table
ec2_create_transit_gateway_prefix_list_referenceCreates a reference (route) to a prefix list in a specified...
ec2_create_transit_gateway_routeCreates a static route for the specified transit gateway...
ec2_create_transit_gateway_route_tableCreates a route table for the specified transit gateway
ec2_create_transit_gateway_route_table_announcementAdvertises a new transit gateway route table
ec2_create_transit_gateway_vpc_attachmentAttaches the specified VPC to the specified transit gateway
ec2_create_verified_access_endpointAn Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint is where you...
ec2_create_verified_access_groupAn Amazon Web Services Verified Access group is a collection...
ec2_create_verified_access_instanceAn Amazon Web Services Verified Access instance is a regional...
ec2_create_verified_access_trust_providerA trust provider is a third-party entity that creates,...
ec2_create_volumeCreates an EBS volume that can be attached to an instance in...
ec2_create_vpcCreates a VPC with the specified CIDR blocks
ec2_create_vpc_endpointCreates a VPC endpoint
ec2_create_vpc_endpoint_connection_notificationCreates a connection notification for a specified VPC...
ec2_create_vpc_endpoint_service_configurationCreates a VPC endpoint service to which service consumers...
ec2_create_vpc_peering_connectionRequests a VPC peering connection between two VPCs: a...
ec2_create_vpn_connectionCreates a VPN connection between an existing virtual private...
ec2_create_vpn_connection_routeCreates a static route associated with a VPN connection...
ec2_create_vpn_gatewayCreates a virtual private gateway
ec2_creat_local_gatew_route_table_virtu_inter_group_assocCreates a local gateway route table virtual interface group...
ec2_delete_carrier_gatewayDeletes a carrier gateway
ec2_delete_client_vpn_endpointDeletes the specified Client VPN endpoint
ec2_delete_client_vpn_routeDeletes a route from a Client VPN endpoint
ec2_delete_coip_cidrDeletes a range of customer-owned IP addresses
ec2_delete_coip_poolDeletes a pool of customer-owned IP (CoIP) addresses
ec2_delete_customer_gatewayDeletes the specified customer gateway
ec2_delete_dhcp_optionsDeletes the specified set of DHCP options
ec2_delete_egress_only_internet_gatewayDeletes an egress-only internet gateway
ec2_delete_fleetsDeletes the specified EC2 Fleets
ec2_delete_flow_logsDeletes one or more flow logs
ec2_delete_fpga_imageDeletes the specified Amazon FPGA Image (AFI)
ec2_delete_instance_connect_endpointDeletes the specified EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint
ec2_delete_instance_event_windowDeletes the specified event window
ec2_delete_internet_gatewayDeletes the specified internet gateway
ec2_delete_ipamDelete an IPAM
ec2_delete_ipam_poolDelete an IPAM pool
ec2_delete_ipam_resource_discoveryDeletes an IPAM resource discovery
ec2_delete_ipam_scopeDelete the scope for an IPAM
ec2_delete_key_pairDeletes the specified key pair, by removing the public key...
ec2_delete_launch_templateDeletes a launch template
ec2_delete_launch_template_versionsDeletes one or more versions of a launch template
ec2_delete_local_gateway_routeDeletes the specified route from the specified local gateway...
ec2_delete_local_gateway_route_tableDeletes a local gateway route table
ec2_delete_local_gateway_route_table_vpc_associationDeletes the specified association between a VPC and local...
ec2_delete_managed_prefix_listDeletes the specified managed prefix list
ec2_delete_nat_gatewayDeletes the specified NAT gateway
ec2_delete_network_aclDeletes the specified network ACL
ec2_delete_network_acl_entryDeletes the specified ingress or egress entry (rule) from the...
ec2_delete_network_insights_access_scopeDeletes the specified Network Access Scope
ec2_delete_network_insights_access_scope_analysisDeletes the specified Network Access Scope analysis
ec2_delete_network_insights_analysisDeletes the specified network insights analysis
ec2_delete_network_insights_pathDeletes the specified path
ec2_delete_network_interfaceDeletes the specified network interface
ec2_delete_network_interface_permissionDeletes a permission for a network interface
ec2_delete_placement_groupDeletes the specified placement group
ec2_delete_public_ipv_4_poolDelete a public IPv4 pool
ec2_delete_queued_reserved_instancesDeletes the queued purchases for the specified Reserved...
ec2_delete_routeDeletes the specified route from the specified route table
ec2_delete_route_tableDeletes the specified route table
ec2_delete_security_groupDeletes a security group
ec2_delete_snapshotDeletes the specified snapshot
ec2_delete_spot_datafeed_subscriptionDeletes the data feed for Spot Instances
ec2_delete_subnetDeletes the specified subnet
ec2_delete_subnet_cidr_reservationDeletes a subnet CIDR reservation
ec2_delete_tagsDeletes the specified set of tags from the specified set of...
ec2_delete_traffic_mirror_filterDeletes the specified Traffic Mirror filter
ec2_delete_traffic_mirror_filter_ruleDeletes the specified Traffic Mirror rule
ec2_delete_traffic_mirror_sessionDeletes the specified Traffic Mirror session
ec2_delete_traffic_mirror_targetDeletes the specified Traffic Mirror target
ec2_delete_transit_gatewayDeletes the specified transit gateway
ec2_delete_transit_gateway_connectDeletes the specified Connect attachment
ec2_delete_transit_gateway_connect_peerDeletes the specified Connect peer
ec2_delete_transit_gateway_multicast_domainDeletes the specified transit gateway multicast domain
ec2_delete_transit_gateway_peering_attachmentDeletes a transit gateway peering attachment
ec2_delete_transit_gateway_policy_tableDeletes the specified transit gateway policy table
ec2_delete_transit_gateway_prefix_list_referenceDeletes a reference (route) to a prefix list in a specified...
ec2_delete_transit_gateway_routeDeletes the specified route from the specified transit...
ec2_delete_transit_gateway_route_tableDeletes the specified transit gateway route table
ec2_delete_transit_gateway_route_table_announcementAdvertises to the transit gateway that a transit gateway...
ec2_delete_transit_gateway_vpc_attachmentDeletes the specified VPC attachment
ec2_delete_verified_access_endpointDelete an Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint
ec2_delete_verified_access_groupDelete an Amazon Web Services Verified Access group
ec2_delete_verified_access_instanceDelete an Amazon Web Services Verified Access instance
ec2_delete_verified_access_trust_providerDelete an Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust provider
ec2_delete_volumeDeletes the specified EBS volume
ec2_delete_vpcDeletes the specified VPC
ec2_delete_vpc_endpoint_connection_notificationsDeletes the specified VPC endpoint connection notifications
ec2_delete_vpc_endpointsDeletes the specified VPC endpoints
ec2_delete_vpc_endpoint_service_configurationsDeletes the specified VPC endpoint service configurations
ec2_delete_vpc_peering_connectionDeletes a VPC peering connection
ec2_delete_vpn_connectionDeletes the specified VPN connection
ec2_delete_vpn_connection_routeDeletes the specified static route associated with a VPN...
ec2_delete_vpn_gatewayDeletes the specified virtual private gateway
ec2_delet_local_gatew_route_table_virtu_inter_group_assocDeletes a local gateway route table virtual interface group...
ec2_deprovision_byoip_cidrReleases the specified address range that you provisioned for...
ec2_deprovision_ipam_byoasnDeprovisions your Autonomous System Number (ASN) from your...
ec2_deprovision_ipam_pool_cidrDeprovision a CIDR provisioned from an IPAM pool
ec2_deprovision_public_ipv_4_pool_cidrDeprovision a CIDR from a public IPv4 pool
ec2_deregister_imageDeregisters the specified AMI
ec2_deregister_instance_event_notification_attributesDeregisters tag keys to prevent tags that have the specified...
ec2_deregister_transit_gateway_multicast_group_membersDeregisters the specified members (network interfaces) from...
ec2_deregister_transit_gateway_multicast_group_sourcesDeregisters the specified sources (network interfaces) from...
ec2_describe_account_attributesDescribes attributes of your Amazon Web Services account
ec2_describe_addressesDescribes the specified Elastic IP addresses or all of your...
ec2_describe_addresses_attributeDescribes the attributes of the specified Elastic IP...
ec2_describe_address_transfersDescribes an Elastic IP address transfer
ec2_describe_aggregate_id_formatDescribes the longer ID format settings for all resource...
ec2_describe_availability_zonesDescribes the Availability Zones, Local Zones, and Wavelength...
ec2_describe_aws_network_performance_metric_subscriptionsDescribes the current Infrastructure Performance metric...
ec2_describe_bundle_tasksDescribes the specified bundle tasks or all of your bundle...
ec2_describe_byoip_cidrsDescribes the IP address ranges that were specified in calls...
ec2_describe_capacity_block_offeringsDescribes Capacity Block offerings available for purchase in...
ec2_describe_capacity_reservation_fleetsDescribes one or more Capacity Reservation Fleets
ec2_describe_capacity_reservationsDescribes one or more of your Capacity Reservations
ec2_describe_carrier_gatewaysDescribes one or more of your carrier gateways
ec2_describe_classic_link_instancesThis action is deprecated
ec2_describe_client_vpn_authorization_rulesDescribes the authorization rules for a specified Client VPN...
ec2_describe_client_vpn_connectionsDescribes active client connections and connections that have...
ec2_describe_client_vpn_endpointsDescribes one or more Client VPN endpoints in the account
ec2_describe_client_vpn_routesDescribes the routes for the specified Client VPN endpoint
ec2_describe_client_vpn_target_networksDescribes the target networks associated with the specified...
ec2_describe_coip_poolsDescribes the specified customer-owned address pools or all...
ec2_describe_conversion_tasksDescribes the specified conversion tasks or all your...
ec2_describe_customer_gatewaysDescribes one or more of your VPN customer gateways
ec2_describe_dhcp_optionsDescribes one or more of your DHCP options sets
ec2_describe_egress_only_internet_gatewaysDescribes one or more of your egress-only internet gateways
ec2_describe_elastic_gpusAmazon Elastic Graphics reached end of life on January 8,...
ec2_describe_export_image_tasksDescribes the specified export image tasks or all of your...
ec2_describe_export_tasksDescribes the specified export instance tasks or all of your...
ec2_describe_fast_launch_imagesDescribe details for Windows AMIs that are configured for...
ec2_describe_fast_snapshot_restoresDescribes the state of fast snapshot restores for your...
ec2_describe_fleet_historyDescribes the events for the specified EC2 Fleet during the...
ec2_describe_fleet_instancesDescribes the running instances for the specified EC2 Fleet
ec2_describe_fleetsDescribes the specified EC2 Fleet or all of your EC2 Fleets
ec2_describe_flow_logsDescribes one or more flow logs
ec2_describe_fpga_image_attributeDescribes the specified attribute of the specified Amazon...
ec2_describe_fpga_imagesDescribes the Amazon FPGA Images (AFIs) available to you
ec2_describe_host_reservation_offeringsDescribes the Dedicated Host reservations that are available...
ec2_describe_host_reservationsDescribes reservations that are associated with Dedicated...
ec2_describe_hostsDescribes the specified Dedicated Hosts or all your Dedicated...
