vv_get_jid: Divide Job ID by Ranks

get job idR Documentation

Divide Job ID by Ranks


This function obtains job id which can be used to divide jobs.


get.jid(n, method = .pbd_env$SPMD.CT$divide.method[1], all = FALSE,
        comm = .pbd_env$SPMD.CT$comm, reduced = FALSE)



total number of jobs.


a way to divide jobs.


indicate if return all id for each processor.


a communicator number.


indicate if return should be a reduced representation.


n is total number of jobs needed to be divided into all processors (comm.size(comm), i.e. 1:n will be split according to the rank of processor (comm.rank(comm)) and method. Job id will be returned. Currently, three possible methods are provided.

"block" will use return id's which are nearly equal size blocks. For example, 7 jobs in 4 processors will have jid=1 for rank 0, jid=2,3 for rank 1, jid=4,5 for rank 2, and jid=6,7 for rank 3.

"block0" will use return id's which are nearly equal size blocks, in the opposite direction of "block". For example, 7 jobs in 4 processors will have jid=1,2 for rank 0, jid=3,4 for rank 1, jid=5,6 for rank 2, and jid=7 for rank 3.

"cycle" will use return id's which are nearly equal size in cycle. For example, 7 jobs in 4 processors will have jid=1,5 for rank 0, jid=2,6 for rank 1, jid=3,7 for rank 2, and jid=4 for rank 3.


get.jid() returns a vector containing job id for each individual processor if all = FALSE. While it returns a list containing all job id for all processor if all = TRUE. The list has length equal to comm.size.


Wei-Chen Chen wccsnow@gmail.com, George Ostrouchov, Drew Schmidt, Pragneshkumar Patel, and Hao Yu.


Programming with Big Data in R Website: https://pbdr.org/

See Also

task.pull() and comm.chunk().


### Save code in a file "demo.r" and run with 2 processors by
### SHELL> mpiexec -np 2 Rscript demo.r

spmd.code <- "
### Initialize
suppressMessages(library(pbdMPI, quietly = TRUE))

### Examples.
comm.cat(\">>> block\n\", quiet = TRUE)
jid <- get.jid(7, method = \"block\")
comm.print(jid, all.rank = TRUE)

comm.cat(\">>> cycle\n\", quiet = TRUE)
jid <- get.jid(7, method = \"cycle\")
comm.print(jid, all.rank = TRUE)

comm.cat(\">>> block (all)\n\", quiet = TRUE)
alljid <- get.jid(7, method = \"block\", all = TRUE)

comm.cat(\">>> cycle (all)\n\", quiet = TRUE)
alljid <- get.jid(7, method = \"cycle\", all = TRUE)

### Finish.
pbdMPI::execmpi(spmd.code, nranks = 2L)

pbdMPI documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 9:07 a.m.