
Defines functions .elnet_internal elnet

Documented in elnet

#' Compute the Least Squares (Adaptive) Elastic Net Regularization Path
#' Compute least squares EN estimates for linear regression with optional observation
#' weights and penalty loadings.
#' The elastic net estimator for the linear regression model solves
#' the optimization problem
#' \deqn{argmin_{\mu, \beta}
#'   (1/2n) \sum_i w_i (y_i - \mu - x_i' \beta)^2 +
#'   \lambda \sum_j 0.5 (1 - \alpha) \beta_j^2 + \alpha l_j |\beta_j|  }
#' with observation weights \eqn{w_i} and penalty loadings \eqn{l_j}.
#' @param x `n` by `p` matrix of numeric predictors.
#' @param y vector of response values of length `n`.
#'          For binary classification, `y` should be a factor with 2 levels.
#' @param alpha elastic net penalty mixing parameter with \eqn{0 \le \alpha \le 1}.
#'    `alpha = 1` is the LASSO penalty, and `alpha = 0` the Ridge penalty.
#'    Can be a vector of several values, but `alpha = 0` cannot be mixed with other values.
#' @param nlambda number of penalization levels.
#' @param lambda_min_ratio Smallest value of the penalization level as a fraction of the largest
#'    level (i.e., the smallest value for which all coefficients are zero).
#'    The default depends on the sample size relative to the number of variables and `alpha`.
#'    If more observations than variables are available, the default is `1e-3 * alpha`,
#'    otherwise `1e-2 * alpha`.
#' @param lambda optional user-supplied sequence of penalization levels.
#'    If given and not `NULL`, `nlambda` and `lambda_min_ratio` are ignored.
#' @param penalty_loadings a vector of positive penalty loadings (a.k.a. weights) for
#'    different penalization of each coefficient.
#' @param standardize standardize variables to have unit variance.
#'    Coefficients are always returned in original scale.
#' @param weights a vector of positive observation weights.
#' @param intercept include an intercept in the model.
#' @param sparse use sparse coefficient vectors.
#' @param en_algorithm_opts options for the EN algorithm. See [en_algorithm_options]
#'    for details.
#' @param eps numerical tolerance.
#' @param xtest defunct.
#' @param options deprecated. Use `en_algorithm_opts` instead.
#' @param correction defunct. Correction for EN estimates is not supported anymore.
#' @return a list-like object with the following items
#'    \describe{
#'      \item{`alpha`}{the sequence of `alpha` parameters.}
#'      \item{`lambda`}{a list of sequences of penalization levels, one per `alpha` parameter.}
#'      \item{`estimates`}{a list of estimates. Each estimate contains the following information:
#'         \describe{
#'           \item{`intercept`}{intercept estimate.}
#'           \item{`beta`}{beta (slope) estimate.}
#'           \item{`lambda`}{penalization level at which the estimate is computed.}
#'           \item{`alpha`}{*alpha* hyper-parameter at which the estimate is computed.}
#'           \item{`statuscode`}{if `> 0` the algorithm experienced issues when
#'                               computing the estimate.}
#'           \item{`status`}{optional status message from the algorithm.}
#'         }
#'      }
#'      \item{`call`}{the original call.}
#'    }
#' @example examples/ls_elnet.R
#' @aliases adaelnet adaen
#' @family functions for computing non-robust estimates
#' @seealso [pense()] for an S-estimate of regression with elastic net penalty.
#' @seealso [coef.pense_fit()] for extracting coefficient estimates.
#' @seealso [plot.pense_fit()] for plotting the regularization path.
#' @export
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecated is_present
#' @importFrom rlang exec
elnet <- function(x, y, alpha, nlambda = 100, lambda_min_ratio, lambda, penalty_loadings, weights,
                  intercept = TRUE, en_algorithm_opts, sparse = FALSE, eps = 1e-6,
                  standardize = TRUE,
                  correction = deprecated(), xtest = deprecated(), options = deprecated()) {
  if (is_present(xtest)) {
    deprecate_stop('2.0.0', 'elnet(xtest=)')
  if (is_present(correction)) {
    deprecate_stop('2.0.0', 'elnet(correction=)')

  call <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  args <- as.list(call[-1L])
  args$standardize <- isTRUE(standardize)  # Ignore standardize = 'cv_only'!
  args <- do.call(.elnet_args, args, envir = parent.frame())

