
Defines functions residuals.perryTuning fitted.perryTuning coef.perryTuning nfits.perrySelect nfits.perry nfits npe.perrySelect npe.perry npe fits.perrySelect fits.perry fits peNames.perrySelect peNames.perry peNames

Documented in coef.perryTuning fits fitted.perryTuning nfits npe peNames residuals.perryTuning

# --------------------------------------
# Author: Andreas Alfons
#         Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
# --------------------------------------

#' Access or set information on resampling-based prediction error results
#' Retrieve or set the names of resampling-based prediction error results,
#' retrieve or set the identifiers of the models, or retrieve the number of
#' prediction error results or included models.
#' @rdname accessors
#' @name accessors
#' @param x  an object inheriting from class \code{"perry"} or
#' \code{"perrySelect"} that contains prediction error results.
#' @param value  a vector of replacement values.
#' @return
#' \code{peNames} returns the names of the prediction error results.  The
#' replacement function thereby returns them invisibly.
#' \code{fits} returns the identifiers of the models for objects inheriting
#' from class \code{"perrySelect"} and \code{NULL} for objects inheriting from
#' class \code{"perry"}.  The replacement function thereby returns those values
#' invisibly.
#' \code{npe} returns the number of prediction error results.
#' \code{nfits} returns the number of models included in objects inheriting
#' from class \code{"perrySelect"} and \code{NULL} for objects inheriting from
#' class \code{"perry"}.
#' @author Andreas Alfons
#' @seealso \code{\link{perryFit}}, \code{\link{perrySelect}},
#' \code{\link{perryTuning}}
#' @example inst/doc/examples/example-accessors.R
#' @keywords utilities


#' @rdname accessors
#' @export
peNames <- function(x) UseMethod("peNames")

#' @export
peNames.perry <- function(x) names(x$pe)

#' @export
peNames.perrySelect <- function(x) names(x$pe)[-1]

#' @rdname accessors
#' @usage peNames(x) <- value
#' @export
"peNames<-" <- function(x, value) UseMethod("peNames<-")

#' @export
"peNames<-.perry" <- function(x, value) {
  object <- x
  names(object$pe) <- names(object$se) <- value
  if(hasComponent(object, "reps")) colnames(object$reps) <- value
  eval.parent(substitute(x <- object))

#' @export
"peNames<-.perrySelect" <- function(x, value) {
  object <- x
  names(object$best) <- value
  value <- c("Fit", value)
  names(object$pe) <- names(object$se) <- value
  if(hasComponent(object, "reps")) names(object$reps) <- value
  eval.parent(substitute(x <- object))

#' @rdname accessors
#' @export
fits <- function(x) UseMethod("fits")

#' @export
fits.perry <- function(x) NULL

#' @export
fits.perrySelect <- function(x) x$pe$Fit

#' @rdname accessors
#' @usage fits(x) <- value
#' @export
"fits<-" <- function(x, value) UseMethod("fits<-")

#' @export
"fits<-.perry" <- function(x, value) eval.parent(substitute(x))

#' @export
"fits<-.perrySelect" <- function(x, value) {
  object <- x
  if(is.factor(value)) value <- factor(as.character(value), levels=value)
  object$pe$Fit <- object$se$Fit <- value
  if(!is.null(reps <- x$reps)) {
    indices <- match(reps$Fit, x$pe$Fit, nomatch=0)
    object$reps$Fit <- value[indices]
  names(object$yHat) <- value
  eval.parent(substitute(x <- object))

#' @rdname accessors
#' @export
npe <- function(x) UseMethod("npe")

#' @export
npe.perry <- function(x) length(x$pe)

#' @export
npe.perrySelect <- function(x) ncol(x$pe) - 1

#' @rdname accessors
#' @export
nfits <- function(x) UseMethod("nfits")

#' @export
nfits.perry <- function(x) nrow(x$pe)

#' @export
nfits.perrySelect <- function(x) nrow(x$pe)

# ## @rdname accessors
# ## @export
# getR <- function(x) UseMethod("getR")
# ## @S3method getR cvFolds
# ## @S3method getR randomSplits
# ## @S3method getR bootSamples
# getR.cvFolds <- getR.randomSplits <- getR.bootSamples <- function(x) x$R
# ## @S3method getR perry
# ## @S3method getR perrySelect
# getR.perry <- getR.perrySelect <- function(x) getR(x$splits)

# -------------------------

#' @export
coef.perryTuning <- function(object, ...) {
  finalModel <- object$finalModel
  if(is.null(finalModel)) stop("final model not available")
  coef(finalModel, ...)

#' @export
fitted.perryTuning <- function(object, ...) {
  finalModel <- object$finalModel
  if(is.null(finalModel)) stop("final model not available")
  fitted(finalModel, ...)

#' @export
residuals.perryTuning <- function(object, ...) {
  finalModel <- object$finalModel
  if(is.null(finalModel)) stop("final model not available")
  residuals(finalModel, ...)

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perry documentation built on Nov. 3, 2021, 5:08 p.m.