
Defines functions write.aes

Documented in write.aes

#' @title
#' Write Encrypted Data.
#' @description
#' Write data to encrypted file.
#' @details
#' Writes data to an encrypted file. To read data from an encrypted file, see
#' \link{read.aes}.
#' @param df Data to encrypt.
#' @param filename Location where to save encrypted data.
#' @param key Encryption key.
#' @return
#' A file with encrypted data.
#' @family encrypted
#' @export
#' @importFrom digest AES
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Location Where to Save Encryption Key on Local Computer
#'   #(where only you should have access to it)
#' #encryptionKeyLocation <- file.path(getwd(), "/encryptionKey.RData",
#' #  fsep = "") #Can change to a different path, e.g.: "C:/Users/[USERNAME]/"
#' # Generate a Temporary File Path for Encryption Key
#' encryptionKeyLocation <- tempfile(fileext = ".RData")
#' # Generate Encryption Key
#' key <- as.raw(sample(1:16, 16))
#' # Save Encryption Key
#' save(key, file = encryptionKeyLocation)
#' # Specify Credentials
#' credentials <- "Insert My Credentials Here"
#' # Generate a Temporary File Path for Encrypted Credentials
#' encryptedCredentialsLocation <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
#' # Save Encrypted Credentials
#' #write.aes(
#' #  df = credentials,
#' #  filename = file.path(getwd(), "/encrypytedCredentials.txt", fsep = ""),
#' #  key = key) #Change the file location to save this on the lab drive
#' write.aes(
#'   df = credentials,
#'   filename = encryptedCredentialsLocation,
#'   key = key)
#' rm(credentials)
#' rm(key)
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \url{https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25318800/how-do-i-read-an-encrypted-file-from-disk-with-r/25321586#25321586}

write.aes <- function(df, filename, key) {
  zz <- textConnection("out", "w")
  write.csv(df, zz, row.names = FALSE)
  out <- paste(out, collapse = "\n")
  raw <- charToRaw(out)
  raw <- c(raw, as.raw(rep(0, 16 - length(raw) %% 16)))
  aes <- AES(key, mode = "ECB")
  writeBin(aes$encrypt(raw), filename)

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petersenlab documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:34 a.m.