ec2_describe_iam_instance_profile_associationsDescribes your IAM instance profile associations
ec2_describe_identity_id_formatDescribes the ID format settings for resources for the...
ec2_describe_id_formatDescribes the ID format settings for your resources on a...
ec2_describe_image_attributeDescribes the specified attribute of the specified AMI
ec2_describe_imagesDescribes the specified images (AMIs, AKIs, and ARIs)...
ec2_describe_import_image_tasksDisplays details about an import virtual machine or import...
ec2_describe_import_snapshot_tasksDescribes your import snapshot tasks
ec2_describe_instance_attributeDescribes the specified attribute of the specified instance
ec2_describe_instance_connect_endpointsDescribes the specified EC2 Instance Connect Endpoints or all...
ec2_describe_instance_credit_specificationsDescribes the credit option for CPU usage of the specified...
ec2_describe_instance_event_notification_attributesDescribes the tag keys that are registered to appear in...
ec2_describe_instance_event_windowsDescribes the specified event windows or all event windows
ec2_describe_instancesDescribes the specified instances or all instances
ec2_describe_instance_statusDescribes the status of the specified instances or all of...
ec2_describe_instance_topologyDescribes a tree-based hierarchy that represents the physical...
ec2_describe_instance_type_offeringsLists the instance types that are offered for the specified...
ec2_describe_instance_typesDescribes the specified instance types
ec2_describe_internet_gatewaysDescribes one or more of your internet gateways
ec2_describe_ipam_byoasnDescribes your Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs), their...
ec2_describe_ipam_poolsGet information about your IPAM pools
ec2_describe_ipam_resource_discoveriesDescribes IPAM resource discoveries
ec2_describe_ipam_resource_discovery_associationsDescribes resource discovery association with an Amazon VPC...
ec2_describe_ipamsGet information about your IPAM pools
ec2_describe_ipam_scopesGet information about your IPAM scopes
ec2_describe_ipv_6_poolsDescribes your IPv6 address pools
ec2_describe_key_pairsDescribes the specified key pairs or all of your key pairs
ec2_describe_launch_templatesDescribes one or more launch templates
ec2_describe_launch_template_versionsDescribes one or more versions of a specified launch template
ec2_describe_local_gateway_route_tablesDescribes one or more local gateway route tables
ec2_describe_local_gateway_route_table_vpc_associationsDescribes the specified associations between VPCs and local...
ec2_describe_local_gatewaysDescribes one or more local gateways
ec2_describe_local_gateway_virtual_interface_groupsDescribes the specified local gateway virtual interface...
ec2_describe_local_gateway_virtual_interfacesDescribes the specified local gateway virtual interfaces
ec2_describe_locked_snapshotsDescribes the lock status for a snapshot
ec2_describe_mac_hostsDescribes the specified EC2 Mac Dedicated Host or all of your...
ec2_describe_managed_prefix_listsDescribes your managed prefix lists and any Amazon Web...
ec2_describe_moving_addressesThis action is deprecated
ec2_describe_nat_gatewaysDescribes one or more of your NAT gateways
ec2_describe_network_aclsDescribes one or more of your network ACLs
ec2_describe_network_insights_access_scope_analysesDescribes the specified Network Access Scope analyses
ec2_describe_network_insights_access_scopesDescribes the specified Network Access Scopes
ec2_describe_network_insights_analysesDescribes one or more of your network insights analyses
ec2_describe_network_insights_pathsDescribes one or more of your paths
ec2_describe_network_interface_attributeDescribes a network interface attribute
ec2_describe_network_interface_permissionsDescribes the permissions for your network interfaces
ec2_describe_network_interfacesDescribes one or more of your network interfaces
ec2_describe_placement_groupsDescribes the specified placement groups or all of your...
ec2_describe_prefix_listsDescribes available Amazon Web Services services in a prefix...
ec2_describe_principal_id_formatDescribes the ID format settings for the root user and all...
ec2_describe_public_ipv_4_poolsDescribes the specified IPv4 address pools
ec2_describe_regionsDescribes the Regions that are enabled for your account, or...
ec2_describe_replace_root_volume_tasksDescribes a root volume replacement task
ec2_describe_reserved_instancesDescribes one or more of the Reserved Instances that you...
ec2_describe_reserved_instances_listingsDescribes your account's Reserved Instance listings in the...
ec2_describe_reserved_instances_modificationsDescribes the modifications made to your Reserved Instances
ec2_describe_reserved_instances_offeringsDescribes Reserved Instance offerings that are available for...
ec2_describe_route_tablesDescribes one or more of your route tables
ec2_describe_scheduled_instance_availabilityFinds available schedules that meet the specified criteria
ec2_describe_scheduled_instancesDescribes the specified Scheduled Instances or all your...
ec2_describe_security_group_referencesDescribes the VPCs on the other side of a VPC peering...
ec2_describe_security_group_rulesDescribes one or more of your security group rules
ec2_describe_security_groupsDescribes the specified security groups or all of your...
ec2_describe_snapshot_attributeDescribes the specified attribute of the specified snapshot
ec2_describe_snapshotsDescribes the specified EBS snapshots available to you or all...
ec2_describe_snapshot_tier_statusDescribes the storage tier status of one or more Amazon EBS...
ec2_describe_spot_datafeed_subscriptionDescribes the data feed for Spot Instances
ec2_describe_spot_fleet_instancesDescribes the running instances for the specified Spot Fleet
ec2_describe_spot_fleet_request_historyDescribes the events for the specified Spot Fleet request...
ec2_describe_spot_fleet_requestsDescribes your Spot Fleet requests
ec2_describe_spot_instance_requestsDescribes the specified Spot Instance requests
ec2_describe_spot_price_historyDescribes the Spot price history
ec2_describe_stale_security_groupsDescribes the stale security group rules for security groups...
ec2_describe_store_image_tasksDescribes the progress of the AMI store tasks
ec2_describe_subnetsDescribes one or more of your subnets
ec2_describe_tagsDescribes the specified tags for your EC2 resources
ec2_describe_traffic_mirror_filtersDescribes one or more Traffic Mirror filters
ec2_describe_traffic_mirror_sessionsDescribes one or more Traffic Mirror sessions
ec2_describe_traffic_mirror_targetsInformation about one or more Traffic Mirror targets
ec2_describe_transit_gateway_attachmentsDescribes one or more attachments between resources and...
ec2_describe_transit_gateway_connect_peersDescribes one or more Connect peers
ec2_describe_transit_gateway_connectsDescribes one or more Connect attachments
ec2_describe_transit_gateway_multicast_domainsDescribes one or more transit gateway multicast domains
ec2_describe_transit_gateway_peering_attachmentsDescribes your transit gateway peering attachments
ec2_describe_transit_gateway_policy_tablesDescribes one or more transit gateway route policy tables
ec2_describe_transit_gateway_route_table_announcementsDescribes one or more transit gateway route table...
ec2_describe_transit_gateway_route_tablesDescribes one or more transit gateway route tables
ec2_describe_transit_gatewaysDescribes one or more transit gateways
ec2_describe_transit_gateway_vpc_attachmentsDescribes one or more VPC attachments
ec2_describe_trunk_interface_associationsDescribes one or more network interface trunk associations
ec2_describe_verified_access_endpointsDescribes the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access...
ec2_describe_verified_access_groupsDescribes the specified Verified Access groups
ec2_describe_verified_access_instance_logging_configurationsDescribes the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access...
ec2_describe_verified_access_instancesDescribes the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access...
ec2_describe_verified_access_trust_providersDescribes the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access...
ec2_describe_volume_attributeDescribes the specified attribute of the specified volume
ec2_describe_volumesDescribes the specified EBS volumes or all of your EBS...
ec2_describe_volumes_modificationsDescribes the most recent volume modification request for the...
ec2_describe_volume_statusDescribes the status of the specified volumes
ec2_describe_vpc_attributeDescribes the specified attribute of the specified VPC
ec2_describe_vpc_classic_linkThis action is deprecated
ec2_describe_vpc_classic_link_dns_supportThis action is deprecated
ec2_describe_vpc_endpoint_connection_notificationsDescribes the connection notifications for VPC endpoints and...
ec2_describe_vpc_endpoint_connectionsDescribes the VPC endpoint connections to your VPC endpoint...
ec2_describe_vpc_endpointsDescribes your VPC endpoints
ec2_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurationsDescribes the VPC endpoint service configurations in your...
ec2_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_permissionsDescribes the principals (service consumers) that are...
ec2_describe_vpc_endpoint_servicesDescribes available services to which you can create a VPC...
ec2_describe_vpc_peering_connectionsDescribes one or more of your VPC peering connections
ec2_describe_vpcsDescribes one or more of your VPCs
ec2_describe_vpn_connectionsDescribes one or more of your VPN connections
ec2_describe_vpn_gatewaysDescribes one or more of your virtual private gateways
ec2_descr_local_gatew_route_table_virtu_inter_group_assocDescribes the associations between virtual interface groups...
ec2_detach_classic_link_vpcThis action is deprecated
ec2_detach_internet_gatewayDetaches an internet gateway from a VPC, disabling...
ec2_detach_network_interfaceDetaches a network interface from an instance
ec2_detach_verified_access_trust_providerDetaches the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access...
ec2_detach_volumeDetaches an EBS volume from an instance
ec2_detach_vpn_gatewayDetaches a virtual private gateway from a VPC
ec2_disable_address_transferDisables Elastic IP address transfer
ec2_disable_aws_network_performance_metric_subscriptionDisables Infrastructure Performance metric subscriptions
ec2_disable_ebs_encryption_by_defaultDisables EBS encryption by default for your account in the...
ec2_disable_fast_launchDiscontinue Windows fast launch for a Windows AMI, and clean...
ec2_disable_fast_snapshot_restoresDisables fast snapshot restores for the specified snapshots...
ec2_disable_imageSets the AMI state to disabled and removes all launch...
ec2_disable_image_block_public_accessDisables block public access for AMIs at the account level in...
ec2_disable_image_deprecationCancels the deprecation of the specified AMI
ec2_disable_image_deregistration_protectionDisables deregistration protection for an AMI
ec2_disable_ipam_organization_admin_accountDisable the IPAM account
ec2_disable_serial_console_accessDisables access to the EC2 serial console of all instances...
ec2_disable_snapshot_block_public_accessDisables the block public access for snapshots setting at the...
ec2_disable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagationDisables the specified resource attachment from propagating...
ec2_disable_vgw_route_propagationDisables a virtual private gateway (VGW) from propagating...
ec2_disable_vpc_classic_linkThis action is deprecated
ec2_disable_vpc_classic_link_dns_supportThis action is deprecated
ec2_disassociate_addressDisassociates an Elastic IP address from the instance or...
ec2_disassociate_client_vpn_target_networkDisassociates a target network from the specified Client VPN...
ec2_disassociate_enclave_certificate_iam_roleDisassociates an IAM role from an Certificate Manager (ACM)...
ec2_disassociate_iam_instance_profileDisassociates an IAM instance profile from a running or...
ec2_disassociate_instance_event_windowDisassociates one or more targets from an event window
ec2_disassociate_ipam_byoasnRemove the association between your Autonomous System Number...
