
Defines functions update_hypervisor_output update_hypervisor_input update_gateway_software_now_output update_gateway_software_now_input update_gateway_information_output update_gateway_information_input untag_resource_output untag_resource_input test_hypervisor_configuration_output test_hypervisor_configuration_input tag_resource_output tag_resource_input start_virtual_machines_metadata_sync_output start_virtual_machines_metadata_sync_input put_maintenance_start_time_output put_maintenance_start_time_input put_hypervisor_property_mappings_output put_hypervisor_property_mappings_input put_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule_output put_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule_input list_virtual_machines_output list_virtual_machines_input list_tags_for_resource_output list_tags_for_resource_input list_hypervisors_output list_hypervisors_input list_gateways_output list_gateways_input import_hypervisor_configuration_output import_hypervisor_configuration_input get_virtual_machine_output get_virtual_machine_input get_hypervisor_property_mappings_output get_hypervisor_property_mappings_input get_hypervisor_output get_hypervisor_input get_gateway_output get_gateway_input get_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule_output get_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule_input disassociate_gateway_from_server_output disassociate_gateway_from_server_input delete_hypervisor_output delete_hypervisor_input delete_gateway_output delete_gateway_input create_gateway_output create_gateway_input associate_gateway_to_server_output associate_gateway_to_server_input

# This file is generated by make.paws. Please do not edit here.
#' @importFrom paws.common populate
#' @include backupgateway_service.R

.backupgateway$associate_gateway_to_server_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ServerArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$associate_gateway_to_server_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$create_gateway_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ActivationKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GatewayDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GatewayType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$create_gateway_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$delete_gateway_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$delete_gateway_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$delete_hypervisor_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HypervisorArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$delete_hypervisor_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HypervisorArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$disassociate_gateway_from_server_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$disassociate_gateway_from_server_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$get_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$get_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(BandwidthRateLimitIntervals = structure(list(structure(list(AverageUploadRateLimitInBitsPerSec = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long", box = TRUE)), DaysOfWeek = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE))), tags = list(type = "list")), EndHourOfDay = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE)), EndMinuteOfHour = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE)), StartHourOfDay = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE)), StartMinuteOfHour = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$get_gateway_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$get_gateway_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Gateway = structure(list(GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GatewayDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GatewayType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HypervisorId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastSeenTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MaintenanceStartTime = structure(list(DayOfMonth = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE)), DayOfWeek = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE)), HourOfDay = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE)), MinuteOfHour = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NextUpdateAvailabilityTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), VpcEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$get_hypervisor_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HypervisorArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$get_hypervisor_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Hypervisor = structure(list(Host = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HypervisorArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastSuccessfulMetadataSyncTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LatestMetadataSyncStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LatestMetadataSyncStatusMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LogGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$get_hypervisor_property_mappings_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HypervisorArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$get_hypervisor_property_mappings_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HypervisorArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VmwareToAwsTagMappings = structure(list(structure(list(AwsTagKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AwsTagValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VmwareCategory = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VmwareTagName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$get_virtual_machine_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ResourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$get_virtual_machine_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(VirtualMachine = structure(list(HostName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HypervisorId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastBackupDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Path = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VmwareTags = structure(list(structure(list(VmwareCategory = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VmwareTagDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VmwareTagName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$import_hypervisor_configuration_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Host = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Password = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string", sensitive = TRUE)), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Username = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string", sensitive = TRUE))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$import_hypervisor_configuration_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HypervisorArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$list_gateways_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE)), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$list_gateways_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Gateways = structure(list(structure(list(GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GatewayDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GatewayType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HypervisorId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastSeenTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$list_hypervisors_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE)), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$list_hypervisors_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Hypervisors = structure(list(structure(list(Host = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HypervisorArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), State = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$list_tags_for_resource_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ResourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$list_tags_for_resource_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ResourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$list_virtual_machines_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HypervisorArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE)), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$list_virtual_machines_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VirtualMachines = structure(list(structure(list(HostName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HypervisorId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastBackupDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Path = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$put_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(BandwidthRateLimitIntervals = structure(list(structure(list(AverageUploadRateLimitInBitsPerSec = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long", box = TRUE)), DaysOfWeek = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE))), tags = list(type = "list")), EndHourOfDay = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE)), EndMinuteOfHour = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE)), StartHourOfDay = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE)), StartMinuteOfHour = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$put_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$put_hypervisor_property_mappings_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HypervisorArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VmwareToAwsTagMappings = structure(list(structure(list(AwsTagKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AwsTagValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VmwareCategory = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VmwareTagName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$put_hypervisor_property_mappings_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HypervisorArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$put_maintenance_start_time_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DayOfMonth = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE)), DayOfWeek = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE)), GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HourOfDay = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE)), MinuteOfHour = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer", box = TRUE))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$put_maintenance_start_time_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$start_virtual_machines_metadata_sync_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HypervisorArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$start_virtual_machines_metadata_sync_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HypervisorArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$tag_resource_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ResourceARN = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$tag_resource_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ResourceARN = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$test_hypervisor_configuration_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Host = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Password = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string", sensitive = TRUE)), Username = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string", sensitive = TRUE))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$test_hypervisor_configuration_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$untag_resource_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ResourceARN = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TagKeys = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$untag_resource_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ResourceARN = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$update_gateway_information_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GatewayDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$update_gateway_information_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$update_gateway_software_now_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$update_gateway_software_now_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(GatewayArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$update_hypervisor_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Host = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HypervisorArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LogGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Password = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string", sensitive = TRUE)), Username = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string", sensitive = TRUE))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.backupgateway$update_hypervisor_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HypervisorArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

Try the paws.networking package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

paws.networking documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:12 a.m.