  fits <- mapply(
    args$alpha, args$lambda,
    FUN = function (alpha, lambda) {
      fit <- .elnet_internal(args$std_data$x, args$std_data$y,
                             alpha = alpha,
                             lambda = lambda,
                             penalty_loadings = args$penalty_loadings,
                             weights = args$weights,
                             intercept = args$intercept,
                             optional_args = args$optional_args)

      fit$estimates <- lapply(
        unlist(fit$estimates, recursive = FALSE),
        function (est) {
      fit$estimates <- .metrics_attrib(fit$estimates, fit$metrics)
      fit$lambda <- unlist(vapply(fit$estimates, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1),
                                  FUN = `[[`, 'lambda'),
                           use.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE)
      fit$alpha <- alpha

    call = call,
    lambda = args$lambda,
    metrics = lapply(fits, function (f) { attr(f$estimates, 'metrics') }),
    estimates = unlist(lapply(fits, `[[`, 'estimates'), recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE),
    alpha = vapply(fits, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L), FUN = `[[`, 'alpha', USE.NAMES = FALSE)),
    class = c('pense_en', 'pense_fit'))

#' Cross-validation for Least-Squares (Adaptive) Elastic Net Estimates
#' Perform (repeated) K-fold cross-validation for [elnet()].
#' @inheritParams elnet
#' @template cv_params
#' @inheritDotParams elnet
#' @param ncores deprecated and not used anymore.
#' @seealso [elnet()] for computing the LS-EN regularization path without cross-validation.
#' @seealso [pense_cv()] for cross-validation of S-estimates of regression with elastic net penalty.
#' @return a list-like object with the same components as returned by [elnet()],
#'    plus the following:
#'    \describe{
#'      \item{`cvres`}{data frame of average cross-validated performance.}
#'    }
#' @family functions for computing non-robust estimates
#' @seealso [coef.pense_cvfit()] for extracting coefficient estimates.
#' @seealso [plot.pense_cvfit()] for plotting the CV performance or the regularization path.
#' @example examples/ls_elnet.R
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecate_stop deprecated is_present
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
elnet_cv <- function (x, y, lambda, cv_k, cv_repl = 1,
                      cv_metric = c('rmspe', 'tau_size', 'mape', 'auroc'), fit_all = TRUE,
                      cl = NULL, ncores = deprecated(), ...) {
  call <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
  args <- do.call(.elnet_args, as.list(call[-1L]), envir = parent.frame())

  fit_ses <- if (is.character(fit_all)) {
    unique(vapply(fit_all, FUN = .parse_se_string, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L), only_fact = TRUE,
                  USE.NAMES = FALSE))
  } else if (isFALSE(fit_all)) {
    .parse_se_string('min', only_fact = TRUE)
  } else {

  cv_k <- .as(cv_k[[1L]], 'integer')
  cv_repl <- .as(cv_repl[[1L]], 'integer')

  if (cv_k < 2L) {
    abort("`cv_k` must be greater than 1.")

  if (cv_repl < 1L) {
    abort("`cv_repl` must be greater than 0.")

  if (identical(cv_repl, 1L) && any(fit_ses > 0)) {
    warn("To use `fit_all = \"se\"`, `cv_repl` must be 2 or greater.")
    fit_ses <- 0

  if (is_present(ncores)) {
    deprecate_stop('2.0.0', 'elnet_cv(ncores=)',
                   details = "Please specify the `parallel` cluster with argument `cl`.")
  if (!is.null(cl) && !is(cl, 'cluster')) {
    abort("`cl` must be a valid `parallel` cluster.")

  cv_metric <- if (is.null(call$cv_metric) && args$binary_response) {
    cv_measure_str <- 'auroc'
  } else if (is.character(cv_metric)) {
    cv_measure_str <- match.arg(cv_metric)
    switch(cv_measure_str, mape = .cv_mape, rmspe = .cv_rmspe, tau_size = tau_size,
           auroc = if (args$binary_response) {
           } else {
             abort("cv_metric=\"auroc\" is only valid for binary responses.")
  } else {
    cv_measure_str <- 'user_fun'

  if (is.null(formals(cv_metric))) {
    abort("Function `cv_metric` must accept at least 1 argument.")

