| R Documentation |
Dataset containing mean, maximum, minimum and standard deviation values for global radiation data expressed as (energy) irradiance. Each value is a summary 12 consecutive readings acquired once every 5 s.
A data frame with 24479 rows and 5 variables. variables.
The variables are as follows:
time_EEST POSIXct Local time according to EET coordinates.
e_irrad_mean numeric (W m-2)
e_irrad_min numeric (W m-2)
e_irrad_max numeric (W m-2)
e_irrad_sd numeric (W m-2)
Instrument used: Kipp SMP3 smart pyranometer, factory calibrated, mounted on tripod at approximately 2 m height. Data collected with a Campbell Scientific CR6 datalogger. Wavelength sensitivity range of the pyranometer is 300 nm to 2800 nm. Location: Viikki campus of the University of Helsinki. Coordinates: 60.226803 N, 25.019205 E.
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