ec2_disassociate_ipam_resource_discoveryDisassociates a resource discovery from an Amazon VPC IPAM
ec2_disassociate_nat_gateway_addressDisassociates secondary Elastic IP addresses (EIPs) from a...
ec2_disassociate_route_tableDisassociates a subnet or gateway from a route table
ec2_disassociate_subnet_cidr_blockDisassociates a CIDR block from a subnet
ec2_disassociate_transit_gateway_multicast_domainDisassociates the specified subnets from the transit gateway...
ec2_disassociate_transit_gateway_policy_tableRemoves the association between an an attachment and a policy...
ec2_disassociate_transit_gateway_route_tableDisassociates a resource attachment from a transit gateway...
ec2_disassociate_trunk_interfaceRemoves an association between a branch network interface...
ec2_disassociate_vpc_cidr_blockDisassociates a CIDR block from a VPC
ec2_enable_address_transferEnables Elastic IP address transfer
ec2_enable_aws_network_performance_metric_subscriptionEnables Infrastructure Performance subscriptions
ec2_enable_ebs_encryption_by_defaultEnables EBS encryption by default for your account in the...
ec2_enable_fast_launchWhen you enable Windows fast launch for a Windows AMI, images...
ec2_enable_fast_snapshot_restoresEnables fast snapshot restores for the specified snapshots in...
ec2_enable_imageRe-enables a disabled AMI
ec2_enable_image_block_public_accessEnables block public access for AMIs at the account level in...
ec2_enable_image_deprecationEnables deprecation of the specified AMI at the specified...
ec2_enable_image_deregistration_protectionEnables deregistration protection for an AMI
ec2_enable_ipam_organization_admin_accountEnable an Organizations member account as the IPAM admin...
ec2_enable_reachability_analyzer_organization_sharingEstablishes a trust relationship between Reachability...
ec2_enable_serial_console_accessEnables access to the EC2 serial console of all instances for...
ec2_enable_snapshot_block_public_accessEnables or modifies the block public access for snapshots...
ec2_enable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagationEnables the specified attachment to propagate routes to the...
ec2_enable_vgw_route_propagationEnables a virtual private gateway (VGW) to propagate routes...
ec2_enable_volume_ioEnables I/O operations for a volume that had I/O operations...
ec2_enable_vpc_classic_linkThis action is deprecated
ec2_enable_vpc_classic_link_dns_supportThis action is deprecated
ec2_export_client_vpn_client_certificate_revocation_listDownloads the client certificate revocation list for the...
ec2_export_client_vpn_client_configurationDownloads the contents of the Client VPN endpoint...
ec2_export_imageExports an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to a VM file
ec2_export_transit_gateway_routesExports routes from the specified transit gateway route table...
ec2_get_associated_enclave_certificate_iam_rolesReturns the IAM roles that are associated with the specified...
ec2_get_associated_ipv_6_pool_cidrsGets information about the IPv6 CIDR block associations for a...
ec2_get_aws_network_performance_dataGets network performance data
ec2_get_capacity_reservation_usageGets usage information about a Capacity Reservation
ec2_get_coip_pool_usageDescribes the allocations from the specified customer-owned...
ec2_get_console_outputGets the console output for the specified instance
ec2_get_console_screenshotRetrieve a JPG-format screenshot of a running instance to...
ec2_get_default_credit_specificationDescribes the default credit option for CPU usage of a...
ec2_get_ebs_default_kms_key_idDescribes the default KMS key for EBS encryption by default...
ec2_get_ebs_encryption_by_defaultDescribes whether EBS encryption by default is enabled for...
ec2_get_flow_logs_integration_templateGenerates a CloudFormation template that streamlines and...
ec2_get_groups_for_capacity_reservationLists the resource groups to which a Capacity Reservation has...
ec2_get_host_reservation_purchase_previewPreview a reservation purchase with configurations that match...
ec2_get_image_block_public_access_stateGets the current state of block public access for AMIs at the...
ec2_get_instance_metadata_defaultsGets the default instance metadata service (IMDS) settings...
ec2_get_instance_types_from_instance_requirementsReturns a list of instance types with the specified instance...
ec2_get_instance_uefi_dataA binary representation of the UEFI variable store
ec2_get_ipam_address_historyRetrieve historical information about a CIDR within an IPAM...
ec2_get_ipam_discovered_accountsGets IPAM discovered accounts
ec2_get_ipam_discovered_public_addressesGets the public IP addresses that have been discovered by...
ec2_get_ipam_discovered_resource_cidrsReturns the resource CIDRs that are monitored as part of a...
ec2_get_ipam_pool_allocationsGet a list of all the CIDR allocations in an IPAM pool
ec2_get_ipam_pool_cidrsGet the CIDRs provisioned to an IPAM pool
ec2_get_ipam_resource_cidrsReturns resource CIDRs managed by IPAM in a given scope
ec2_get_launch_template_dataRetrieves the configuration data of the specified instance
ec2_get_managed_prefix_list_associationsGets information about the resources that are associated with...
ec2_get_managed_prefix_list_entriesGets information about the entries for a specified managed...
ec2_get_network_insights_access_scope_analysis_findingsGets the findings for the specified Network Access Scope...
ec2_get_network_insights_access_scope_contentGets the content for the specified Network Access Scope
ec2_get_password_dataRetrieves the encrypted administrator password for a running...
ec2_get_reserved_instances_exchange_quoteReturns a quote and exchange information for exchanging one...
ec2_get_security_groups_for_vpcGets security groups that can be associated by the Amazon Web...
ec2_get_serial_console_access_statusRetrieves the access status of your account to the EC2 serial...
ec2_get_snapshot_block_public_access_stateGets the current state of block public access for snapshots...
ec2_get_spot_placement_scoresCalculates the Spot placement score for a Region or...
ec2_get_subnet_cidr_reservationsGets information about the subnet CIDR reservations
ec2_get_transit_gateway_attachment_propagationsLists the route tables to which the specified resource...
ec2_get_transit_gateway_multicast_domain_associationsGets information about the associations for the transit...
ec2_get_transit_gateway_policy_table_associationsGets a list of the transit gateway policy table associations
ec2_get_transit_gateway_policy_table_entriesReturns a list of transit gateway policy table entries
ec2_get_transit_gateway_prefix_list_referencesGets information about the prefix list references in a...
ec2_get_transit_gateway_route_table_associationsGets information about the associations for the specified...
ec2_get_transit_gateway_route_table_propagationsGets information about the route table propagations for the...
ec2_get_verified_access_endpoint_policyGet the Verified Access policy associated with the endpoint
ec2_get_verified_access_group_policyShows the contents of the Verified Access policy associated...
ec2_get_vpn_connection_device_sample_configurationDownload an Amazon Web Services-provided sample configuration...
ec2_get_vpn_connection_device_typesObtain a list of customer gateway devices for which sample...
ec2_get_vpn_tunnel_replacement_statusGet details of available tunnel endpoint maintenance
ec2_import_client_vpn_client_certificate_revocation_listUploads a client certificate revocation list to the specified...
ec2_import_imageTo import your virtual machines (VMs) with a console-based...
ec2_import_instanceWe recommend that you use the ImportImage API
ec2_import_key_pairImports the public key from an RSA or ED25519 key pair that...
ec2_import_snapshotImports a disk into an EBS snapshot
ec2_import_volumeCreates an import volume task using metadata from the...
ec2instanceconnectAWS EC2 Instance Connect
ec2instanceconnect_send_serial_console_ssh_public_keyPushes an SSH public key to the specified EC2 instance
ec2instanceconnect_send_ssh_public_keyPushes an SSH public key to the specified EC2 instance for...
ec2_list_images_in_recycle_binLists one or more AMIs that are currently in the Recycle Bin
ec2_list_snapshots_in_recycle_binLists one or more snapshots that are currently in the Recycle...
ec2_lock_snapshotLocks an Amazon EBS snapshot in either governance or...
ec2_modify_address_attributeModifies an attribute of the specified Elastic IP address
ec2_modify_availability_zone_groupChanges the opt-in status of the Local Zone and Wavelength...
ec2_modify_capacity_reservationModifies a Capacity Reservation's capacity and the conditions...
ec2_modify_capacity_reservation_fleetModifies a Capacity Reservation Fleet
ec2_modify_client_vpn_endpointModifies the specified Client VPN endpoint
ec2_modify_default_credit_specificationModifies the default credit option for CPU usage of burstable...
ec2_modify_ebs_default_kms_key_idChanges the default KMS key for EBS encryption by default for...
ec2_modify_fleetModifies the specified EC2 Fleet
ec2_modify_fpga_image_attributeModifies the specified attribute of the specified Amazon FPGA...
ec2_modify_hostsModify the auto-placement setting of a Dedicated Host
ec2_modify_identity_id_formatModifies the ID format of a resource for a specified IAM...
ec2_modify_id_formatModifies the ID format for the specified resource on a...
ec2_modify_image_attributeModifies the specified attribute of the specified AMI
ec2_modify_instance_attributeModifies the specified attribute of the specified instance
ec2_modify_instance_capacity_reservation_attributesModifies the Capacity Reservation settings for a stopped...
ec2_modify_instance_credit_specificationModifies the credit option for CPU usage on a running or...
ec2_modify_instance_event_start_timeModifies the start time for a scheduled Amazon EC2 instance...
ec2_modify_instance_event_windowModifies the specified event window
ec2_modify_instance_maintenance_optionsModifies the recovery behavior of your instance to disable...
ec2_modify_instance_metadata_defaultsModifies the default instance metadata service (IMDS)...
ec2_modify_instance_metadata_optionsModify the instance metadata parameters on a running or...
ec2_modify_instance_placementModifies the placement attributes for a specified instance
ec2_modify_ipamModify the configurations of an IPAM
ec2_modify_ipam_poolModify the configurations of an IPAM pool
ec2_modify_ipam_resource_cidrModify a resource CIDR
ec2_modify_ipam_resource_discoveryModifies a resource discovery
ec2_modify_ipam_scopeModify an IPAM scope
ec2_modify_launch_templateModifies a launch template
ec2_modify_local_gateway_routeModifies the specified local gateway route
ec2_modify_managed_prefix_listModifies the specified managed prefix list
ec2_modify_network_interface_attributeModifies the specified network interface attribute
ec2_modify_private_dns_name_optionsModifies the options for instance hostnames for the specified...
ec2_modify_reserved_instancesModifies the configuration of your Reserved Instances, such...
ec2_modify_security_group_rulesModifies the rules of a security group
ec2_modify_snapshot_attributeAdds or removes permission settings for the specified...
ec2_modify_snapshot_tierArchives an Amazon EBS snapshot
ec2_modify_spot_fleet_requestModifies the specified Spot Fleet request
ec2_modify_subnet_attributeModifies a subnet attribute
ec2_modify_traffic_mirror_filter_network_servicesAllows or restricts mirroring network services
ec2_modify_traffic_mirror_filter_ruleModifies the specified Traffic Mirror rule
ec2_modify_traffic_mirror_sessionModifies a Traffic Mirror session
ec2_modify_transit_gatewayModifies the specified transit gateway
ec2_modify_transit_gateway_prefix_list_referenceModifies a reference (route) to a prefix list in a specified...
