pbat.work: pbatRwork Temp Directory

View source: R/extras.R

pbat.workR Documentation

pbatRwork Temp Directory


Creates a temporary 'pbatRwork' directory, and moves to it. This can be created in the same directory as a pedigree or phenotype file by passing those as parameters instead.


pbat.work( pedOrPhe=NULL )
pbat.unwork( cur=NULL )



If a ‘ped’ or ‘phe’ symbolic object (read in without ‘sym=TRUE’ which is the default), then uses that directory + '/pbatRwork' as the current working directory (so all output will go there). Otherwise it just creates a ‘pbatRwork’ directory in the current working directory.


Pass in the output of pbat.work(...), see example below.


## Not run: 
ped <- read.ped("mydata")
phe <- read.phe("myphe")

cur <- pbat.work( ped )

res <- pbat.m(trait ~ NONE, ped=ped, phe=phe, fbat="gee")
## whatever you want to do with the results

pbat.unwork( cur ) ## sends you back to where you were

## End(Not run)

pbatR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:27 a.m.

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