Man pages for pedigree
Pedigree Functions

add.IndsFunction to add missing individuals to a pedigree
blupFunction to calculate breeding values using an animal model
calcGFunction to calculate a relationship matrix from marker data...
calcInbreedingCalculates inbreeding coefficients for individuals in a...
countGenCount generation number for each individual in a pedigree.
countOffFunction that counts the number of offspring (and following...
gblupFunction to calculate breeding values using an animal model...
makeAMakes the A matrix for a part of a pedigree
makeAinvMakes inverted A matrix for a pedigree
orderPedOrders a pedigree
pedigree-packagePackage to deal with pedigree data
trimPedFunction to trim a pedigree based on available data
pedigree documentation built on Aug. 14, 2022, 1:06 a.m.