marker_select: Select or remove attached markers

marker_selectR Documentation

Select or remove attached markers


Functions for manipulating markers attached to ped objects.


selectMarkers(x, markers = NULL, chroms = NULL, fromPos = NULL, toPos = NULL)

getMarkers(x, markers = NULL, chroms = NULL, fromPos = NULL, toPos = NULL)

removeMarkers(x, markers = NULL, chroms = NULL, fromPos = NULL, toPos = NULL)

whichMarkers(x, markers = NULL, chroms = NULL, fromPos = NULL, toPos = NULL)



A ped object, or a list of such


Either a character vector (with marker names), a numeric vector (with marker indices), a logical (of length nMarkers(x)), or NULL.


A vector of chromosome names, or NULL


A single number or NULL


A single number or NULL


If markers consists of negative integers, it will be converted to its complement within 1:nMarkers(x).


The return values of these functions are:

  • selectMarkers(): an object identical to x, but where only the indicated markers are kept

  • removeMarkers(): an object identical to x, but where the indicated markers are removed

  • getMarkers(): a list of marker objects. Note: If x is a list of pedigrees, the marker objects attached to the first component will be returned.

  • whichMarkers(): an integer vector with indices of the indicated markers. If x is a list of pedigrees an error is raised unless whichMarkers() gives the same result for all components.

See Also


pedtools documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:36 p.m.