  # Get a common seed to be used for every alpha value
  fit_seed <- sample.int(.Machine$integer.max, 1L)

  cv_curves <- mapply(
    args$alpha, args$lambda,
    FUN = function (alpha, lambda) {
      cv_fun <- function (train_data, test_ind, handler_args) {
        cv_fit <- .elnet_internal(
          train_data$x, train_data$y,
          alpha = handler_args$alpha,
          lambda = handler_args$lambda,
          penalty_loadings = handler_args$args$penalty_loadings,
          weights = handler_args$args$weights[-test_ind],
          intercept = handler_args$args$intercept,
          optional_args = handler_args$args$optional_args)

        lapply(cv_fit$estimates, `[[`, 1L)

      cv_perf <- .run_replicated_cv(args$std_data,
                                    cv_k = cv_k,
                                    cv_repl = cv_repl,
                                    metric = cv_metric,
                                    cv_est_fun = cv_fun,
                                    par_cluster = cl,
                                    handler_args = list(args = args,
                                                        alpha = alpha,
                                                        lambda = lambda))

      data.frame(lambda = lambda, alpha = alpha,
                 cvavg = rowMeans(cv_perf),
                 cvse = if (cv_repl > 1L) { apply(cv_perf, 1, sd) } else { 0 })

  cv_curves <- do.call(rbind, cv_curves)

  if (isTRUE(fit_ses)) {
    fit_lambda <- args$lambda
  } else {
    fit_lambda <- lapply(args$alpha, function (alpha) {
      rows <- which((cv_curves$alpha - alpha)^2 < .Machine$double.eps)

      lambda_inds <- vapply(fit_ses, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L), FUN = function (se_fact) {
        which(.cv_se_selection(cv_curves$cvavg[rows], cv_curves$cvse[rows], se_fact) == 'se_fact')

  fits <- mapply(
    args$alpha, fit_lambda,
    FUN = function (alpha, lambda) {
      fit <- .elnet_internal(args$std_data$x, args$std_data$y,
                             alpha = alpha,
                             lambda = lambda,
                             penalty_loadings = args$penalty_loadings,
                             weights = args$weights,
                             intercept = args$intercept,
                             optional_args = args$optional_args)

      fit$estimates <- lapply(
        unlist(fit$estimates, recursive = FALSE),
        function (est) {
      fit$estimates <- .metrics_attrib(fit$estimates, fit$metrics)
      fit$lambda <- unlist(vapply(fit$estimates, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1),
                                  FUN = `[[`, 'lambda'),
                           use.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE)
      fit$alpha <- alpha

    call = call,
    cvres = cv_curves,
    cv_measure = cv_measure_str,
    lambda = args$lambda,
    metrics = lapply(fits, function (f) { attr(f$estimates, 'metrics') }),
    estimates = unlist(lapply(fits, `[[`, 'estimates'), recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE),
    alpha = vapply(fits, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L), FUN = `[[`, 'alpha', USE.NAMES = FALSE)),
    class = c('pense_en', 'pense_cvfit'))

## Perform some final input adjustments and call the internal C++ code.
.elnet_internal <- function(x, y, alpha, lambda, penalty_loadings, weights, intercept, optional_args) {
  # Create penalties-list, without sorting the lambda sequence
  penalties <- lapply(lambda, function (l) { list(lambda = l, alpha = alpha) })
  intercept <- isTRUE(intercept)

  if (!is.null(penalty_loadings)) {
    optional_args$pen_loadings <- penalty_loadings

  if (!is.null(weights)) {
    optional_args$obs_weights <- weights

  return(.Call(C_lsen_regression, x, y, penalties, intercept, optional_args))

## Check and parse user-supplied arguments
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecate_stop deprecated is_present
#' @importFrom rlang warn abort
#' @importFrom stats runif
.elnet_args <- function (x, y, alpha, nlambda = 100, lambda_min_ratio, lambda, penalty_loadings, weights,
                         intercept = TRUE, en_algorithm_opts, sparse = FALSE, eps = 1e-6, standardize = TRUE,
                         correction = deprecated(), xtest = deprecated(), options = deprecated(), ...) {
  optional_args <- list()

  if (is_present(options)) {
    deprecate_stop('2.0.0', 'elnet(options=)', 'elnet(en_algorithm_opts=)')

  if (is_present(correction)) {
    deprecate_stop('2.0.0', 'elnet(correction=)', 'coef()')

  if (is_present(xtest)) {
    deprecate_stop('2.0.0', 'elnet(xtest=)')

  # Normalize input
  response <- .validate_response(y)
  y <- response$values
  x_dim <- dim(x)

  if (length(y) != x_dim[[1L]]) {
    abort("Number of observations does not match between `x` and `y`.")
  } else if (x_dim[[2L]] <= 1L) {
    abort("`x` must be a matrix with at least 2 columns.")

