gblup: Function to calculate breeding values using an animal model...

gblupR Documentation

Function to calculate breeding values using an animal model and a relationship matrix calculated from the markers (G matrix)


Fit an animal model to data, use a given variance ratio (α = \frac{σ^2_e}{σ^ 2_a}). Calculate genetic relationship matrix using the function calcG of this package.


gblup(formula, data, M, lambda)



formula of the model, do not include the random effect due to animal (generally ID).


data.frame with columns corresponding to ID and the columns mentioned in the formula.


Matrix of marker genotypes, usually the count of one of the two SNP alleles at each markers (0, 1, or 2).


Variance ratio (\frac{σ^2_e}{σ^ 2_a})


Vector of solutions to the model, including random animal effects.

See Also

SamplePedigree, gblup, makeAinv,blup


## Example Code from SampleHaplotypes
hList <- HaploSim::SampleHaplotypes(nHaplotypes = 20,genDist =
1,nDec = 3,nLoc = 20) ## create objects
h <- HaploSim::SampleHaplotype(H0 = hList[[1]],H1 = hList[[2]],genDist =
1,nDec = 3)

## code from the Example SamplePedigree
ID <- 1:10
pID0 <- c(rep(0,5),1,1,3,3,5)
pID1 <- c(rep(0,4),2,2,2,4,4,6)
ped <- data.frame(ID,pID0,pID1)
phList <- HaploSim::SamplePedigree(orig = hList,ped = ped)

## own code
h2 <- 0.5
ped <- phList$ped
hList <- phList$hList
qtlList <- HaploSim::ListQTL(hList = hList,frqtl = 0.1,sigma2qtl = 1)
qtl <- tapply(unlist(qtlList),list(rep(names(qtlList),times = unlist(lapply(qtlList,length))),
                   unlist(lapply(qtlList,function(x)seq(1,length(x))))),mean,na.rm = TRUE)
qtl <- reshape::melt(qtl)
names(qtl) <- c("POS","TRAIT","a")
HH <- HaploSim::getAll(hList,translatePos = FALSE)
rownames(HH) <- sapply(hList,function(x)x@hID)
QQ <- HH[,match(qtl$POS,colnames(HH))]
g <- QQ
ped$G <- with(ped,g[match(hID0,rownames(g))]+g[match(hID1,rownames(g))])
sigmae <- sqrt(var(ped$G)/h2 - var(ped$G))
ped$P <- ped$G + rnorm(nrow(ped),0,sigmae)
M <- with(ped,HH[match(hID0,rownames(HH)),] + HH[match(hID1,rownames(HH)),]) 
rownames(M) <- ped$ID
sol <- gblup(P~1,data = ped[,c('ID','P')],M = M,lambda = 1/h2 - 1)

pedigree documentation built on Aug. 14, 2022, 1:06 a.m.