ec2_modify_transit_gateway_vpc_attachmentModifies the specified VPC attachment
ec2_modify_verified_access_endpointModifies the configuration of the specified Amazon Web...
ec2_modify_verified_access_endpoint_policyModifies the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access...
ec2_modify_verified_access_groupModifies the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access...
ec2_modify_verified_access_group_policyModifies the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access...
ec2_modify_verified_access_instanceModifies the configuration of the specified Amazon Web...
ec2_modify_verified_access_instance_logging_configurationModifies the logging configuration for the specified Amazon...
ec2_modify_verified_access_trust_providerModifies the configuration of the specified Amazon Web...
ec2_modify_volumeYou can modify several parameters of an existing EBS volume,...
ec2_modify_volume_attributeModifies a volume attribute
ec2_modify_vpc_attributeModifies the specified attribute of the specified VPC
ec2_modify_vpc_endpointModifies attributes of a specified VPC endpoint
ec2_modify_vpc_endpoint_connection_notificationModifies a connection notification for VPC endpoint or VPC...
ec2_modify_vpc_endpoint_service_configurationModifies the attributes of your VPC endpoint service...
ec2_modify_vpc_endpoint_service_payer_responsibilityModifies the payer responsibility for your VPC endpoint...
ec2_modify_vpc_endpoint_service_permissionsModifies the permissions for your VPC endpoint service
ec2_modify_vpc_peering_connection_optionsModifies the VPC peering connection options on one side of a...
ec2_modify_vpc_tenancyModifies the instance tenancy attribute of the specified VPC
ec2_modify_vpn_connectionModifies the customer gateway or the target gateway of an...
ec2_modify_vpn_connection_optionsModifies the connection options for your Site-to-Site VPN...
ec2_modify_vpn_tunnel_certificateModifies the VPN tunnel endpoint certificate
ec2_modify_vpn_tunnel_optionsModifies the options for a VPN tunnel in an Amazon Web...
ec2_monitor_instancesEnables detailed monitoring for a running instance
ec2_move_address_to_vpcThis action is deprecated
ec2_move_byoip_cidr_to_ipamMove a BYOIPv4 CIDR to IPAM from a public IPv4 pool
ec2_provision_byoip_cidrProvisions an IPv4 or IPv6 address range for use with your...
ec2_provision_ipam_byoasnProvisions your Autonomous System Number (ASN) for use in...
ec2_provision_ipam_pool_cidrProvision a CIDR to an IPAM pool
ec2_provision_public_ipv_4_pool_cidrProvision a CIDR to a public IPv4 pool
ec2_purchase_capacity_blockPurchase the Capacity Block for use with your account
ec2_purchase_host_reservationPurchase a reservation with configurations that match those...
ec2_purchase_reserved_instances_offeringPurchases a Reserved Instance for use with your account
ec2_purchase_scheduled_instancesYou can no longer purchase Scheduled Instances
ec2_reboot_instancesRequests a reboot of the specified instances
ec2_register_imageRegisters an AMI
ec2_register_instance_event_notification_attributesRegisters a set of tag keys to include in scheduled event...
ec2_register_transit_gateway_multicast_group_membersRegisters members (network interfaces) with the transit...
ec2_register_transit_gateway_multicast_group_sourcesRegisters sources (network interfaces) with the specified...
ec2_reject_transit_gateway_multicast_domain_associationsRejects a request to associate cross-account subnets with a...
ec2_reject_transit_gateway_peering_attachmentRejects a transit gateway peering attachment request
ec2_reject_transit_gateway_vpc_attachmentRejects a request to attach a VPC to a transit gateway
ec2_reject_vpc_endpoint_connectionsRejects VPC endpoint connection requests to your VPC endpoint...
ec2_reject_vpc_peering_connectionRejects a VPC peering connection request
ec2_release_addressReleases the specified Elastic IP address
ec2_release_hostsWhen you no longer want to use an On-Demand Dedicated Host it...
ec2_release_ipam_pool_allocationRelease an allocation within an IPAM pool
ec2_replace_iam_instance_profile_associationReplaces an IAM instance profile for the specified running...
ec2_replace_network_acl_associationChanges which network ACL a subnet is associated with
ec2_replace_network_acl_entryReplaces an entry (rule) in a network ACL
ec2_replace_routeReplaces an existing route within a route table in a VPC
ec2_replace_route_table_associationChanges the route table associated with a given subnet,...
ec2_replace_transit_gateway_routeReplaces the specified route in the specified transit gateway...
ec2_replace_vpn_tunnelTrigger replacement of specified VPN tunnel
ec2_report_instance_statusSubmits feedback about the status of an instance
ec2_request_spot_fleetCreates a Spot Fleet request
ec2_request_spot_instancesCreates a Spot Instance request
ec2_reset_address_attributeResets the attribute of the specified IP address
ec2_reset_ebs_default_kms_key_idResets the default KMS key for EBS encryption for your...
ec2_reset_fpga_image_attributeResets the specified attribute of the specified Amazon FPGA...
ec2_reset_image_attributeResets an attribute of an AMI to its default value
ec2_reset_instance_attributeResets an attribute of an instance to its default value
ec2_reset_network_interface_attributeResets a network interface attribute
ec2_reset_snapshot_attributeResets permission settings for the specified snapshot
ec2_restore_address_to_classicThis action is deprecated
ec2_restore_image_from_recycle_binRestores an AMI from the Recycle Bin
ec2_restore_managed_prefix_list_versionRestores the entries from a previous version of a managed...
ec2_restore_snapshot_from_recycle_binRestores a snapshot from the Recycle Bin
ec2_restore_snapshot_tierRestores an archived Amazon EBS snapshot for use temporarily...
ec2_revoke_client_vpn_ingressRemoves an ingress authorization rule from a Client VPN...
ec2_revoke_security_group_egressRemoves the specified outbound (egress) rules from the...
ec2_revoke_security_group_ingressRemoves the specified inbound (ingress) rules from a security...
ec2_run_instancesLaunches the specified number of instances using an AMI for...
ec2_run_scheduled_instancesLaunches the specified Scheduled Instances
ec2_search_local_gateway_routesSearches for routes in the specified local gateway route...
ec2_search_transit_gateway_multicast_groupsSearches one or more transit gateway multicast groups and...
ec2_search_transit_gateway_routesSearches for routes in the specified transit gateway route...
ec2_send_diagnostic_interruptSends a diagnostic interrupt to the specified Amazon EC2...
ec2_start_instancesStarts an Amazon EBS-backed instance that you've previously...
ec2_start_network_insights_access_scope_analysisStarts analyzing the specified Network Access Scope
ec2_start_network_insights_analysisStarts analyzing the specified path
ec2_start_vpc_endpoint_service_private_dns_verificationInitiates the verification process to prove that the service...
ec2_stop_instancesStops an Amazon EBS-backed instance
ec2_terminate_client_vpn_connectionsTerminates active Client VPN endpoint connections
ec2_terminate_instancesShuts down the specified instances
ec2_unassign_ipv_6_addressesUnassigns one or more IPv6 addresses IPv4 Prefix Delegation...
ec2_unassign_private_ip_addressesUnassigns one or more secondary private IP addresses, or IPv4...
ec2_unassign_private_nat_gateway_addressUnassigns secondary private IPv4 addresses from a private NAT...
ec2_unlock_snapshotUnlocks a snapshot that is locked in governance mode or that...
ec2_unmonitor_instancesDisables detailed monitoring for a running instance
ec2_update_security_group_rule_descriptions_egressUpdates the description of an egress (outbound) security...
ec2_update_security_group_rule_descriptions_ingressUpdates the description of an ingress (inbound) security...
ec2_withdraw_byoip_cidrStops advertising an address range that is provisioned as an...
ecrAmazon EC2 Container Registry
ecr_batch_check_layer_availabilityChecks the availability of one or more image layers in a...
ecr_batch_delete_imageDeletes a list of specified images within a repository
ecr_batch_get_imageGets detailed information for an image
ecr_batch_get_repository_scanning_configurationGets the scanning configuration for one or more repositories
ecr_complete_layer_uploadInforms Amazon ECR that the image layer upload has completed...
ecr_create_pull_through_cache_ruleCreates a pull through cache rule
ecr_create_repositoryCreates a repository
ecr_delete_lifecycle_policyDeletes the lifecycle policy associated with the specified...
ecr_delete_pull_through_cache_ruleDeletes a pull through cache rule
ecr_delete_registry_policyDeletes the registry permissions policy
ecr_delete_repositoryDeletes a repository
ecr_delete_repository_policyDeletes the repository policy associated with the specified...
ecr_describe_image_replication_statusReturns the replication status for a specified image
ecr_describe_imagesReturns metadata about the images in a repository
ecr_describe_image_scan_findingsReturns the scan findings for the specified image
ecr_describe_pull_through_cache_rulesReturns the pull through cache rules for a registry
ecr_describe_registryDescribes the settings for a registry
ecr_describe_repositoriesDescribes image repositories in a registry
ecr_get_authorization_tokenRetrieves an authorization token
ecr_get_download_url_for_layerRetrieves the pre-signed Amazon S3 download URL corresponding...
ecr_get_lifecycle_policyRetrieves the lifecycle policy for the specified repository
ecr_get_lifecycle_policy_previewRetrieves the results of the lifecycle policy preview request...
ecr_get_registry_policyRetrieves the permissions policy for a registry
ecr_get_registry_scanning_configurationRetrieves the scanning configuration for a registry
ecr_get_repository_policyRetrieves the repository policy for the specified repository
ecr_initiate_layer_uploadNotifies Amazon ECR that you intend to upload an image layer
ecr_list_imagesLists all the image IDs for the specified repository
ecr_list_tags_for_resourceList the tags for an Amazon ECR resource
ecrpublicAmazon Elastic Container Registry Public
ecrpublic_batch_check_layer_availabilityChecks the availability of one or more image layers that are...
ecrpublic_batch_delete_imageDeletes a list of specified images that are within a...
ecrpublic_complete_layer_uploadInforms Amazon ECR that the image layer upload is complete...
ecrpublic_create_repositoryCreates a repository in a public registry
ecrpublic_delete_repositoryDeletes a repository in a public registry
ecrpublic_delete_repository_policyDeletes the repository policy that's associated with the...
ecrpublic_describe_imagesReturns metadata that's related to the images in a repository...
ecrpublic_describe_image_tagsReturns the image tag details for a repository in a public...
ecrpublic_describe_registriesReturns details for a public registry
ecrpublic_describe_repositoriesDescribes repositories that are in a public registry
ecrpublic_get_authorization_tokenRetrieves an authorization token
ecrpublic_get_registry_catalog_dataRetrieves catalog metadata for a public registry
ecrpublic_get_repository_catalog_dataRetrieve catalog metadata for a repository in a public...
ecrpublic_get_repository_policyRetrieves the repository policy for the specified repository
ecrpublic_initiate_layer_uploadNotifies Amazon ECR that you intend to upload an image layer
ecrpublic_list_tags_for_resourceList the tags for an Amazon ECR Public resource
ecrpublic_put_imageCreates or updates the image manifest and tags that are...
ecrpublic_put_registry_catalog_dataCreate or update the catalog data for a public registry
ecrpublic_put_repository_catalog_dataCreates or updates the catalog data for a repository in a...