  intercept <- !isFALSE(intercept)
  standardize <- if (is.character(standardize)) {
    if (is.na(pmatch(standardize[[1L]], 'cv_only'))) {
      abort("`standardize` must be either TRUE/FALSE or \"cv_only\".")
    } else {
      standardize <- 'cv_only'
  } else {

  alpha <- .as(alpha, 'numeric')
  if (any(alpha < 0 | alpha > 1)) {
    abort("`alpha` is outside 0 and 1.")
  } else if (any(alpha < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))) {
    alpha[which(alpha < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))] <- 0
    if (any(alpha > 0)) {
      abort("`alpha=0` cannot be mixed with other `alpha` values.")

  sparse <- .as(sparse[[1L]], 'logical')

  # Check EN algorithm
  if (missing(en_algorithm_opts)) {
    en_algorithm_opts <- NULL
  optional_args$en_options <- .select_en_algorithm(en_algorithm_opts, alpha, sparse, eps)
  sparse <- optional_args$en_options$sparse

  weights <- if (!missing(weights)) {
    if (length(weights) != x_dim[[1L]]) {
      abort("Observation weights are not the same length as `y`.")
    .as(weights, 'numeric')
  } else {

  # Check penalty loadings
  if (!missing(penalty_loadings) && !is.null(penalty_loadings)) {
    checked_pls <- .prepare_penalty_loadings(penalty_loadings, x, alpha, sparse = sparse)
    penalty_loadings <- checked_pls$loadings
    restore_coef_length <- checked_pls$restore_fun
    x <- checked_pls$trimmed_x
  } else {
    restore_coef_length <- function (coef) coef
    penalty_loadings <- NULL

  if (ncol(x) == 0L) {
    warn("All values in `penalty_loadings` are infinite. Only computing the intercept.")
    std_data <- .standardize_data(matrix(runif(x_dim[[1L]]), ncol = 1L), y,
                                  intercept = intercept, sparse = sparse,
                                  standardize = standardize, robust = FALSE)
    lambda <- lapply(alpha, FUN = .elnet_max_lambda,
                     x = std_data$x, y = std_data$y, weights = weights,
                     penalty_loadings = NULL)

    return(list(std_data = std_data,
                alpha = alpha,
                lambda = lambda,
                weights = weights,
                penalty_loadings = NULL,
                intercept = intercept,
                optional_args = optional_args,
                restore_coef_length = restore_coef_length))

  std_data <- .standardize_data(x, y, intercept = intercept, standardize = isTRUE(standardize),
                                robust = FALSE, sparse = sparse)

  # Scale penalty loadings appropriately
  penalty_loadings <- penalty_loadings / std_data$scale_x
  if (length(penalty_loadings) == 0L) {
    penalty_loadings <- NULL

  lambda <- if (missing(lambda) || is.null(lambda)) {
    if (missing(lambda_min_ratio)) {
      lambda_min_ratio <- NULL

    lapply(alpha, FUN = function (a) {
      if (is.null(lambda_min_ratio)) {
        lambda_min_ratio <- max(0.01, alpha) * if (x_dim[[1L]] > x_dim[[2L]]) { 1e-3 } else { 1e-2 }
      max_lambda <- .elnet_max_lambda(std_data$x, std_data$y, a, weights, penalty_loadings)
      rev(exp(seq(log(lambda_min_ratio * max_lambda), log(max_lambda), length.out = nlambda)))
  } else if (!is.list(lambda)) {
    rep.int(list(sort(.as(lambda, 'numeric'), decreasing = TRUE)), length(alpha))
  } else if (identical(length(lambda), length(alpha))) {
    lapply(lambda, function (l) {
      sort(.as(l, 'numeric'), decreasing = TRUE)
  } else {
    abort("`lambda` must either be a numeric vector or a list the same length as `alpha`.")

  return(list(std_data = std_data,
              binary_response = response$binary,
              alpha = alpha,
              lambda = lambda,
              weights = weights,
              penalty_loadings = penalty_loadings,
              intercept = intercept,
              optional_args = optional_args,
              restore_coef_length = restore_coef_length))

#' @importFrom stats cov
.elnet_max_lambda <- function (x, y, alpha, weights, penalty_loadings) {
  max_cov <- if (is.null(weights)) {
    if (is.null(penalty_loadings)) {
      max(abs(cov(x, y)))
    } else {
      max(abs(cov(x, y)) / penalty_loadings)
  } else {
    if (is.null(penalty_loadings)) {
      max(abs(cov(x, y * weights)))
    } else {
      max(abs(cov(x, y * weights)) / penalty_loadings)

  ((nrow(x) - 1) / nrow(x)) * max_cov / max(0.01, alpha)

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