Man pages for pedantics
Functions to Facilitate Power and Sensitivity Analyses for Genetic Studies of Natural Populations

drawPedigreeProduce a graphical representation of a pedigree
fixPedigreeManipulating pedigrees to prepare them for requirements of...
fpederrSimulates a pedigree with errors and missing data from a...
genomesimA function to simulate QTL and/or SNP data.
gryphonsExample dataset for pedantics examples and titorial
makePedigreeFactorConverts a numeric pedigee to a pedigree with factors
makePedigreeNumericConverts a pedigree with individuals specified as factors to...
microsimSimulates microsatellite data across a pedigree.
pedantics-packageTools to facilitate quantitative genetic studies of natural...
pedigreeStatsCalculates a range of statistics of pedigrees.
pedStatSummaryPost-processes output from pedigreeStats
phensimA function to simulated phenotypic data
rpederrPermutes a pedigree to create a plausible complete pedigree
pedantics documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:54 p.m.