ecrpublic_set_repository_policyApplies a repository policy to the specified public...
ecrpublic_tag_resourceAssociates the specified tags to a resource with the...
ecrpublic_untag_resourceDeletes specified tags from a resource
ecrpublic_upload_layer_partUploads an image layer part to Amazon ECR
ecr_put_imageCreates or updates the image manifest and tags associated...
ecr_put_image_scanning_configurationThe PutImageScanningConfiguration API is being deprecated, in...
ecr_put_image_tag_mutabilityUpdates the image tag mutability settings for the specified...
ecr_put_lifecycle_policyCreates or updates the lifecycle policy for the specified...
ecr_put_registry_policyCreates or updates the permissions policy for your registry
ecr_put_registry_scanning_configurationCreates or updates the scanning configuration for your...
ecr_put_replication_configurationCreates or updates the replication configuration for a...
ecr_set_repository_policyApplies a repository policy to the specified repository to...
ecr_start_image_scanStarts an image vulnerability scan
ecr_start_lifecycle_policy_previewStarts a preview of a lifecycle policy for the specified...
ecr_tag_resourceAdds specified tags to a resource with the specified ARN
ecr_untag_resourceDeletes specified tags from a resource
ecr_update_pull_through_cache_ruleUpdates an existing pull through cache rule
ecr_upload_layer_partUploads an image layer part to Amazon ECR
ecr_validate_pull_through_cache_ruleValidates an existing pull through cache rule for an upstream...
ecsAmazon EC2 Container Service
ecs_create_capacity_providerCreates a new capacity provider
ecs_create_clusterCreates a new Amazon ECS cluster
ecs_create_serviceRuns and maintains your desired number of tasks from a...
ecs_create_task_setCreate a task set in the specified cluster and service
ecs_delete_account_settingDisables an account setting for a specified user, role, or...
ecs_delete_attributesDeletes one or more custom attributes from an Amazon ECS...
ecs_delete_capacity_providerDeletes the specified capacity provider
ecs_delete_clusterDeletes the specified cluster
ecs_delete_serviceDeletes a specified service within a cluster
ecs_delete_task_definitionsDeletes one or more task definitions
ecs_delete_task_setDeletes a specified task set within a service
ecs_deregister_container_instanceDeregisters an Amazon ECS container instance from the...
ecs_deregister_task_definitionDeregisters the specified task definition by family and...
ecs_describe_capacity_providersDescribes one or more of your capacity providers
ecs_describe_clustersDescribes one or more of your clusters
ecs_describe_container_instancesDescribes one or more container instances
ecs_describe_servicesDescribes the specified services running in your cluster
ecs_describe_task_definitionDescribes a task definition
ecs_describe_tasksDescribes a specified task or tasks
ecs_describe_task_setsDescribes the task sets in the specified cluster and service
ecs_discover_poll_endpointThis action is only used by the Amazon ECS agent, and it is...
ecs_execute_commandRuns a command remotely on a container within a task
ecs_get_task_protectionRetrieves the protection status of tasks in an Amazon ECS...
ecs_list_account_settingsLists the account settings for a specified principal
ecs_list_attributesLists the attributes for Amazon ECS resources within a...
ecs_list_clustersReturns a list of existing clusters
ecs_list_container_instancesReturns a list of container instances in a specified cluster
ecs_list_servicesReturns a list of services
ecs_list_services_by_namespaceThis operation lists all of the services that are associated...
ecs_list_tags_for_resourceList the tags for an Amazon ECS resource
ecs_list_task_definition_familiesReturns a list of task definition families that are...
ecs_list_task_definitionsReturns a list of task definitions that are registered to...
ecs_list_tasksReturns a list of tasks
ecs_put_account_settingModifies an account setting
ecs_put_account_setting_defaultModifies an account setting for all users on an account for...
ecs_put_attributesCreate or update an attribute on an Amazon ECS resource
ecs_put_cluster_capacity_providersModifies the available capacity providers and the default...
ecs_register_container_instanceThis action is only used by the Amazon ECS agent, and it is...
ecs_register_task_definitionRegisters a new task definition from the supplied family and...
ecs_run_taskStarts a new task using the specified task definition
ecs_start_taskStarts a new task from the specified task definition on the...
ecs_stop_taskStops a running task
ecs_submit_attachment_state_changesThis action is only used by the Amazon ECS agent, and it is...
ecs_submit_container_state_changeThis action is only used by the Amazon ECS agent, and it is...
ecs_submit_task_state_changeThis action is only used by the Amazon ECS agent, and it is...
ecs_tag_resourceAssociates the specified tags to a resource with the...
ecs_untag_resourceDeletes specified tags from a resource
ecs_update_capacity_providerModifies the parameters for a capacity provider
ecs_update_clusterUpdates the cluster
ecs_update_cluster_settingsModifies the settings to use for a cluster
ecs_update_container_agentUpdates the Amazon ECS container agent on a specified...
ecs_update_container_instances_stateModifies the status of an Amazon ECS container instance
ecs_update_serviceModifies the parameters of a service
ecs_update_service_primary_task_setModifies which task set in a service is the primary task set
ecs_update_task_protectionUpdates the protection status of a task
ecs_update_task_setModifies a task set
eksAmazon Elastic Kubernetes Service
eks_associate_access_policyAssociates an access policy and its scope to an access entry
eks_associate_encryption_configAssociates an encryption configuration to an existing cluster
eks_associate_identity_provider_configAssociates an identity provider configuration to a cluster
eks_create_access_entryCreates an access entry
eks_create_addonCreates an Amazon EKS add-on
eks_create_clusterCreates an Amazon EKS control plane
eks_create_eks_anywhere_subscriptionCreates an EKS Anywhere subscription
eks_create_fargate_profileCreates an Fargate profile for your Amazon EKS cluster
eks_create_nodegroupCreates a managed node group for an Amazon EKS cluster
eks_create_pod_identity_associationCreates an EKS Pod Identity association between a service...
eks_delete_access_entryDeletes an access entry
eks_delete_addonDeletes an Amazon EKS add-on
eks_delete_clusterDeletes an Amazon EKS cluster control plane
eks_delete_eks_anywhere_subscriptionDeletes an expired or inactive subscription
eks_delete_fargate_profileDeletes an Fargate profile
eks_delete_nodegroupDeletes a managed node group
eks_delete_pod_identity_associationDeletes a EKS Pod Identity association
eks_deregister_clusterDeregisters a connected cluster to remove it from the Amazon...
eks_describe_access_entryDescribes an access entry
eks_describe_addonDescribes an Amazon EKS add-on
eks_describe_addon_configurationReturns configuration options
eks_describe_addon_versionsDescribes the versions for an add-on
eks_describe_clusterDescribes an Amazon EKS cluster
eks_describe_eks_anywhere_subscriptionReturns descriptive information about a subscription
eks_describe_fargate_profileDescribes an Fargate profile
eks_describe_identity_provider_configDescribes an identity provider configuration
eks_describe_insightReturns details about an insight that you specify using its...
eks_describe_nodegroupDescribes a managed node group
eks_describe_pod_identity_associationReturns descriptive information about an EKS Pod Identity...
eks_describe_updateDescribes an update to an Amazon EKS resource
eks_disassociate_access_policyDisassociates an access policy from an access entry
eks_disassociate_identity_provider_configDisassociates an identity provider configuration from a...
eks_list_access_entriesLists the access entries for your cluster
eks_list_access_policiesLists the available access policies
eks_list_addonsLists the installed add-ons
eks_list_associated_access_policiesLists the access policies associated with an access entry
eks_list_clustersLists the Amazon EKS clusters in your Amazon Web Services...
eks_list_eks_anywhere_subscriptionsDisplays the full description of the subscription
eks_list_fargate_profilesLists the Fargate profiles associated with the specified...
eks_list_identity_provider_configsLists the identity provider configurations for your cluster
eks_list_insightsReturns a list of all insights checked for against the...
eks_list_nodegroupsLists the managed node groups associated with the specified...
eks_list_pod_identity_associationsList the EKS Pod Identity associations in a cluster
eks_list_tags_for_resourceList the tags for an Amazon EKS resource
eks_list_updatesLists the updates associated with an Amazon EKS resource in...
eks_register_clusterConnects a Kubernetes cluster to the Amazon EKS control plane
eks_tag_resourceAssociates the specified tags to an Amazon EKS resource with...
eks_untag_resourceDeletes specified tags from an Amazon EKS resource
eks_update_access_entryUpdates an access entry
eks_update_addonUpdates an Amazon EKS add-on
eks_update_cluster_configUpdates an Amazon EKS cluster configuration
eks_update_cluster_versionUpdates an Amazon EKS cluster to the specified Kubernetes...
eks_update_eks_anywhere_subscriptionUpdate an EKS Anywhere Subscription
eks_update_nodegroup_configUpdates an Amazon EKS managed node group configuration
eks_update_nodegroup_versionUpdates the Kubernetes version or AMI version of an Amazon...
eks_update_pod_identity_associationUpdates a EKS Pod Identity association
elasticbeanstalkAWS Elastic Beanstalk
elasticbeanstalk_abort_environment_updateCancels in-progress environment configuration update or...
elasticbeanstalk_apply_environment_managed_actionApplies a scheduled managed action immediately
elasticbeanstalk_associate_environment_operations_roleAdd or change the operations role used by an environment
elasticbeanstalk_check_dns_availabilityChecks if the specified CNAME is available
elasticbeanstalk_compose_environmentsCreate or update a group of environments that each run a...
elasticbeanstalk_create_applicationCreates an application that has one configuration template...
elasticbeanstalk_create_application_versionCreates an application version for the specified application
elasticbeanstalk_create_configuration_templateCreates an AWS Elastic Beanstalk configuration template,...
elasticbeanstalk_create_environmentLaunches an AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment for the...
elasticbeanstalk_create_platform_versionCreate a new version of your custom platform
elasticbeanstalk_create_storage_locationCreates a bucket in Amazon S3 to store application versions,...
elasticbeanstalk_delete_applicationDeletes the specified application along with all associated...
elasticbeanstalk_delete_application_versionDeletes the specified version from the specified application
elasticbeanstalk_delete_configuration_templateDeletes the specified configuration template
elasticbeanstalk_delete_environment_configurationDeletes the draft configuration associated with the running...
elasticbeanstalk_delete_platform_versionDeletes the specified version of a custom platform
elasticbeanstalk_describe_account_attributesReturns attributes related to AWS Elastic Beanstalk that are...
elasticbeanstalk_describe_applicationsReturns the descriptions of existing applications
elasticbeanstalk_describe_application_versionsRetrieve a list of application versions
elasticbeanstalk_describe_configuration_optionsDescribes the configuration options that are used in a...
elasticbeanstalk_describe_configuration_settingsReturns a description of the settings for the specified...
elasticbeanstalk_describe_environment_healthReturns information about the overall health of the specified...
elasticbeanstalk_describe_environment_managed_action_historyLists an environment's completed and failed managed actions
elasticbeanstalk_describe_environment_managed_actionsLists an environment's upcoming and in-progress managed...
