phyloland-package: Modelling competition and dispersal in a statistical...

Description Details


The R package "phyloland" implements a landscape colonization model in a statistical phylogeographic framework, explicitely modelling dispersal and competition. The model aims at testing whether these two factors have had a significant impact on the process of landscape colonization that explains the current geographical distribution of the evolutionary units under study. Given (i) their phylogeny and (ii) their geographic location, the distributions of these two parameters is estimated.

The landscape is defined in a 2-dimensional space (latitude and longitude) as a set of locations that can be colonized through a sequence of dated dispersal events. According to this approach, dispersals are mapped on the genealogy, each internal node corresponding to a specific dispersal event.

This model takes into account two constraints on dispersals :

The 3 model parameters are :

Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms are used to sample the model parameters and the geographic locations at the internal ndoes of the phylogeny. Uniform distributions are used as prior distribution for all parameters.


The following package functions allow the user to implement the model and investigate the results :

phyloland documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:46 a.m.