Man pages for pbdMPI
R Interface to MPI for HPC Clusters (Programming with Big Data Project)

00_pbdMPI-packageR Interface to MPI (Programming with Big Data in R Project)
11_d_controlDefault control in pbdMPI.
11_d_pbd_optSet Global pbdR Options
aa_allgather-methodAll Ranks Gather Objects from Every Rank
aa_allreduce-methodAll Ranks Receive a Reduction of Objects from Every Rank
aa_bcast-methodA Rank Broadcast an Object to Every Rank
aa_gather-methodA Rank Gathers Objects from Every Rank
aa_reduce-methodA Rank Receive a Reduction of Objects from Every Rank
aa_scatter-methodA Rank Scatter Objects to Every Rank
ab_recv-methodA Rank Receives (Blocking) an Object from the Other Rank
ab_send-methodA Rank Send (blocking) an Object to the Other Rank
ac_irecv-methodA Rank Receives (Nonblocking) an Object from the Other Rank
ac_isend-methodA Rank Send (Nonblocking) an Object to the Other Rank
ad_sendrecv-methodSend and Receive an Object to and from Other Ranks
ad_sendrecv.replace-methodSend and Receive an Object to and from Other Ranks
ae_alltoallAll to All
cc_arrange.mpi.aptsSet or Get MPI Array Pointers in R
cc_commCommunicator Functions
dd_infoInfo Functions
dd_is.comm.nullCheck if a MPI_COMM_NULL
dd_probProbe Functions
dd_sourcetagFunctions to Obtain source and tag
dd_waitWait Functions
uu_execmpiExecute MPI code in system
vv_get_jidDivide Job ID by Ranks
vv_print_catGlobal Print and Cat Functions
vv_seedParallel random number generation with reproducible results
ww_comm_as_gbdGlobal As GBD Function
ww_comm_balanceGlobal Balance Functions
ww_comm_readGlobal Reading Functions
ww_comm_writeGlobal Writing Functions
xx_comm_allpairsGlobal All Pairs
xx_comm_any_allGlobal Any and All Functions
xx_comm_baseGlobal Base Functions
xx_comm_distGlobal Distance for Distributed Matrices
xx_comm_match_argGlobal Argument Matching
xx_comm_pairwiseGlobal Pairwise Evaluations
xx_comm_rangeGlobal Range, Max, and Min Functions
xx_comm_RprofA Rprof Function for SPMD Routines
xx_comm_sortGlobal Quick Sort for Distributed Vectors or Matrices
xx_comm_stop_warningGlobal Stop and Warning Functions
xx_comm_timerA Timing Function for SPMD Routines
xx_comm_whichGlobal Which Functions
yy_api_applyParallel Apply and Lapply Functions
yy_api_task_pullFunctions for Task Pull Parallelism
yy_get_conf_lib_winmpiFunctions to Get MPI and/or pbdMPI Configures Used at...
yy_pkg_toolsFunctions for Get/Print MPI_COMM Pointer (Address)
zz_comm_internalAll Comm Internal Functions
zz_spmd_controlSets of controls in pbdMPI.
zz_spmd_internalAll SPMD Internal Functions
pbdMPI documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 9:07 a.m.