elasticbeanstalk_describe_environment_resourcesReturns AWS resources for this environment
elasticbeanstalk_describe_environmentsReturns descriptions for existing environments
elasticbeanstalk_describe_eventsReturns list of event descriptions matching criteria up to...
elasticbeanstalk_describe_instances_healthRetrieves detailed information about the health of instances...
elasticbeanstalk_describe_platform_versionDescribes a platform version
elasticbeanstalk_disassociate_environment_operations_roleDisassociate the operations role from an environment
elasticbeanstalk_list_available_solution_stacksReturns a list of the available solution stack names, with...
elasticbeanstalk_list_platform_branchesLists the platform branches available for your account in an...
elasticbeanstalk_list_platform_versionsLists the platform versions available for your account in an...
elasticbeanstalk_list_tags_for_resourceReturn the tags applied to an AWS Elastic Beanstalk resource
elasticbeanstalk_rebuild_environmentDeletes and recreates all of the AWS resources (for example:...
elasticbeanstalk_request_environment_infoInitiates a request to compile the specified type of...
elasticbeanstalk_restart_app_serverCauses the environment to restart the application container...
elasticbeanstalk_retrieve_environment_infoRetrieves the compiled information from a...
elasticbeanstalk_swap_environment_cnam_esSwaps the CNAMEs of two environments
elasticbeanstalk_terminate_environmentTerminates the specified environment
elasticbeanstalk_update_applicationUpdates the specified application to have the specified...
elasticbeanstalk_update_application_resource_lifecycleModifies lifecycle settings for an application
elasticbeanstalk_update_application_versionUpdates the specified application version to have the...
elasticbeanstalk_update_configuration_templateUpdates the specified configuration template to have the...
elasticbeanstalk_update_environmentUpdates the environment description, deploys a new...
elasticbeanstalk_update_tags_for_resourceUpdate the list of tags applied to an AWS Elastic Beanstalk...
elasticbeanstalk_validate_configuration_settingsTakes a set of configuration settings and either a...
emrcontainersAmazon EMR Containers
emrcontainers_cancel_job_runCancels a job run
emrcontainers_create_job_templateCreates a job template
emrcontainers_create_managed_endpointCreates a managed endpoint
emrcontainers_create_security_configurationCreates a security configuration
emrcontainers_create_virtual_clusterCreates a virtual cluster
emrcontainers_delete_job_templateDeletes a job template
emrcontainers_delete_managed_endpointDeletes a managed endpoint
emrcontainers_delete_virtual_clusterDeletes a virtual cluster
emrcontainers_describe_job_runDisplays detailed information about a job run
emrcontainers_describe_job_templateDisplays detailed information about a specified job template
emrcontainers_describe_managed_endpointDisplays detailed information about a managed endpoint
emrcontainers_describe_security_configurationDisplays detailed information about a specified security...
emrcontainers_describe_virtual_clusterDisplays detailed information about a specified virtual...
emrcontainers_get_managed_endpoint_session_credentialsGenerate a session token to connect to a managed endpoint
emrcontainers_list_job_runsLists job runs based on a set of parameters
emrcontainers_list_job_templatesLists job templates based on a set of parameters
emrcontainers_list_managed_endpointsLists managed endpoints based on a set of parameters
emrcontainers_list_security_configurationsLists security configurations based on a set of parameters
emrcontainers_list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags assigned to the resources
emrcontainers_list_virtual_clustersLists information about the specified virtual cluster
emrcontainers_start_job_runStarts a job run
emrcontainers_tag_resourceAssigns tags to resources
emrcontainers_untag_resourceRemoves tags from resources
emrserverlessEMR Serverless
emrserverless_cancel_job_runCancels a job run
emrserverless_create_applicationCreates an application
emrserverless_delete_applicationDeletes an application
emrserverless_get_applicationDisplays detailed information about a specified application
emrserverless_get_dashboard_for_job_runCreates and returns a URL that you can use to access the...
emrserverless_get_job_runDisplays detailed information about a job run
emrserverless_list_applicationsLists applications based on a set of parameters
emrserverless_list_job_runsLists job runs based on a set of parameters
emrserverless_list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags assigned to the resources
emrserverless_start_applicationStarts a specified application and initializes initial...
emrserverless_start_job_runStarts a job run
emrserverless_stop_applicationStops a specified application and releases initial capacity...
emrserverless_tag_resourceAssigns tags to resources
emrserverless_untag_resourceRemoves tags from resources
emrserverless_update_applicationUpdates a specified application
imagebuilderEC2 Image Builder
imagebuilder_cancel_image_creationCancelImageCreation cancels the creation of Image
imagebuilder_cancel_lifecycle_executionCancel a specific image lifecycle policy runtime instance
imagebuilder_create_componentCreates a new component that can be used to build, validate,...
imagebuilder_create_container_recipeCreates a new container recipe
imagebuilder_create_distribution_configurationCreates a new distribution configuration
imagebuilder_create_imageCreates a new image
imagebuilder_create_image_pipelineCreates a new image pipeline
imagebuilder_create_image_recipeCreates a new image recipe
imagebuilder_create_infrastructure_configurationCreates a new infrastructure configuration
imagebuilder_create_lifecycle_policyCreate a lifecycle policy resource
imagebuilder_create_workflowCreate a new workflow or a new version of an existing...
imagebuilder_delete_componentDeletes a component build version
imagebuilder_delete_container_recipeDeletes a container recipe
imagebuilder_delete_distribution_configurationDeletes a distribution configuration
imagebuilder_delete_imageDeletes an Image Builder image resource
imagebuilder_delete_image_pipelineDeletes an image pipeline
imagebuilder_delete_image_recipeDeletes an image recipe
imagebuilder_delete_infrastructure_configurationDeletes an infrastructure configuration
imagebuilder_delete_lifecycle_policyDelete the specified lifecycle policy resource
imagebuilder_delete_workflowDeletes a specific workflow resource
imagebuilder_get_componentGets a component object
imagebuilder_get_component_policyGets a component policy
imagebuilder_get_container_recipeRetrieves a container recipe
imagebuilder_get_container_recipe_policyRetrieves the policy for a container recipe
imagebuilder_get_distribution_configurationGets a distribution configuration
imagebuilder_get_imageGets an image
imagebuilder_get_image_pipelineGets an image pipeline
imagebuilder_get_image_policyGets an image policy
imagebuilder_get_image_recipeGets an image recipe
imagebuilder_get_image_recipe_policyGets an image recipe policy
imagebuilder_get_infrastructure_configurationGets an infrastructure configuration
imagebuilder_get_lifecycle_executionGet the runtime information that was logged for a specific...
imagebuilder_get_lifecycle_policyGet details for the specified image lifecycle policy
imagebuilder_get_workflowGet a workflow resource object
imagebuilder_get_workflow_executionGet the runtime information that was logged for a specific...
imagebuilder_get_workflow_step_executionGet the runtime information that was logged for a specific...
imagebuilder_import_componentImports a component and transforms its data into a component...
imagebuilder_import_vm_imageWhen you export your virtual machine (VM) from its...
imagebuilder_list_component_build_versionsReturns the list of component build versions for the...
imagebuilder_list_componentsReturns the list of components that can be filtered by name,...
imagebuilder_list_container_recipesReturns a list of container recipes
imagebuilder_list_distribution_configurationsReturns a list of distribution configurations
imagebuilder_list_image_build_versionsReturns a list of image build versions
imagebuilder_list_image_packagesList the Packages that are associated with an Image Build...
imagebuilder_list_image_pipeline_imagesReturns a list of images created by the specified pipeline
imagebuilder_list_image_pipelinesReturns a list of image pipelines
imagebuilder_list_image_recipesReturns a list of image recipes
imagebuilder_list_imagesReturns the list of images that you have access to
imagebuilder_list_image_scan_finding_aggregationsReturns a list of image scan aggregations for your account
imagebuilder_list_image_scan_findingsReturns a list of image scan findings for your account
imagebuilder_list_infrastructure_configurationsReturns a list of infrastructure configurations
imagebuilder_list_lifecycle_execution_resourcesList resources that the runtime instance of the image...
imagebuilder_list_lifecycle_executionsGet the lifecycle runtime history for the specified resource
imagebuilder_list_lifecycle_policiesGet a list of lifecycle policies in your Amazon Web Services...
imagebuilder_list_tags_for_resourceReturns the list of tags for the specified resource
imagebuilder_list_waiting_workflow_stepsGet a list of workflow steps that are waiting for action for...
imagebuilder_list_workflow_build_versionsReturns a list of build versions for a specific workflow...
imagebuilder_list_workflow_executionsReturns a list of workflow runtime instance metadata objects...
imagebuilder_list_workflowsLists workflow build versions based on filtering parameters
imagebuilder_list_workflow_step_executionsReturns runtime data for each step in a runtime instance of...
imagebuilder_put_component_policyApplies a policy to a component
imagebuilder_put_container_recipe_policyApplies a policy to a container image
imagebuilder_put_image_policyApplies a policy to an image
imagebuilder_put_image_recipe_policyApplies a policy to an image recipe
imagebuilder_send_workflow_step_actionPauses or resumes image creation when the associated workflow...
imagebuilder_start_image_pipeline_executionManually triggers a pipeline to create an image
imagebuilder_start_resource_state_updateBegin asynchronous resource state update for lifecycle...
imagebuilder_tag_resourceAdds a tag to a resource
imagebuilder_untag_resourceRemoves a tag from a resource
imagebuilder_update_distribution_configurationUpdates a new distribution configuration
imagebuilder_update_image_pipelineUpdates an image pipeline
imagebuilder_update_infrastructure_configurationUpdates a new infrastructure configuration
imagebuilder_update_lifecycle_policyUpdate the specified lifecycle policy
lambdaAWS Lambda
lambda_add_layer_version_permissionAdds permissions to the resource-based policy of a version of...
lambda_add_permissionGrants an Amazon Web Service, Amazon Web Services account, or...
lambda_create_aliasCreates an alias for a Lambda function version
lambda_create_code_signing_configCreates a code signing configuration
lambda_create_event_source_mappingCreates a mapping between an event source and an Lambda...
lambda_create_functionCreates a Lambda function
lambda_create_function_url_configCreates a Lambda function URL with the specified...
lambda_delete_aliasDeletes a Lambda function alias
lambda_delete_code_signing_configDeletes the code signing configuration
lambda_delete_event_source_mappingDeletes an event source mapping
lambda_delete_functionDeletes a Lambda function
lambda_delete_function_code_signing_configRemoves the code signing configuration from the function
lambda_delete_function_concurrencyRemoves a concurrent execution limit from a function
lambda_delete_function_event_invoke_configDeletes the configuration for asynchronous invocation for a...
lambda_delete_function_url_configDeletes a Lambda function URL
lambda_delete_layer_versionDeletes a version of an Lambda layer
lambda_delete_provisioned_concurrency_configDeletes the provisioned concurrency configuration for a...
lambda_get_account_settingsRetrieves details about your account's limits and usage in an...
lambda_get_aliasReturns details about a Lambda function alias
lambda_get_code_signing_configReturns information about the specified code signing...
lambda_get_event_source_mappingReturns details about an event source mapping
lambda_get_functionReturns information about the function or function version,...
lambda_get_function_code_signing_configReturns the code signing configuration for the specified...
