# --------------------------------------
# Author: Andreas Alfons
# Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
# --------------------------------------
#' Subsetting resampling-based prediction error results
#' Extract subsets of resampling-based prediction error results.
#' @method subset perry
#' @param x an object inheriting from class \code{"perry"} or
#' \code{"perrySelect"} that contains prediction error results.
#' @param subset a character, integer or logical vector indicating the subset
#' of models for which to keep the prediction error results.
#' @param select a character, integer or logical vector indicating the
#' prediction error results to be extracted.
#' @param \dots currently ignored.
#' @return An object similar to \code{x} containing just the selected results.
#' @note Duplicate indices in \code{subset} or \code{select} are removed such
#' that all models and prediction error results are unique.
#' @author Andreas Alfons
#' @seealso \code{\link{perryFit}}, \code{\link{perrySelect}},
#' \code{\link{perryTuning}}, \code{\link{subset}}
#' @example inst/doc/examples/example-subset.R
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
subset.perry <- function(x, select = NULL, ...) {
# initializations
if(npe(x) == 0 || is.null(select)) return(x)
peNames <- peNames(x)
select <- checkSelect(select, peNames)
# extract subset of results
x$pe <- x$pe[select]
x$se <- x$se[select]
if(!is.null(reps <- x$reps)) x$reps <- reps[, select, drop=FALSE]
x$yHat <- lapply(x$yHat, subsetPredictions, select, peNames, ncol(x$y))
# return subset
#' @rdname subset.perry
#' @method subset perrySelect
#' @export
subset.perrySelect <- function(x, subset = NULL, select = NULL, ...) {
# initializations
pe <- x$pe
se <- x$se
reps <- x$reps
yHat <- x$yHat
peNames <- peNames(x)
if(!is.null(select)) select <- checkSelect(select, peNames)
# extract subset of models
if(is.null(subset)) {
if(!is.null(select)) {
x$best <- x$best[select]
x$yHat <- lapply(yHat, function(yHat, select, p) {
lapply(yHat, subsetPredictions, select, peNames, p)
}, select, ncol(x$y))
select <- c("Fit", select) # also select column describing models
x$pe <- pe[, select, drop=FALSE]
x$se <- se[, select, drop=FALSE]
if(!is.null(reps)) x$reps <- reps[, select, drop=FALSE]
} else {
# further initializations
fits <- fits(x)
subset <- checkSelect(subset, fits, returnNames=FALSE)
# extract predictions
yHat <- yHat[subset]
if(!is.null(select)) {
yHat <- lapply(yHat, function(yHat, select, p) {
lapply(yHat, subsetPredictions, select, peNames, p)
}, select, ncol(x$y))
x$yHat <- yHat
# extract results for the models to keep
if(is.null(select)) {
pe <- pe[subset, , drop=FALSE]
se <- se[subset, , drop=FALSE]
} else {
select <- c("Fit", select) # include column describing models
pe <- pe[subset, select, drop=FALSE]
se <- se[subset, select, drop=FALSE]
x$pe <- pe
x$se <- se
# extract the CV replicates for the models to keep
if(!is.null(reps)) {
# get list indices of replicates for each model, select the list
# components to keep, and flatten the list to an index vector
indices <- split(seq_len(nrow(reps)), reps$Fit)[subset]
indices <- unlist(indices, use.names=FALSE)
# use index vector to extract CV replicates
if(is.null(select)) x$reps <- reps[indices, , drop=FALSE]
else x$reps <- reps[indices, select, drop=FALSE]
# find best model among the remaining ones
if(nrow(pe) > 0 && ncol(pe) > 1) {
best <- selectBest(pe, se, method=x$selectBest, seFactor=x$seFactor)
x[names(best)] <- best
} else x$best <- x$best[integer()] # this ensures empty integer vector
# extract tuning parameters for the models to keep if applicable
if(inherits(x, "perryTuning")) x$tuning <- x$tuning[subset, , drop=FALSE]
# make sure that fits of subset are correct
fits <- fits[subset] # models to keep
haveFactor <- is.factor(fits)
if(haveFactor) {
# for a factor, unused levels should be dropped and
# remaining levels should be in the right order
fits <- as.character(fits)
fits <- factor(fits, levels=fits)
fits(x) <- fits
# remove final model and return subset
if(inherits(x, "perryTuning")) x$finalModel <- NULL
# extract subsets of predictions
# p ......... number of columns in the response
# peNames ... names of prediction error results
subsetPredictions <- function(yHat, select, peNames, p) {
q <- ncol(yHat)
if(is.null(q)) {
# univariate response and predictions
yHat <- as.matrix(yHat)
colnames(yHat) <- peNames
yHat[, select]
} else if(isTRUE(p == q) && q > 1) {
# multivariate response
if(length(select) == 0) yHat[, select] else yHat
} else {
# univariate response and multiple predictions
yHat[, select]
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