lambda_get_function_concurrencyReturns details about the reserved concurrency configuration...
lambda_get_function_configurationReturns the version-specific settings of a Lambda function or...
lambda_get_function_event_invoke_configRetrieves the configuration for asynchronous invocation for a...
lambda_get_function_url_configReturns details about a Lambda function URL
lambda_get_layer_versionReturns information about a version of an Lambda layer, with...
lambda_get_layer_version_by_arnReturns information about a version of an Lambda layer, with...
lambda_get_layer_version_policyReturns the permission policy for a version of an Lambda...
lambda_get_policyReturns the resource-based IAM policy for a function,...
lambda_get_provisioned_concurrency_configRetrieves the provisioned concurrency configuration for a...
lambda_get_runtime_management_configRetrieves the runtime management configuration for a...
lambda_invokeInvokes a Lambda function
lambda_invoke_asyncFor asynchronous function invocation, use Invoke
lambda_invoke_with_response_streamConfigure your Lambda functions to stream response payloads...
lambda_list_aliasesReturns a list of aliases for a Lambda function
lambda_list_code_signing_configsReturns a list of code signing configurations
lambda_list_event_source_mappingsLists event source mappings
lambda_list_function_event_invoke_configsRetrieves a list of configurations for asynchronous...
lambda_list_functionsReturns a list of Lambda functions, with the version-specific...
lambda_list_functions_by_code_signing_configList the functions that use the specified code signing...
lambda_list_function_url_configsReturns a list of Lambda function URLs for the specified...
lambda_list_layersLists Lambda layers and shows information about the latest...
lambda_list_layer_versionsLists the versions of an Lambda layer
lambda_list_provisioned_concurrency_configsRetrieves a list of provisioned concurrency configurations...
lambda_list_tagsReturns a function's tags
lambda_list_versions_by_functionReturns a list of versions, with the version-specific...
lambda_publish_layer_versionCreates an Lambda layer from a ZIP archive
lambda_publish_versionCreates a version from the current code and configuration of...
lambda_put_function_code_signing_configUpdate the code signing configuration for the function
lambda_put_function_concurrencySets the maximum number of simultaneous executions for a...
lambda_put_function_event_invoke_configConfigures options for asynchronous invocation on a function,...
lambda_put_provisioned_concurrency_configAdds a provisioned concurrency configuration to a function's...
lambda_put_runtime_management_configSets the runtime management configuration for a function's...
lambda_remove_layer_version_permissionRemoves a statement from the permissions policy for a version...
lambda_remove_permissionRevokes function-use permission from an Amazon Web Service or...
lambda_tag_resourceAdds tags to a function
lambda_untag_resourceRemoves tags from a function
lambda_update_aliasUpdates the configuration of a Lambda function alias
lambda_update_code_signing_configUpdate the code signing configuration
lambda_update_event_source_mappingUpdates an event source mapping
lambda_update_function_codeUpdates a Lambda function's code
lambda_update_function_configurationModify the version-specific settings of a Lambda function
lambda_update_function_event_invoke_configUpdates the configuration for asynchronous invocation for a...
lambda_update_function_url_configUpdates the configuration for a Lambda function URL
lightsailAmazon Lightsail
lightsail_allocate_static_ipAllocates a static IP address
lightsail_attach_certificate_to_distributionAttaches an SSL/TLS certificate to your Amazon Lightsail...
lightsail_attach_diskAttaches a block storage disk to a running or stopped...
lightsail_attach_instances_to_load_balancerAttaches one or more Lightsail instances to a load balancer
lightsail_attach_load_balancer_tls_certificateAttaches a Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate to your...
lightsail_attach_static_ipAttaches a static IP address to a specific Amazon Lightsail...
lightsail_close_instance_public_portsCloses ports for a specific Amazon Lightsail instance
lightsail_copy_snapshotCopies a manual snapshot of an instance or disk as another...
lightsail_create_bucketCreates an Amazon Lightsail bucket
lightsail_create_bucket_access_keyCreates a new access key for the specified Amazon Lightsail...
lightsail_create_certificateCreates an SSL/TLS certificate for an Amazon Lightsail...
lightsail_create_cloud_formation_stackCreates an AWS CloudFormation stack, which creates a new...
lightsail_create_contact_methodCreates an email or SMS text message contact method
lightsail_create_container_serviceCreates an Amazon Lightsail container service
lightsail_create_container_service_deploymentCreates a deployment for your Amazon Lightsail container...
lightsail_create_container_service_registry_loginCreates a temporary set of log in credentials that you can...
lightsail_create_diskCreates a block storage disk that can be attached to an...
lightsail_create_disk_from_snapshotCreates a block storage disk from a manual or automatic...
lightsail_create_disk_snapshotCreates a snapshot of a block storage disk
lightsail_create_distributionCreates an Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN)...
lightsail_create_domainCreates a domain resource for the specified domain (example
lightsail_create_domain_entryCreates one of the following domain name system (DNS) records...
lightsail_create_gui_session_access_detailsCreates two URLs that are used to access a virtual computer’s...
lightsail_create_instancesCreates one or more Amazon Lightsail instances
lightsail_create_instances_from_snapshotCreates one or more new instances from a manual or automatic...
lightsail_create_instance_snapshotCreates a snapshot of a specific virtual private server, or...
lightsail_create_key_pairCreates a custom SSH key pair that you can use with an Amazon...
lightsail_create_load_balancerCreates a Lightsail load balancer
lightsail_create_load_balancer_tls_certificateCreates an SSL/TLS certificate for an Amazon Lightsail load...
lightsail_create_relational_databaseCreates a new database in Amazon Lightsail
lightsail_create_relational_database_from_snapshotCreates a new database from an existing database snapshot in...
lightsail_create_relational_database_snapshotCreates a snapshot of your database in Amazon Lightsail
lightsail_delete_alarmDeletes an alarm
lightsail_delete_auto_snapshotDeletes an automatic snapshot of an instance or disk
lightsail_delete_bucketDeletes a Amazon Lightsail bucket
lightsail_delete_bucket_access_keyDeletes an access key for the specified Amazon Lightsail...
lightsail_delete_certificateDeletes an SSL/TLS certificate for your Amazon Lightsail...
lightsail_delete_contact_methodDeletes a contact method
lightsail_delete_container_imageDeletes a container image that is registered to your Amazon...
lightsail_delete_container_serviceDeletes your Amazon Lightsail container service
lightsail_delete_diskDeletes the specified block storage disk
lightsail_delete_disk_snapshotDeletes the specified disk snapshot
lightsail_delete_distributionDeletes your Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN)...
lightsail_delete_domainDeletes the specified domain recordset and all of its domain...
lightsail_delete_domain_entryDeletes a specific domain entry
lightsail_delete_instanceDeletes an Amazon Lightsail instance
lightsail_delete_instance_snapshotDeletes a specific snapshot of a virtual private server (or...
lightsail_delete_key_pairDeletes the specified key pair by removing the public key...
lightsail_delete_known_host_keysDeletes the known host key or certificate used by the Amazon...
lightsail_delete_load_balancerDeletes a Lightsail load balancer and all its associated...
lightsail_delete_load_balancer_tls_certificateDeletes an SSL/TLS certificate associated with a Lightsail...
lightsail_delete_relational_databaseDeletes a database in Amazon Lightsail
lightsail_delete_relational_database_snapshotDeletes a database snapshot in Amazon Lightsail
lightsail_detach_certificate_from_distributionDetaches an SSL/TLS certificate from your Amazon Lightsail...
lightsail_detach_diskDetaches a stopped block storage disk from a Lightsail...
lightsail_detach_instances_from_load_balancerDetaches the specified instances from a Lightsail load...
lightsail_detach_static_ipDetaches a static IP from the Amazon Lightsail instance to...
lightsail_disable_add_onDisables an add-on for an Amazon Lightsail resource
lightsail_download_default_key_pairDownloads the regional Amazon Lightsail default key pair
lightsail_enable_add_onEnables or modifies an add-on for an Amazon Lightsail...
lightsail_export_snapshotExports an Amazon Lightsail instance or block storage disk...
lightsail_get_active_namesReturns the names of all active (not deleted) resources
lightsail_get_alarmsReturns information about the configured alarms
lightsail_get_auto_snapshotsReturns the available automatic snapshots for an instance or...
lightsail_get_blueprintsReturns the list of available instance images, or blueprints
lightsail_get_bucket_access_keysReturns the existing access key IDs for the specified Amazon...
lightsail_get_bucket_bundlesReturns the bundles that you can apply to a Amazon Lightsail...
lightsail_get_bucket_metric_dataReturns the data points of a specific metric for an Amazon...
lightsail_get_bucketsReturns information about one or more Amazon Lightsail...
lightsail_get_bundlesReturns the bundles that you can apply to an Amazon Lightsail...
lightsail_get_certificatesReturns information about one or more Amazon Lightsail...
lightsail_get_cloud_formation_stack_recordsReturns the CloudFormation stack record created as a result...
lightsail_get_contact_methodsReturns information about the configured contact methods
lightsail_get_container_api_metadataReturns information about Amazon Lightsail containers, such...
lightsail_get_container_imagesReturns the container images that are registered to your...
lightsail_get_container_logReturns the log events of a container of your Amazon...
lightsail_get_container_service_deploymentsReturns the deployments for your Amazon Lightsail container...
lightsail_get_container_service_metric_dataReturns the data points of a specific metric of your Amazon...
lightsail_get_container_service_powersReturns the list of powers that can be specified for your...
lightsail_get_container_servicesReturns information about one or more of your Amazon...
lightsail_get_cost_estimateRetrieves information about the cost estimate for a specified...
lightsail_get_diskReturns information about a specific block storage disk
lightsail_get_disksReturns information about all block storage disks in your AWS...
lightsail_get_disk_snapshotReturns information about a specific block storage disk...
lightsail_get_disk_snapshotsReturns information about all block storage disk snapshots in...
lightsail_get_distribution_bundlesReturns the bundles that can be applied to your Amazon...
lightsail_get_distribution_latest_cache_resetReturns the timestamp and status of the last cache reset of a...
lightsail_get_distribution_metric_dataReturns the data points of a specific metric for an Amazon...
lightsail_get_distributionsReturns information about one or more of your Amazon...
lightsail_get_domainReturns information about a specific domain recordset
lightsail_get_domainsReturns a list of all domains in the user's account
lightsail_get_export_snapshot_recordsReturns all export snapshot records created as a result of...
lightsail_get_instanceReturns information about a specific Amazon Lightsail...
lightsail_get_instance_access_detailsReturns temporary SSH keys you can use to connect to a...
lightsail_get_instance_metric_dataReturns the data points for the specified Amazon Lightsail...
lightsail_get_instance_port_statesReturns the firewall port states for a specific Amazon...
lightsail_get_instancesReturns information about all Amazon Lightsail virtual...
lightsail_get_instance_snapshotReturns information about a specific instance snapshot
lightsail_get_instance_snapshotsReturns all instance snapshots for the user's account
lightsail_get_instance_stateReturns the state of a specific instance
lightsail_get_key_pairReturns information about a specific key pair
lightsail_get_key_pairsReturns information about all key pairs in the user's account
lightsail_get_load_balancerReturns information about the specified Lightsail load...
lightsail_get_load_balancer_metric_dataReturns information about health metrics for your Lightsail...
lightsail_get_load_balancersReturns information about all load balancers in an account
lightsail_get_load_balancer_tls_certificatesReturns information about the TLS certificates that are...
lightsail_get_load_balancer_tls_policiesReturns a list of TLS security policies that you can apply to...
lightsail_get_operationReturns information about a specific operation
lightsail_get_operationsReturns information about all operations
lightsail_get_operations_for_resourceGets operations for a specific resource (an instance or a...
lightsail_get_regionsReturns a list of all valid regions for Amazon Lightsail
lightsail_get_relational_databaseReturns information about a specific database in Amazon...
lightsail_get_relational_database_blueprintsReturns a list of available database blueprints in Amazon...
lightsail_get_relational_database_bundlesReturns the list of bundles that are available in Amazon...
lightsail_get_relational_database_eventsReturns a list of events for a specific database in Amazon...
lightsail_get_relational_database_log_eventsReturns a list of log events for a database in Amazon...
lightsail_get_relational_database_log_streamsReturns a list of available log streams for a specific...
lightsail_get_relational_database_master_user_passwordReturns the current, previous, or pending versions of the...
lightsail_get_relational_database_metric_dataReturns the data points of the specified metric for a...
lightsail_get_relational_database_parametersReturns all of the runtime parameters offered by the...
lightsail_get_relational_databasesReturns information about all of your databases in Amazon...
lightsail_get_relational_database_snapshotReturns information about a specific database snapshot in...
lightsail_get_relational_database_snapshotsReturns information about all of your database snapshots in...
lightsail_get_setup_historyReturns detailed information for five of the most recent...
lightsail_get_static_ipReturns information about an Amazon Lightsail static IP
lightsail_get_static_ipsReturns information about all static IPs in the user's...
lightsail_import_key_pairImports a public SSH key from a specific key pair
lightsail_is_vpc_peeredReturns a Boolean value indicating whether your Lightsail VPC...
lightsail_open_instance_public_portsOpens ports for a specific Amazon Lightsail instance, and...
lightsail_peer_vpcPeers the Lightsail VPC with the user's default VPC
lightsail_put_alarmCreates or updates an alarm, and associates it with the...
lightsail_put_instance_public_portsOpens ports for a specific Amazon Lightsail instance, and...
lightsail_reboot_instanceRestarts a specific instance
lightsail_reboot_relational_databaseRestarts a specific database in Amazon Lightsail
lightsail_register_container_imageRegisters a container image to your Amazon Lightsail...
lightsail_release_static_ipDeletes a specific static IP from your account
lightsail_reset_distribution_cacheDeletes currently cached content from your Amazon Lightsail...
lightsail_send_contact_method_verificationSends a verification request to an email contact method to...
lightsail_set_ip_address_typeSets the IP address type for an Amazon Lightsail resource
lightsail_set_resource_access_for_bucketSets the Amazon Lightsail resources that can access the...
lightsail_setup_instance_httpsCreates an SSL/TLS certificate that secures traffic for your...
lightsail_start_gui_sessionInitiates a graphical user interface (GUI) session that’s...
lightsail_start_instanceStarts a specific Amazon Lightsail instance from a stopped...
lightsail_start_relational_databaseStarts a specific database from a stopped state in Amazon...
lightsail_stop_gui_sessionTerminates a web-based NICE DCV session that’s used to access...
lightsail_stop_instanceStops a specific Amazon Lightsail instance that is currently...
lightsail_stop_relational_databaseStops a specific database that is currently running in Amazon...
lightsail_tag_resourceAdds one or more tags to the specified Amazon Lightsail...
lightsail_test_alarmTests an alarm by displaying a banner on the Amazon Lightsail...
lightsail_unpeer_vpcUnpeers the Lightsail VPC from the user's default VPC
lightsail_untag_resourceDeletes the specified set of tag keys and their values from...
lightsail_update_bucketUpdates an existing Amazon Lightsail bucket
lightsail_update_bucket_bundleUpdates the bundle, or storage plan, of an existing Amazon...
lightsail_update_container_serviceUpdates the configuration of your Amazon Lightsail container...
lightsail_update_distributionUpdates an existing Amazon Lightsail content delivery network...
lightsail_update_distribution_bundleUpdates the bundle of your Amazon Lightsail content delivery...
lightsail_update_domain_entryUpdates a domain recordset after it is created
lightsail_update_instance_metadata_optionsModifies the Amazon Lightsail instance metadata parameters on...
lightsail_update_load_balancer_attributeUpdates the specified attribute for a load balancer
lightsail_update_relational_databaseAllows the update of one or more attributes of a database in...
lightsail_update_relational_database_parametersAllows the update of one or more parameters of a database in...
protonAWS Proton
proton_accept_environment_account_connectionIn a management account, an environment account connection...
proton_cancel_component_deploymentAttempts to cancel a component deployment (for a component...
proton_cancel_environment_deploymentAttempts to cancel an environment deployment on an...
proton_cancel_service_instance_deploymentAttempts to cancel a service instance deployment on an...
proton_cancel_service_pipeline_deploymentAttempts to cancel a service pipeline deployment on an...
proton_create_componentCreate an Proton component
proton_create_environmentDeploy a new environment
proton_create_environment_account_connectionCreate an environment account connection in an environment...
proton_create_environment_templateCreate an environment template for Proton
proton_create_environment_template_versionCreate a new major or minor version of an environment...
proton_create_repositoryCreate and register a link to a repository
proton_create_serviceCreate an Proton service
proton_create_service_instanceCreate a service instance
proton_create_service_sync_configCreate the Proton Ops configuration file
proton_create_service_templateCreate a service template
proton_create_service_template_versionCreate a new major or minor version of a service template
proton_create_template_sync_configSet up a template to create new template versions...
proton_delete_componentDelete an Proton component resource
proton_delete_deploymentDelete the deployment
proton_delete_environmentDelete an environment
proton_delete_environment_account_connectionIn an environment account, delete an environment account...
proton_delete_environment_templateIf no other major or minor versions of an environment...
proton_delete_environment_template_versionIf no other minor versions of an environment template exist,...
proton_delete_repositoryDe-register and unlink your repository
proton_delete_serviceDelete a service, with its instances and pipeline
proton_delete_service_sync_configDelete the Proton Ops file
proton_delete_service_templateIf no other major or minor versions of the service template...
proton_delete_service_template_versionIf no other minor versions of a service template exist,...
proton_delete_template_sync_configDelete a template sync configuration
proton_get_account_settingsGet detail data for Proton account-wide settings
proton_get_componentGet detailed data for a component
proton_get_deploymentGet detailed data for a deployment
proton_get_environmentGet detailed data for an environment
proton_get_environment_account_connectionIn an environment account, get the detailed data for an...
proton_get_environment_templateGet detailed data for an environment template
proton_get_environment_template_versionGet detailed data for a major or minor version of an...
proton_get_repositoryGet detail data for a linked repository
proton_get_repository_sync_statusGet the sync status of a repository used for Proton template...
proton_get_resources_summaryGet counts of Proton resources
proton_get_serviceGet detailed data for a service
proton_get_service_instanceGet detailed data for a service instance
proton_get_service_instance_sync_statusGet the status of the synced service instance
proton_get_service_sync_blocker_summaryGet detailed data for the service sync blocker summary
proton_get_service_sync_configGet detailed information for the service sync configuration
proton_get_service_templateGet detailed data for a service template
proton_get_service_template_versionGet detailed data for a major or minor version of a service...
proton_get_template_sync_configGet detail data for a template sync configuration
proton_get_template_sync_statusGet the status of a template sync
proton_list_component_outputsGet a list of component Infrastructure as Code (IaC) outputs
proton_list_component_provisioned_resourcesList provisioned resources for a component with details
proton_list_componentsList components with summary data
proton_list_deploymentsList deployments
proton_list_environment_account_connectionsView a list of environment account connections
proton_list_environment_outputsList the infrastructure as code outputs for your environment
proton_list_environment_provisioned_resourcesList the provisioned resources for your environment
proton_list_environmentsList environments with detail data summaries
proton_list_environment_templatesList environment templates
proton_list_environment_template_versionsList major or minor versions of an environment template with...
proton_list_repositoriesList linked repositories with detail data
proton_list_repository_sync_definitionsList repository sync definitions with detail data
proton_list_service_instance_outputsGet a list service of instance Infrastructure as Code (IaC)...
proton_list_service_instance_provisioned_resourcesList provisioned resources for a service instance with...
proton_list_service_instancesList service instances with summary data
proton_list_service_pipeline_outputsGet a list of service pipeline Infrastructure as Code (IaC)...
proton_list_service_pipeline_provisioned_resourcesList provisioned resources for a service and pipeline with...
proton_list_servicesList services with summaries of detail data
proton_list_service_templatesList service templates with detail data
proton_list_service_template_versionsList major or minor versions of a service template with...
proton_list_tags_for_resourceList tags for a resource
proton_notify_resource_deployment_status_changeNotify Proton of status changes to a provisioned resource...
proton_reject_environment_account_connectionIn a management account, reject an environment account...
proton_tag_resourceTag a resource
proton_untag_resourceRemove a customer tag from a resource
proton_update_account_settingsUpdate Proton settings that are used for multiple services in...
proton_update_componentUpdate a component
proton_update_environmentUpdate an environment
proton_update_environment_account_connectionIn an environment account, update an environment account...
proton_update_environment_templateUpdate an environment template
proton_update_environment_template_versionUpdate a major or minor version of an environment template
proton_update_serviceEdit a service description or use a spec to add and delete...
proton_update_service_instanceUpdate a service instance
proton_update_service_pipelineUpdate the service pipeline
proton_update_service_sync_blockerUpdate the service sync blocker by resolving it
proton_update_service_sync_configUpdate the Proton Ops config file
proton_update_service_templateUpdate a service template
proton_update_service_template_versionUpdate a major or minor version of a service template
proton_update_template_sync_configUpdate template sync configuration parameters, except for the...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
serverlessapplicationrepository_create_applicationCreates an application, optionally including an AWS SAM file...
serverlessapplicationrepository_create_application_versionCreates an application version
serverlessapplicationrepository_cre_clo_for_cha_setCreates an AWS CloudFormation change set for the given...
serverlessapplicationrepository_cre_clo_for_temCreates an AWS CloudFormation template
serverlessapplicationrepository_delete_applicationDeletes the specified application
serverlessapplicationrepository_get_applicationGets the specified application
serverlessapplicationrepository_get_application_policyRetrieves the policy for the application
serverlessapplicationrepository_get_cloud_formation_templateGets the specified AWS CloudFormation template
serverlessapplicationrepository_lis_app_depRetrieves the list of applications nested in the containing...
serverlessapplicationrepository_list_applicationsLists applications owned by the requester
serverlessapplicationrepository_list_application_versionsLists versions for the specified application
serverlessapplicationrepository_put_application_policySets the permission policy for an application
serverlessapplicationrepository_unshare_applicationUnshares an application from an AWS Organization
serverlessapplicationrepository_update_applicationUpdates the specified application
paws.compute documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:16 a.m.